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Need to factor in our 106km border with Afghanistan: NSA

Interesting... That will make no land border between china and pakistan. Now I understand why india is not ready to accept the LOC as IB. Lets wait and watch how the geo politics play out.
Afghanistan is a democratic country like india. not a terrorist sponsoring country like Pakistan. these pakistani terrorist minded @$$holes thinks that they can control Afghanistan by sponsoring terrorism in Afghanistan, and always divide people based on religion.if you want a hell then you have pakistan.
and your word highlights your obsession with non-Muslims, and it is not surprising to see this kind of words from a pakistani.[/QUOTE ]

he was a Pakistani or you hate all Pakistanis.

As for as terrorism is concerned secret is out Afghans @ss wipes with the help of their Indian terrorist brothers were training and financing terrorist against Pakistan. We recently neutralized that and exposed you to rest of the world.

i'm not a brainwashed fools like you, its you pakistanis in PDF who forgot that it is pakistan which created all the problems in Afghanistan. the terrorism in Afghanistan is created by your military. who are you to spread terrorism in Afghanistan?? in 80s and 90s you military actively support terrorists in Afghanistan, you forget that?? pakistanis should learn form some neutral sources about the terror sponsorship of Pakistan army in the neighboring countres.

This is what you forgot, Tamil terrorist were supported and trained by Indians in Sri Lanka, who were neutralized by Sri Lanka with the help of Pakistan.
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How is India going to reclaim 106 Km border that is occupied since 1947 by Pakistan? Unless India directly borders Afghanistan it will not be easy for India's to have real relationship with Afghanistan.
Deeptiman Tiwary,TNN | May 23, 2015, 01.09 AM IST
Need to factor in our 106km border with Afghanistan: NSA - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: India shares a 106-km border with Afghanistan which people do not factor in, national security advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval said on Friday, hinting both at India's claim to Azad Kashmir and the threat that withdrawal of Nato forces from Afghanistan poses for internal security in India.

Speaking at a BSF function, Doval said the force should be prepared for the fallout (of Nato withdrawal) on this border and that India had a stake in ensuring Afghanistan remained peaceful and did not become an "epicenter of terrorism".

Doval made the statements while delivering the Rustamji Memorial Lecture on 'Challenges of Securing Our Borders'. While speaking on how border guarding forces needed to go beyond physical security, Doval said, "We have to plan and prepare for the future. We have got seven countries with which we share our border. We have six with which we directly share contiguous border. But we also have a 106-km-long non-contiguous border with Afghanistan that we need to factor in. With all these seven countries, we have very special and peculiar relationships and peculiar problems."

If only the LoC is factored in and not the Indian claim on Azad Kashmir, India does not share any border with Afghanistan. But Doval stressed that border guarding forces needed to factor in disturbances that may come to borders under their protection as a result of chaos in Afghanistan. Intelligence agencies have been fearing a spillover of terrorism into J&K following complete withdrawal of NATO forces and the chaos that is likely to follow.

Doval said, "Whatever happens in Afghanistan is going to affect India. We have to ensure that there is peace in the country and that it does not become an epicenter of terrorism."

Curiously, only over a year ago, then deputy NSA Nehchal Sandhu had downplayed the threat of NATO withdrawal, saying groups in Afghanistan would focus on consolidating their position in the country and the Nato withdrawal would have no immediate impact on India.

Speaking on the sidelines of a function organized by National Bomb Data Centre (NBDC) in February 2014, Sandhu had told TOI, "There is nothing as yet to suggest that there will be a spillover of Afghan situation into India. After the withdrawal, the groups there will first try to take over Afghanistan rather than divert energy towards India. Groups look towards other regions only when security exerts pressure in their core areas."
NSA is burning why Pakistan Afghanistan brotherly relationship is improving.
Just cause the guy didn't pay your mother for her services and you were born, doesn't mean he was a Pakistani or you hate all Pakistanis.

