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So have you proved that this official Indian policy, not something 1 person said? No.
From flags to persons to Kargil onto the Indian policy and now to my name.....serious side effects of whatever Aresh has done to you. Oh It's called kilt and you certainly wouldn't want to discuss that.
GAME , SET, MATCH : John Doe sweeps the floor with his mixed doubles opponents!!!!

C'mon , don't make this so easy for me:-)

You behave like an immature 13 year old that has just discovered wet dreams. Why are you being disrespectful and making insinuations? Why dont you take a day off trolling? Why are you so obsessed with Pakistan that you come onto PDF and troll? Are you a lonely boy? If you have this level of anger and hatred why are you on here sniffing at anything to do with Pakistan?
Soldiers have a difficult job on both sides of the borders on occasions giving the ultimate sacrifice for moronic fools like you. I salute and commend all soldiers for the job they do - and if any are on here please ignore John Doe - he is a minor that is still developing in every way.
So have you proved that this official Indian policy, not something 1 person said? No.
So all I can ask now is whats your transgender name:-)

Hahahaha! Thanks WJ, you raised your skirt all by yourself. I appreciate your honesty.....just don't do this again!

Areesh, sweety: What the hell is a 'MUNNAI'? Some sort of god figure in your mother tongue?

Political and national differences set aside would appreciate it if you could keep religion and language out of it. Thanks
:lol: any link or source . or just fertile imagination at work again. :)

why you need source? looking at the thread and the following posts it was only meant for one thing and that is flame war.
so lets call it for now.

good jib everyone
I hope you all feel very satisifed now.
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