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Nearly one in four people worldwide is Muslim


Mar 21, 2007
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Nearly one in four people worldwide is Muslim

* Nearly 2 out of 3 of world's Muslims are in Asia, report says
* Roughly 9 of 10 Muslims worldwide are Sunni, report says

Nearly one in four people worldwide is Muslim -- and they are not necessarily where you might think, according to an extensive new study that aims to map the global Muslim population.
Nearly two out of three of the world's Muslims are in Asia, stretching from Turkey to Indonesia.

Nearly two out of three of the world's Muslims are in Asia, stretching from Turkey to Indonesia.

India, a majority-Hindu country, has more Muslims than any country except for Indonesia and Pakistan, and more than twice as many as Egypt.

China has more Muslims than Syria. Germany has more Muslims than Lebanon and Russia has more Muslims than Jordan and Libya put together.

The Middle East and north Africa, which together are home to about one in five of the world's Muslims, trail a very distant second.

There are about 1.57 billion Muslims in the world, according to the report, "Mapping the Global Muslim Population," by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. That represents about 23 percent of the total global population of 6.8 billion.

There are about 2.25 billion Christians, based on projections from the 2005 World Religions Database.

Brian Grim, the senior researcher on the Pew Forum project, was slightly surprised at the number of Muslims in the world, he told CNN.

"Overall, the number is higher than I expected," he said, noting that earlier estimates of the global Muslim population have ranged from 1 billion to 1.8 billion.

The report can -- and should -- have implications for United States policy, said Reza Aslan, the best-selling Iranian-American author of "No God but God."
Fact Box
Top 10 Muslim countries, by population

1. Indonesia: 202,867,000 (country is 88.2 percent Muslim)

2. Pakistan: 174,082,000 (country is 96.3 percent Muslim)

3. India: 160,945,000 (country is 13.4 percent Muslim)

4. Bangaldesh: 145,312,000 (country is 89.6 percent Muslim)

5. Egypt: 78,513,000 (country is 94.6 percent Muslim)

6. Nigeria: 78,056,000 (country is 50.4 percent Muslim)

7. Iran: 73,777,000 (country is 99.4 percent Muslim)

8. Turkey: 73,619,000 (country is about 98 percent Muslim)

9. Algeria: 34,199,000 (country is 98 percent Muslim)

10. Morocco: 31,993,000 (country is about 99 percent Muslim)

Source: "Mapping the Global Muslim Population," The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.

"Increasingly, the people of the Middle East are making up a smaller and smaller percentage of the worldwide Muslim community," he told CNN by phone.

"When it comes to issues of outreach to the Muslim world, these numbers will indicate that outreach cannot be focused so narrowly on the Middle East," he said.

"If the goal is to create better understanding between the United States and the Muslim world, our focus should be on south and southeast Asia, not the Middle East," he said.

The team at the Pew Forum spent nearly three years analyzing "the best available data" from 232 countries and territories, Grim said.

Their aim was to get the most comprehensive snapshot ever assembled of the world's Muslim population at a given moment in time.

So they took the data they gathered from national censuses and surveys, and projected it forward based on what they knew about population growth in each country.

They describe the resulting report as "the largest project of its kind to date."

It's full of details that even the researchers found surprising.

"There are these countries that we don't think of as Muslim at all, and yet they have very sizable numbers of Muslims," said Alan Cooperman, the associate director of research for the Pew Forum, naming India, Russia and China.

One in five of the world's Muslims lives in a country where Muslims are a minority.

And while most people think of the Muslim population of Europe is being composed of immigrants, that's only true in western Europe, Cooperman said.

"In the rest of Europe -- Russia, Albania, Kosovo, those places -- Muslims are an indigenous population," he said. "More than half of the Muslims in Europe are indigenous."

The researchers also were surprised to find the Muslim population of sub-Saharan Africa to be as low as they concluded, Cooperman said.

It has only about 240 million Muslims -- about 15 percent of all the world's Muslims.

Islam is thought to be growing fast in the region, with countries such as Nigeria, which has large populations of both Christians and Muslims, seeing violence between the two groups.

The Pew researchers concluded that Nigeria is just over half Muslim, making it the sixth most populous Muslim country in the world.

Roughly nine out of 10 Muslims worldwide are Sunni, and about one in 10 is Shiite, they estimated.

They warned they were less confident of those numbers than of the general population figures because sectarian data is harder to come by.

"Only one or two censuses in the world ... have ever asked the sectarian question," said Grim.

"Among Muslims it's a very sensitive question. If asked, large numbers will say I am just a Muslim -- not that they don't know, but it is a sensitive question in many places," he said.