As for as terrorism is concerned secret is out Afghans @ss wipes with the help of their Indian terrorist brothers were training and financing terrorist against Pakistan. We recently neutralized that and exposed you to rest of the world.

just because of the guy in the neighborhood is the reason for your birth, you cannot blame him for punching your nose followed by a kick in your @$$ for interfering in his family maters and that don't mean that he is an indian. and you hate all indians and blame india for your failures.

in early 80s Afghanistan was a better developed than pakistan, they were much modern, it is pakistan which created talibans and other terrorist organisation, pakistan military helped these terrorists to destabilizes afghan government at CIA's payroll. one thing you pakistanis need to know that india is currently doing a nation building in Afghanistan, we are building dams, hospitals, roads, even afghan parliament is built by india. if we want to sponsor terrorism then we would have used all that money to sponsor terrorism against pakistan.

Afghan Parliament Being Built by India to Be Ready by 2015 | Jun 22,2014

Modi may attend Afghan Parliament inauguration - The Hindu

Afghanistan's new Parliament building that India is constructing here as a gift to the Afghan people aspiring to move towards a peaceful democracy, has been delayed further due to challenging working conditions and will now be ready by next year.

The edifice being constructed as a contribution to the establishment of democratic institutions in the war-torn country was earlier scheduled to be completed this year.

"The building having influence of Mughal and modern architecture is being constructed under challenging circumstances and is now scheduled to be handed over to the government of Afghanistan in December next year," an official said.

"Challenging working conditions and delay in availability of some materials have further delayed the project and the revised deadline for completion of the project is June 2015 and it will take another 4-5 months to hand over after the work is finished," G S Pant, Project Manager, Central Public Works Department - Government of India, told PTIhere.

Afghanistan is right now passing through a political transition, with just completed presidential elections in which former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah Ashraf is pitted against ex World Bank executive Ashraf Ghani. The results of the elections are expected early next month.

The building, which will have Asia's largest dome as one of its key features, is taking shape between the decades-old historic landmarks King Palace 'Darul Aman' and Queen Palace - which bear the marks of the war and tell the story of conflicts and devastation.

"Civil work is ready and most of the flooring work has been completed. For outer cladding, we are using white marble from Herat and from Makrana in Rajasthan and other parts of India."

The building, being built at an estimated cost of Rs 710 crore, has four main blocks - House of People, Officers, Entrance Lobby and Senate Hall.

"The edifice will have two domes; main of them is copper clad dome of 32 meter diameter and 17.15 meter height covering the main assembly hall and the other is glass dome on Entrance Lobby," he said.

A water body with 9 cascading fountains is also being constructed in front of the building. Inside the building, a 20-feet-high fountain made of beautiful green marble in Udaipur will also be installed.

The House of People will have a normal seating capacity of 256 and future provision of 38 seats. For the purpose of Joint Session of both the houses, the inner lobby of this block will have additional space for provision of seating of members of Senate.

The Senate Hall will have a seating capacity for 120 members and a future provision of 14.

Most of the materials used in construction of the building and also furniture are being imported from India.

Pant said that 400 to 500 labourers were working on the project site currently and almost 150 of them are Indians.

Work on the building on the 84-acre plot on Kabul's outskirts began in 2009 and initially was to be completed in 36 months.

It is guarded from outside by the local police and the company constructing the project also has a team of security personnel for internal security.

Apart from the Parliament, the Salma dam project in western Herat province is also one of the ambitious projects India has undertaken in the country. That project is also under full swing, am Indian embassy official said.

we are doing some great work which will help afghanistan to rise from the terrorism which pakistan created.
If Dr Ghani is targeted, Modi won't live either.

Oh really ??
You dont have any idea about the SPG protection of Indian PM.
So please dont say joke.

On topic :Indeed this is an interesting development.It seems new GoI has plan for Azad Kashmir.
This is what you forgot, Tamil terrorist were supported and trained by Indians in Sri Lanka, who were neutralized by Sri Lanka with the help of Pakistan.
this what you pakistanis forgets, india is the 1st country who support srilankan army and we fight the war against LTTE along with sri lankan army. it was their pro-LTTE president who want indian soldiers out of srilanka. pakistan never done any such kind of support to srilanka. pakistan never send any soldier to fight LTTE. but india did. and india is the 1st country who declare LTTE as a terrorist organisation. without indian help srilankan army would have never win that war against LTTE. the indian navy create a blockade to prevent any support from Indian Tamils to the LTTE.

Indian government offers full support for Sri Lankan war - World Socialist Web Site

in 2002 india give an Sukanya class offshore patrol vessels and low-flying detection "Indra" radars to srilanka.

