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Negative role of Ansar Abbasi against Pakistan Armed Forces


Aug 23, 2007
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Ansar Abbasi has been playing a pro Nawaz Sharif and anti Pakistan Armed Forces role for a while but now his reporting has become anti Pakistan.

Pakistan Army is making tremondous sacrifcies and are defeating the enemies of Pakistan BUT Ansar Abbasi decides to accuse Pakistan Army of extra judicial killings.

AA: In what appears to be a straightforward case of extra-judicial killings in the middle of the Swat military operation, two displaced persons from Buner, a father and a son, who were arrested from Mardan and kept in police custody there, were found dead, blindfolded and hands tied on May 30 in Buner.

Swat operation

A common practice against insurgents is to offer head money. The US govt. and all other developed nations have this practice. Head money helps to save unnecessary casualties of armed forces and civilians alike.

Mr. Abbasi thinks that Pakistani Intelligence Agencies have failed against terrorists therefore they are offering head money.

The announcement of head-money in millions on all the top commanders of the Taliban in Swat presents a perfect case of intelligence agencies’ failure to hunt down the extremist-cum-terrorist networks, as all the top commanders are still wanted and none has been apprehended or killed.

Head money on top terrorists shows failure of spy agencies

This is absurd and out of place. This gentleman knows the present situation of Pakistan and yet he is coming out with such allegations and stories.

If Ansar Abbasi had any love for this country he should have gone to the DG ISPR and advised him on such allegations.

This is the time to stand behind ISI and Pakistan Armed Forces and it is also the time to recognize these opportunists!
Here is one more allegation regarding the PAF:

Defence deals of the Pakistan Air Force in recent years, worth billions of US dollars, need a public scrutiny amid growing reports of kickbacks, procedural violations and compromise on technology.

PAF defends charges but a probe is needed

Amazing how Ansar Abbasi doesnèt write about his boss Javed-ur-Rehman and Shakil-ur-Rehman. Both Javed and Shakil are involved in the high value plot scams and satta bazi.

Both Javed-ur-Rehman and Shakil-ur-Rehman are owners of Jang Group and they use LKarachi Stock Exchange to black mail politicians. These guys are the biggest threat to dfemocracy in Pakistan and should be tried for treason.

Amazing how Ansar Abbasi doesnèt investigates these two guys.
well, he a organized blackmailer working for his bosses , who were paid by CIA:angry:
really, he needs to be taken out, & he should be RIP. QISA KHATAM?;):sniper:
Ansar Abbasi has reduced himself to trying to dig up dirt on the Military.

A few weeks back he had an article on Musharraf's electricity bill.

I think the poor chap was severely shocked when his 'Quaid' Nawaz Sharif decided to support the war against extremists, which Abbasi had opposed all along (Islamist that he is) and was having a ball painting the PPP government as an extension of the Musharraf regime because it was pursuing a military operation against the extremists.

Have no doubt, if Nawaz ever shifts his stance, Abbasi is not going to waste a second blasting the military operations and the military again.

He is a Taliban sympathizer to the core IMO.
Ansar Abbasi has reduced himself to trying to dig up dirt on the Military.

A few weeks back he had an article on Musharraf's electricity bill.

I think the poor chap was severely shocked when his 'Quaid' Nawaz Sharif decided to support the war against extremists, which Abbasi had opposed all along (Islamist that he is) and was having a ball painting the PPP government as an extension of the Musharraf regime because it was pursuing a military operation against the extremists.

Have no doubt, if Nawaz ever shifts his stance, Abbasi is not going to waste a second blasting the military operations and the military again.

He is a Taliban sympathizer to the core IMO.

He may be a Taliban sympathizer, but the above two stories the ones SSPGA posted does not prove it. He is a reporter and it is his duty to report.

Seems like he is saying what he saw. If he is wrong consistently, he can be called incompetent at worst. Why unpatriotic? I can't see any malice in reporting about two people killed in strange circumstances.
I read through the whole article. I tried mentally replacing the word India wherever Pakistan was written and still I could find nothing offensive about the articles. Maybe I am used to US or Indian reporting - It was US media that broke the Abu Ghraib story and again Indian press that bought up the issue of bribes in Indian arms purchases. I believe a fair and brave press is a good thing.
WTF- Iraq war was not a serious issue for US but for Pakistan it must win SWAT Valley or the country is doomed and these taliban supporters are trying to their best to halt the military operation.
If some one involved in corruption in army or any other government institution that does not mean whole institution is corrupt that black sheep must be trailed and punished.Unfortunately our media is not free and fair
I read through the whole article. I tried mentally replacing the word India wherever Pakistan was written and still I could find nothing offensive about the articles. Maybe I am used to US or Indian reporting - It was US media that broke the Abu Ghraib story and again Indian press that bought up the issue of bribes in Indian arms purchases. I believe a fair and brave press is a good thing.

