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Need your help Regarding my Research paper

above... good topic....thanks for it..lakin dimaag mayra ghoom gya jya ga research karty karty lolz any how thanks
The possibility of a nuclear test in South Asia today and its impact

You can write a lot about it. What conditions should we take as suitable for tests, if a country wants that, What possible precautions(diplomatic) should be taken. The possible impacts.
You can analyze this for every country or stick to India and Pakistan.
Alamogordo, New Mexico : Washington, DC to Phunggye-Re : Pyongyang

Basically to do with journey of the bomb and what it has meant to each nation politically/strategically
why people are limitating it with respect to sub-continent? my suggestion is as under:-.

The Mushroom cloud, Reality in future or a Myth for Political Gains

I am sure this topic will allow u with unlimited spectrum of research and liberty to envelope the whole world, u be the judge...
OK guys the official topic for research paper has been decided by My teacher ` indo-pak arms race and how to stop it '
1, Pakistan’s bilateral relationship policy in the region

2, Utilizing natural resources of Pakistan to boost the economy
i phone

well i agree with you there is no way to stop it but people say that there is always way and we have to explore it
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