India behind Lanka's victory over LTTE: Book - The Times of India

in 2006 india provide 6 mil-17 helicopters to srilanka as an aid to fight the war against LTTE.
India and Sri Lanka’s Civil War | The Diplomat

India’s role, although it has received little international attention, was also deplorable. For years, India had pursued a hands-off approach toward Sri Lanka in response to two developments — a disastrous 1987-90 peacekeeping operation there; and the 1991 assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. But
having been outmanoeuvred by China’s success in extending strategic reach to Sri Lanka in recent years, New Delhi got sucked into providing major assistance to Colombo, lest it lose further ground in that island-nation.

From opening an unlimited line of military credit for Sri Lanka to extending critical naval and intelligence
assistance, India provided sustained war support in defiance of a deteriorating humanitarian
situation there. A “major turning point” in the war, as Sri Lankan navy chief Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda acknowledged, came when the rebels’ supply ships were eliminated, one by one, with Indian naval intelligence inputs, cutting off all supplies to the rebel-held areas. That in turn allowed the Sri Lankan ground forces to make rapid advances and unravel the de facto state the Tigers had established in Sri Lanka’s north and east.
India’s little-known role in Sri Lankan conflict | Stagecraft and Statecraft

not to forget that india is building houses for those srilankans
two seperate projects are currently done,
India to build 16,000 houses in Northern Province of Sri Lanka - timesofindia-economictimes
India | Sri Lanka | Housing Project | Launches | Rs 1,300-Crore - Oneindia
India builds 10,000 homes for IDPs in Sri Lanka - The Hindu
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Who is a Hindu to decide who should rule a Muslim country?

I'm afraid, Hindutva fascists would have to live with Dr Ghani.

It's 'Islamic' Republic of Afghanistan and you have no stake here.
Are Muslims some super race that are above all the rest of humanity? Why must you people insist on seeing everything through a religious prism?

Indians will reflect the sentiments of India- the nation- and its interests, religion doesn't even come into it and yet you are dragging in Hindutva and all other such nonsense.

The member was pointing out India would prefer an alternative leader in Afghanistan that is more amenable to India's national interests, what's so controversial about such remarks? Shall we just ignore the filth I've heard from Pakistani members about Karzai because of his supposed "pro-India" stance in the past?

If Dr Ghani is targeted, Modi won't live either.
Because the security protocols of Ghani and Modi and by extension security situations in India and Afghanistan can be compared? What nonsense is this now?

Indian northern alliance scum destroyed Afghanistan and now they want to keep doing the same and put the blame on Pakistan all for sake of negating any regional tactical advantage of Pakistan. How selfish. I hope Afghans are reading this and see through their BS.
This level of revisionism is hard to comprehend. The Northern Alliance were not in control of Afghanistan at any point, google Afghanistan under Taliban rule and tell me what a paradise on earth we had back then.

Another overt Taliban supporter are we?
Prime Minister's Office
23-May, 2015 19:54 IST
Former Afghan President Mr Hamid Karzai calls on the Prime Minister

Former President of Afghanistan Mr Hamid Karzai, during his transit halt in New Delhi, called on Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today.

They discussed the recent developments in Afghanistan. Prime Minister reiterated that India and Afghanistan share age old ties. India deeply value the friendship of the Afghan people. India stands with the people of Afghanistan, as they build a united, stable, democratic and prosperous nation. Prime Minister reassured that India will continue to provide assistance to all the people of Afghanistan based on their need and priority.

Prime Minister lauded the former President Karzai's leadership for the extraordinary progress made by Afghanistan in this century and his contribution to strengthening relations between India and Afghanistan.

The Former President of Afghanistan, Mr. Hamid Karzai calling on the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, in New Delhi on May 23, 2015.
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Afghanistan is a democratic country with a huge tribal system. Thats democracy:haha:
terrorist minded @$$holes in Bunyaville have spelled out their terrorist wishlist in :pleasantry:
Parrikar's 'kanta se kanta nikalna' approach to terrorism:pleasantry:

Ghani will complete his term. WILL COMPLETE. A message to Hindu Fanatics!
Dar gaya kya
india has no borders with afghan and will never have any 1 inch border ever forget afghanistan now
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