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Need some help with HTML stuff.

Not Sure

Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Hi. I need some help with my blog post.

I am registered at Chess.com. And I was hoping to use the HTML code provided at timeanddate.com to put up a countdown to the World Championship matches that are due to begin on 9th of November in Chennai.

This is the code I got on timeanddate.com,
<iframe src="http://free.timeanddate.com/countdown/i3uw9qiw/n553/cf12/cm0/cu4/ct5/cs0/ca0/cr0/ss0/cacf00/cpc000/pceee/tc66c/fs150/szw576/szh243/tatTime%20left%20to%20Event%20in/tac009/tptTime%20since%20Event%20started%20in/tpc000/mac009/mpc000/iso2013-11-09T15:00:00" frameborder="0" width="494" height="181"></iframe>

But each time I try to post it on my blog on chess.com, I see nothing but these strange codes.

Is there anyone who can help me put it up on the blog there?

Or at least tell me if it is not even possible and I am making futile efforts?

I will be grateful to anyone who can actually help!
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