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Need to adopt middle course regarding Pakistan Army!!

If the difference between joining and not joining are sole electronics and a car, in the grand scheme of things it not that much money. “Signing bonuses” are given to people to take certain jobs, and attract the most capable candidates.
Free Car and electronic k lea Anne wala kese wattan ki izat k lea Jan dega

It's not perk it's legalized corruption on public blood
how army is acting these days it seems they are on self destruction mode .
how army is acting these days it seems they are on self destruction mode .

Not the army, their leader, who has so much dirt and has done so much damage that he cannot go back. he wil be exposed by his handlers like NS and Western establishment.. he did not expect this, now has his pants down, Alif Nanga.
Free Car and electronic k lea Anne wala kese wattan ki izat k lea Jan dega

It's not perk it's legalized corruption on public blood

For the well off, sure it won’t attracted them. But for those from modest means, it will allow them to “fit in” and have no feelings of class impediments. Recall the army drama Alpha bravo Charlie when the well off Kakul recruit arrived in a car and his commanding officer traveled on a motorcycle.

As for electronics, even in schools kids are given laptops to have the means to learn. In a similar manner, giving army officers secure cell phones will help the officers as well as the agencies responsible for watching out for a potential mole.

But I agree beyond a certain point, officers should pay for their own personal equipment.
Pakistan has a neighbor looking to invade it any day now, if it gets the chance or senses an opening.
Sorry but I dont think that this is true. There is no country in the world that is looking for a all out war with Pakistan. We need to grow up from this mindset that India is looking for war with Pakistan.
Sorry but I dont think that this is true. There is no country in the world that is looking for a all out war with Pakistan. We need to grow up from this mindset that India is looking for war with Pakistan.

India's defence minister and Chief of army have been spouting threats to do with Azad Kashmir for the past few weeks. Have you been watching this?

Furthermore, it is likely that India will invade, to strangle CPEC before it gains a proper foothold, as well as maintaining modi's BJP popularity for the 2024 elections
General Bajwa don't leave Pakistan in the middle of the battle for its survival, don't spoil your legacy, keep trying, make the formula to get the country out of the political and economic crisis in the next few days. Take responsibility and Pakistan will be saved

ill say it again, it will be the low file and rank that will face the brunt of the public's anguish BUT its those few at the top that have played their part in bringing Pakistan to the knees.

The public today is far far far more aware than it was say from my 'anecdotal' experience observing in the 80's and 90's. especially the young. there is a reason why the PDM hates the youth of Pakistan.

If you hate the youth of Pakistan then you are the enemy of Pakistan!

so Don't unleash your hate at the low file and rank. As the quom has now waken up from its 7 decade long sleep. Just don't go back to sleep and hold the establishment by the balls and squeeze. The mill establishment must NEVER be allowed to go against public interests.

I hope The public demands the hanging of bajwa and all of its accomplasis. hang a few to keep the others in check.

same for the PDM as well hand a few of the pdm leaders and keep these political military nexus in check.
To all, we going from one extreme to the other extrem.

We mostly and most of the time have defended army during anti terror operation and their manipulation during past 30-35 years in particular.

Whole army should not be blamesd and we should not use bad words against Army.

Criticise establishment but not the whole army and plz avoid using indecent words against army.

There is always a Army in a country, either yours or another country's.

If the whole army does not want to be blamed---then they need to separate themselves from the establishment---.
The only way for Pakistan to survive:

1. Establishment must work under civilian government, as directed by constitution of Pakistan.
2. Institutions (civil, military, judiciary) must entirely be on merit. No Parchi/caste/feudalism/dynastic politics on selection of its chairman and employees.
3. Elections must be free and fair, no rigging. (if no fair election take place, overseas Pakistanis won't contribute to economy, country will default)
4. For revival of economy, plots/land/luxuryvehicles provision must be stopped at every level.
5. Political assassinations, pol. engineering, creation of extremist parties/ideologies must be stopped.
6. Kashmir issue must be dealt with iron hand, just like China is persistent on Taiwan
7. Civilian supremacy must prevail. Country is run by tax money, the Pakistani public will decide country's affairs, from local government to foreign policies.
8. Accountability and punishment must take place. If there is no justice, there's no progress/peace in country. All above points will fail if no accountability takes place, law must be same for powerful and weak.

If any of the above point is not fulfilled on emergency basis, Pakistan as a country will cease to exist. We've reached tipping point. Any further miscalculations & political engineering will lead to events more catastrophic than 1971 Fall of East Pakistan. The external enemies are waiting like wolves to disarm Pakistan nuclear assets.

Allah SWT has been merciful on us, we have been given repeated chances to fix our mess. Lets work together and get out of this mess.

Pakistan hai to hum hain.

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Pakistan as a country will cease to exist
What will happen to it? To 243 million people? You realize there are other countries with problems as well: Ethiopia, Haiti, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen etc.,
ISI to be under MOD
Budget for Forces approved by the Parliament
The automatic, nonpolitical mechanism for Army & others appts
dismantle ASSPR
Dismantle ISI Political wings
Army to get the fvck out of politics and policy-making .
Stay in your lane

real democary
ppl VS tanks.Take back homeland
To all, we going from one extreme to the other extrem.

We mostly and most of the time have defended army during anti terror operation and their manipulation during past 30-35 years in particular.

Whole army should not be blamesd and we should not use bad words against Army.

Criticise establishment but not the whole army and plz avoid using indecent words against army.

There is always a Army in a country, either yours or another country's.
The CONCEPT of Pakistan is far more important than one institution. Learn to love Pakistan independent of any institution.

OTH, it is duty of every able citizen to bear the weight of Pakistan’s defence in every domain.
After 9 hours of core commander intense conference ...tough talk ...hopefully the top 2 summary will go through ... Asim seems out of race.

If the whole army does not want to be blamed---then they need to separate themselves from the establishment---.
How soldiers and officers can disassociate themselves from the command structure?


Army chiefs have rebelled against the democratically elected govts with imputiny and small scale inside rebellion have been quashed.

Only way forward is, IK will win next elections which he shall; he does an Erdoan operation. But we are neither Turkic nor Iranians.
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