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Need for Land Reforms in Pakistan

Is there any need for land reforms in Pakistan

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 94.1%
  • No

    Votes: 1 5.9%

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All Pakistanis please think before answering. Do u guyz really think something called Land Reform is even possible in a country like Pakistan especially the ideology and mentality behind which Pakistan was created. Pakistan is the land of Indian Muslim Waderas as they only supported the idea of Pakistan and promised to being votes and numbers for the support of Pakistan idea.

Damn!!! We completely forgot to think about this, thanks for enlightenment.
there is no point in land reforms unless it is accompanied by social, economic, political reforms as well, frankly I dont see this happening anytime soon because our leaders would be worst affected by such reforms especially the rural leaders.....
You are giving me theory and I was telling what happens and will happen in the real world.

Yes, I agree that implementation will always be compromised by exploitation and corruption, but the overwhelming benefits of such reforms outweigh the pitfalls. Other countries have traveled this path before -- pitfalls and all.

There is always need for vigilance to make sure feudal exploitation doesn't get replaced by union exploitation.

I am sorry, but I really hate these campaigns.

The fight against feudalism is NOT a fight against capitalism; private property rights remain the engine of growth and prosperity.

Human beings are not termites. We live in, and work for, small nuclear families, not giant anonymous mobs.

We are against the feudals because they exploit their workers, not because they own property. Campaigns that mix anti-feudalism with anti-capitalism actually help the feudals. I wouldn't be surprised if they were secretly funded by some feudals to discredit the entire land reform movement as a communist agenda.

To each according to his efforts, not his needs.
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Pakistan was created by the landed elites of Punjab, to safeguard their interests. The power and wealth of these elites came from the land they controlled.. These original elites were later joined by the bureaucrat and then by military top brass and politicians.. They are all joined at the hip by close familial ties and take care of each others interets.
Pakistan was created by the landed elites of Punjab, to safeguard their interests. The power and wealth of these elites came from the land they controlled.. These original elites were later joined by the bureaucrat and then by military top brass and politicians.. They are all joined at the hip by close familial ties and take care of each others interets.
my dear you been fed too much propaganda , the landlords & elites of Punjab opposed Jinnah, just to let you know @ the time of the partition the mayor of Lahore was a unionist ! Jinnah's strengths were in Bengal, Bihar U.P, & in Hyderabad Deccan & Tamil nadu where tamil leader Periyar supported him in Pakistan his strength was in Sindh & the F.A.T.A area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
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glad to hear .. jagirdars and waderas in trouble , who are these people ? new political party ?

Yes !
Workers Party Pakistan, Labour Party Pakistan and Awami Party Pakistan merge together on 11 November 2012 and formed a united party of left "AWAMI WORKERS PARTY".

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One Mr. Sardar at Karachi has written a research paper titled "Road to Azadi" whereby it has conclusively been established that all lands which were subjected to settlement in British era are in fact public property by virtue of Abolition of Jagris Act, creation of Pakistan and various judgement of the supreme court of Pakistan.
He is ready to share the article for the benefit of 10 crore slaves.
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