I have no objection to reporting the truth but media around the world don't raise issues against its own govt when they are working to save the country.

There is a proper channel to lodge complains against the military and AA can use that channel anytime.

Besides, all of his reporting ios dependent on 'sources' which have no names. Most of the politicians are blackmailed so they don't take him to the court.

Why this retard never reports on corruption by NS? or the how come his investigation doesn't work against the forces working against Pakistan?
I have no objection to reporting the truth but media around the world don't raise issues against its own govt when they are working to save the country.

There is a proper channel to lodge complains against the military and AA can use that channel anytime.

Besides, all of his reporting ios dependent on 'sources' which have no names. Most of the politicians are blackmailed so they don't take him to the court.

Why this retard never reports on corruption by NS? or the how come his investigation doesn't work against the forces working against Pakistan?

I cannot comment with much experience about situation in Pakistan.

In most countries, the press brings out stories about things that could not have been solved through direct channels. For example, Watergate scandal - that story was at the time US was having ping-pong diplomacy and other major foreign policy initiatives. It could not have been handled any other way as the results proved (Nixon firing his staff, resignations of top intelligence people and Nixon resignation). Most of Swat is already out of reach to newspapers, so there is no way an impartial judgement can be made. And any army fighting between houses will end up killing innocents (call it collateral damage if you will) and raising those stories are important for a civil society. I see a parallel with Indian media reporting from Kashmir - usually they are quick to point out excesses by Army.

Now about timing - I prefer stories that are timely.If the government does not want news reported, the right thing to do is to announce a state of emergency in the country. If the situation in Swat is critical, either that or a press-censorship bill by the govt. is the right move.

Asking why he does not write about other corruption issues is pointless- one man can only do so much. He is a reporter working on a salary, not the Pakistan anti-corruption agency, is he not?

Anyway, reading up a bit more I found that he has openly expressed pro-Taliban, anti-American views on interviews. That clearly is biased and can be legitimate reason for suspicion of bias in reporting. The above stories you posted were probably not the best examples to show that AA was not a good reporter.
I cannot comment with much experience about situation in Pakistan.

In most countries, the press brings out stories about things that could not have been solved through direct channels. For example, Watergate scandal - that story was at the time US was having ping-pong diplomacy and other major foreign policy initiatives. It could not have been handled any other way as the results proved (Nixon firing his staff, resignations of top intelligence people and Nixon resignation). Most of Swat is already out of reach to newspapers, so there is no way an impartial judgement can be made. And any army fighting between houses will end up killing innocents (call it collateral damage if you will) and raising those stories are important for a civil society. I see a parallel with Indian media reporting from Kashmir - usually they are quick to point out excesses by Army..

US was not in a do or die situation but Pakistan is ... These stories regarding civilian casualties are important but they should also include the atrocities of these Talibans ... Also bringing these stories out will serve the militants and not the civil society

Anyway, reading up a bit more I found that he has openly expressed pro-Taliban, anti-American views on interviews. That clearly is biased and can be legitimate reason for suspicion of bias in reporting. The above stories you posted were probably not the best examples to show that AA was not a good reporter.

Most of the Pakistanis know about the POV Mr. Ansari so I only posted the recent isues.

Glad taht you are able to notice his bias and this is what bothers us ... his intent seems to be to support the militants indirectly ... these reports are going to be used by NS later on for political purposes too ...
I cannot comment with much experience about situation in Pakistan.

In most countries, the press brings out stories about things that could not have been solved through direct channels. For example, Watergate scandal - that story was at the time US was having ping-pong diplomacy and other major foreign policy initiatives. It could not have been handled any other way as the results proved (Nixon firing his staff, resignations of top intelligence people and Nixon resignation). Most of Swat is already out of reach to newspapers, so there is no way an impartial judgment can be made. And any army fighting between houses will end up killing innocents (call it collateral damage if you will) and raising those stories are important for a civil society. I see a parallel with Indian media reporting from Kashmir - usually they are quick to point out excesses by Army.