One in three of the world's Shiite Muslims lives in Iran, which is one of only four countries with a Shiite majority, he said. The others are Iraq, Azerbaijan, and Bahrain.

Huge as the project of mapping the world's Muslim population is, it is only the first step in a Pew Forum undertaking.

Next year, the think tank intends to release a report projecting Muslim population growth into the future, and then the researchers intend to do the whole thing over again with Christians, followed by other faith groups.

"We don't care only about Muslims," Grim said.

They're also digging into what people believe and practice, since the current analysis doesn't analyze that.

"This is no way reflects the religiosity of people, only their self-identification," Grim said. "We're trying to get the overall picture of religion in the world."

By Richard Allen Greene
Global Muslim population hits 1.57 billion
Thursday, 08 Oct, 2009 The report provides further evidence that while the heart of Islam might beat in the Middle East, its greatest numbers lie in Asia. -Photo by AP World

The global Muslim population stands at 1.57 billion, meaning that nearly 1 in 4 people in the world practice Islam, according to a report Wednesday billed as the most comprehensive of its kind.

The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life report provides a precise number for a population whose size has long has been subject to guesswork, with estimates ranging anywhere from 1 billion to 1.8 billion.

The project, three years in the making, also presents a portrait of the Muslim world that might surprise some. For instance, Germany has more Muslims than Lebanon, China has more Muslims than Syria, Russia has more Muslims than Jordan and Libya combined, and Ethiopia has nearly as many Muslims as Afghanistan.

‘This whole idea that Muslims are Arabs and Arabs are Muslims is really just obliterated by this report,’ said Amaney Jamal, an assistant professor of politics at Princeton University who reviewed an advance copy.

Pew officials call the report the most thorough on the size and distribution of adherents of the world's second largest religion behind Christianity, which has an estimated 2.1 billion to 2.2 billion followers.

The arduous task of determining the Muslim populations in 232 countries and territories involved analyzing census reports, demographic studies and general population surveys, the report says. In cases where the data was a few years old, researchers projected 2009 numbers.

The report also sought to pinpoint the world's Sunni-Shiite breakdown, but difficulties arose because so few countries track sectarian affiliation, said Brian Grim, the project's senior researcher.

As a result, the Shiite numbers are not as precise; the report estimates that Shiites represent between 10 and 13 percent of the Muslim population, in line with or slightly lower than other studies. As much as 80 percent of the world's Shiite population lives in four countries: Iran, Pakistan, India and Iraq.

The report provides further evidence that while the heart of Islam might beat in the Middle East, its greatest numbers lie in Asia: More than 60 percent of the world's Muslims live in Asia.

About 20 percent live in the Middle East and North Africa, 15 percent live in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2.4 percent are in Europe and 0.3 percent are in the Americas. While the Middle East and North Africa have fewer Muslims overall than Asia, the region easily claims the most Muslim-majority countries.

While those population trends are well established, the large numbers of Muslims who live as minorities in countries aren't as scrutinized. The report identified about 317 million Muslims — or one-fifth of the world's Muslim population — living in countries where Islam is not the majority religion.

About three-quarters of Muslims living as minorities are concentrated in five countries: India (161 million), Ethiopia (28 million), China (22 million), Russia (16 million) and Tanzania (13 million).

In several of these countries — from India to Nigeria and China to France — divisions featuring a volatile mix of religion, class and politics have contributed to tension and bloodshed among groups.

The immense size of majority-Hindu India is underscored by the fact that it boasts the third-largest Muslim population of any nation — yet Muslims account for just 13 percent of India's population.

‘Most people think of the Muslim world being Muslims living mostly in Muslim-majority countries,’ Grim said.

‘But with India ... that sort of turns that on its head a bit.’

Among the report's other highlights:

• Two-thirds of all Muslims live in 10 countries. Six are in Asia (Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Iran and Turkey), three are in North Africa (Egypt, Algeria and Morocco) and one is in sub-Saharan Africa (Nigeria).

• Indonesia, which has a tradition of a more tolerant Islam, has the world's largest Muslim population (203 million, or 13 percent of the world's total). Religious extremists have been involved in several high-profile bombings there in recent years.

• In China, the highest concentrations of Muslims were in western provinces. The country experienced its worst outbreak of ethnic violence in decades when rioting broke out this summer between minority Muslim Uighurs and majority Han Chinese.

• Europe is home to about 38 million Muslims, or about five percent of its population. Germany appears to have more than 4 million Muslims — almost as many as North and South America combined. In France, where tensions have run high over an influx of Muslim immigrant laborers, the overall numbers were lower but a larger percentage of the population is Muslim.

• Of roughly 4.6 million Muslims in the Americas, more than half live in the United States although they only make up 0.8 percent of the population there. About 700,000 people in Canada are Muslim, or about 2 percent of the total population.

A future Pew Forum project, scheduled to be released in 2010, will build on the report's data to estimate growth rates among Muslim populations and project future trends.

A similar study on global Christianity is planned to begin next year.

DAWN.COM | World | Global Muslim population hits 1.57 billion
I have a question...

Are Muslims proud of this "achievement"? I mean, many would interpret these staggering figures as an achievement for Islam. But frankly, it showcases failure of family planning among Muslim families and most importantly, lack of economic opportunities for Muslim women.

I'm not trying to criticize anything, but was genuinely wondering about the main reason behind the high birth rate. Probably some Muslim friends here might provide valuable insight...
I have a question...

Are Muslims proud of this "achievement"? I mean, many would interpret these staggering figures as an achievement for Islam. But frankly, it showcases failure of family planning among Muslim families and most importantly, lack of economic opportunities for Muslim women.

I'm not trying to criticize anything, but was genuinely wondering about the main reason behind the high birth rate. Probably some Muslim friends here might provide valuable insight...

If i was you an Indian i would have pondered over growing link between my Indian population and poverty, lack of employment opportunities and so on.
Instead of worrying for Islamic world's growth :cheers:
I have a question...

Are Muslims proud of this "achievement"? I mean, many would interpret these staggering figures as an achievement for Islam. But frankly, it showcases failure of family planning among Muslim families and most importantly, lack of economic opportunities for Muslim women.

I'm not trying to criticize anything, but was genuinely wondering about the main reason behind the high birth rate. Probably some Muslim friends here might provide valuable insight...

not everyone will say its an achievement and how on earth does it show any of those things you mention?

dont worry, once project india is completed we will comfortably be the biggest religion in the world:)
If i was you an Indian i would have pondered over growing link between my Indian population and poverty, lack of employment opportunities and so on.
Instead of worrying for Islamic world's growth :cheers:

Yes, I'm very well aware of the high fertility rate of Indian population. And I'm also aware of the fact the Muslim fertility rates in India are higher than average Indian fertility rates.

Changes in Fertility Rates Among Muslims in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh - Population Reference Bureau

BTW, according to that same source, Muslims in Pakistan have higher fertility rates than Muslims in India.

Now back to my question, why do Muslims tend to have higher fertility rates compared to others? Fertility rates are high even in rich Muslim-majority countries.
Yes, I'm very well aware of the high fertility rate of Indian population. And I'm also aware of the fact the Muslim fertility rates in India are higher than average Indian fertility rates.

Changes in Fertility Rates Among Muslims in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh - Population Reference Bureau

BTW, according to that same source, Muslims in Pakistan have higher fertility rates than Muslims in India.

Now back to my question, why do Muslims tend to have higher fertility rates compared to others? Fertility rates are high even in rich Muslim-majority countries.

:) just a simple question why You are so worried over that?

Its personal choice of couples to have as many kids as they want.
:) just a simple question why You are so worried over that?

Its personal choice of couples to have as many kids as they want.

I hope you understand resources are finite, we've already changed the earth as per our behaviour, we've got very little time to change. :)
:) just a simple question why You are so worried over that?

Its personal choice of couples to have as many kids as they want.

jana madam, some researchs say population explosion is the worst threat staring at us...there is no way planet earth can sustain our current growth of population...bigger population is the single biggest cause for global warming beside high consumption,but its all related ...population rise has to be a concern of everyone irrespective of religion.
is the pot not calling the kettle black when indian hindu's start talking about muslim birth rates.

i agree they are high, however its not as if the indian hindu's are exactly diminishing.

so to me this family planning nonsense sounds like a way of curbing muslim birth rates in india with the aim of reducing muslim demographics in india, very secular by hindu india.
am i witnessing that famous indian sense of humour?

No. It was genuine interpretation of your so-called "Project India".

Maybe, it could also be a plan to infiltrate into India and breed. Fortunately for you, Bangladeshis have already mastered this technique.

Now.. back to the topic please.
Muslims have a fairly large birth rate - granted.

However, I often visit an Area in London (hackney) that has a high population of Orthodox Jews, and many of their families have at least 5 Kids; having as many as 12 kids is not unusual for them.

There are a group of polygamist Christians in America. They have built for themselves a nice place to live, huge houses etc - each household may have up to 20 kids between 2-4 wives.

One must also understand that Islam is also one of the fastest growing religions through conversion rates.

I advise that the Indian members keep their reservations about family planning to themselves unless they want a first class honours in hypocrisy.

PS: Demon Hunter – stop shitting yourself. We are human beings just like you.
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