Now about timing - I prefer stories that are timely. If the government does not want news reported, the right thing to do is to announce a state of emergency in the country. If the situation in Swat is critical, either that or a press-censorship bill by the govt. is the right move.

Asking why he does not write about other corruption issues is pointless- one man can only do so much. He is a reporter working on a salary, not the Pakistan anti-corruption agency, is he not?
I'd give you credit for using your brain. I have also been making the similar arguments but those who don’t want to understand will never understand even if God send a prophet to them. I am a researcher-cum-Instructor and through my experience, I have learnt that a teacher or an instructor can only do so much; the real effort is made or not made by the other person and that depends on how much he is receptive towards a different point of view.

Anyway, reading up a bit more I found that he has openly expressed pro-Taliban, anti-American views on interviews. That clearly is biased and can be legitimate reason for suspicion of bias in reporting. The above stories you posted were probably not the best examples to show that AA was not a good reporter.
I am a little curious about this "pro-Taliban, anti-American views" of AA. Would you please give me references to such reports/interviews of AA?

Regarding being bias…what is ‘bias’? If you don’t agree with me, I would call you ‘bias’. This is one easy word to express my disagreement with you and at the same time try to put your integrity into question. There is not a single person on the face of this earth who is not called ‘bias’ by someone at one time or another.
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I am a little curious about this "pro-Taliban, anti-American views" of AA. Would you please give me references to such reports/interviews of AA?

Regarding being bias…what is ‘bias’? If you don’t agree with me, I would call you ‘bias’. This is one easy word to express my disagreement with you and at the same time try to put your integrity into question. There is not a single person on the face of this earth who is not called ‘bias’ by someone at one time or another.

May be you should use your head outside of research and teaching to understand bias.

I will try for one last time and then I will leave you alone :)

AA is bias when he investigates only anti NS politicians, his profession requires him to investigate all who are/were involved in corruption ...

CJP's son owns a BMW which is a fact, another fact is that AA inevstigated CJP and then kept his bloody mouth shut at the behest of agencies - so there goes his integrity and professionalism down the drain.
May be you should use your head outside of research and teaching to understand bias.

I will try for one last time and then I will leave you alone :)

AA is bias when he investigates only anti NS politicians, his profession requires him to investigate all who are/were involved in corruption ...

CJP's son owns a BMW which is a fact, another fact is that AA inevstigated CJP and then kept his bloody mouth shut at the behest of agencies - so there goes his integrity and professionalism down the drain.
No one can force him (AA) or anyone else to investigate against everybody. This is not called 'biased', it is called 'focused'. There are thousands of civil and military people who are knee-deep into corruption and you are suggesting that AA should investigate all of them. He still is one person with 12-16 hours at most to work. Time for you to use your brain my friend.

The charges against the CJP were taken to the SJC and he was not found guilty (Even Malik Qayum accepted that there was no concrete evidence), end of the story. If you have more concrete evidence, go and challenge the SJC ruling. This is just pointless bickering that CJ is corrupt and his son has a BMW. Even I with my meager salary can own a BMW of course on installments just like anybody. His son driving a BMW is no proof of any kind of CJPs corruption. Besides, he was not blamed for Arsalan's BMW, he was blamed for Arsalan's out-of-the-norm posting.

....behest of agencies....... Everyone knows that these 'agencies' work for the GoP not for the Judiciary. In fact if he (AA) had some concrete evidence against the CJP, he would have been forced to provide the 'agencies' with that material so that the dictator of that time could use that desperately needed proof against the CJP. Fact of the matter is that the Dictator and his civil and military cronies were not able to find a single thing that could justify the deposition of the CJP even though they had ISI, MI, FIA, and all other agencies at their disposal. And they were left with no lawful choice but to impose Emergency to achieve their disgusting objective.

CJ was not more popular than AQ Khan or was he? If Musharraf could handle AQ Khan, he could have easily thrown out the CJP but he failed miserably. The only reason that comes to mind is that CJPs hands were clean unlike AQ Khan's.
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IMO Ansar Abbassi is just a publicity seeking journalist out to make a name for himself. In most countries best way to sell newspapers is thru scandals, hence the term “Tabloid Press’. In Pakistan Go TV and Jang group has taken over the role of tabloids. How much of it is actually true is another matter.

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