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Nearly half a million people may have had Covid-19 in Wuhan, study shows. That's almost 10 times the official figure

The first Dr who reported this new virus was recently awarded. Shouldn't we execute him too?

According to BBC, Iraq had nukes too.
The first doctor was threatened at first, and then he died. Remember, you are living under the CCP. they tell you what you read/behave/listen/act/speak AND Believe in servitude to them...from the cradle to the grave.

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The first doctor was threatened at first, and then he died. Remember, you are living under the CCP. they tell you what you read/behave/listen/act/speak AND Believe in servitude to them...from the cradle to the grave.

The first Dr died while serving the country, he did not know what virus it was nor whether it was novel. He just knew it was contagious, the guy who got awarded was the first person to identify it as a new virus and informed the world and gave idiot like you 2 months headstart which you guys incompetently blew off. Don't CCP me this and that, people in China do get access to news overseas, we are not NK ok and we knew first hand what happened and how well the government performed. When we locked down Wuhan, geniuses like you were laughing and ridiculing us, forecasting the demise of China, we instead united as ONE and worked hard together and brought our country out of this mess. We managed to thrive even after ONE trade war and ONE viral epidemic. India just fcked up, no wonder you fear US so much, cause you wont survive a trade war with US. That's the real hallmark of a superpower, true sovereignity. Buggers like you can't even buy iraninan oil without US permission, like how doggie Modi geos to washingston to beg everysingle time.lolol
There's no doubt the Chinese State and state controlled media covered up the true extent of the epidemic in Wuhan. Who can be so naive as to think China has any moral qualms about manipulating the truth to improve its own image? Their State ideology is communism, it's a one party state with no civil rights or political freedoms.

Now I don't much care for Chinese people, so that doesn't really bother me. But what bothers me is when China's actions directly affect the rest of the world, this is a country that is often the source of global pandemics and in all likelihood will continue to be so
The first Dr died while serving the country. He did not know what virus it was nor whether it was novel. He just knew it was contagious, the guy who got awarded was the first person to identify it as a new virus and informed the world and gave idiot like you 2 months headstart which you guys incompetently blew off. Don't CCP me this and that, people in China do get access to news overseas, we are not NK ok and we knew first hand what happened and how well the government performed. When we locked down Wuhan, geniuses like you were laughing and ridiculing us, forecasting the demise of China, we instead united as ONE and worked hard together and brought our country out of this mess. We managed to thrive even after ONE trade war and ONE viral epidemic. India just fcked up, no wonder you fear US so much, cause you wont survive a trade war with US. That's the real hallmark of a superpower, true sovereignity. Buggers like you can't even buy iraninan oil without US permission, like how doggie Modi geos to washingston to beg everysingle time.lolol

I'm afraid since the Chinese were born into servitude to CCP, even if you cheat and get access to world news, the brainwashing behind being told what to say/hear/read/speak act/believe from the cradle to the grave...makes you a citizenry unaware of who are the whistleblowers and how did they die.
Big cover up by the Chinese government. Who knows how many Chinese died due to the corona virus in China ?
For a country which claims to have zero new cases , the vaccination campaign seems redundant.
Just imagine, 10 times of official figures as per this report.
Incorrect extrapolation. Probably EVERY country on earth that has Covid cases will have inevitably underreported the actual number, because - as others have pointed out - of asymptomatic/lightly symptomatic cases (and false negatives and selective testing). This is neither a "failing" of the country's public health response, nor is it a "government conspiracy". It is simply a product of the biological nature of this disease.

It's another bizarre rambling rant of a thread that lacks scientific merit as it ignores the control of the actual disease being discussed.

As for *deaths*, this is a separate issue and increased seasonal death rates are difficult to hide. If a nation had substantial increases in death rates attributable to Covid, then this would be self-evident. This article doesn't offer any proof of increased death rates.
I'm afraid since the Chinese were born into servitude to CCP, even if you cheat and get access to world news, the brainwashing behind being told what to say/hear/read/speak act/believe from the cradle to the grave...makes you a citizenry unaware of who are the whistleblowers and how did they die.
I actually do not support Communism but since China is anything but Communist in name and is a nationalistic, effective, meritocratic performance based system with a limited form of grassroot democracy, and witnessing the chaos in India and US, I have confidence in this system now. After all an elitist authoritarian form of government had been in existence for thousands of years before the current 'democratic' age, UK and US only had universal suffrage in the 1900s onwards. So saying democracy is resilient is just plain stupid, otherwise how did the KMT fell??
Incorrect extrapolation. Probably EVERY country on earth that has Covid cases will have inevitably underreported the actual number, because - as others have pointed out - of asymptomatic/lightly symptomatic cases (and false negatives and selective testing). This is neither a "failing" of the country's public health response, nor is it a "government conspiracy". It is simply a product of the biological nature of this disease.

It's another bizarre rambling rant of a thread that lacks scientific merit as it ignores the control of the actual disease being discussed.

As for *deaths*, this is a separate issue and increased seasonal death rates are difficult to hide. If a nation had substantial increases in death rates attributable to Covid, then this would be self-evident. This article doesn't offer any proof of increased death rates.
Frankly reporting is totally dependent on the country's transparency levels and medical competence.
Countries like china, India , Pakistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, have areas of high population density and low density. I live in a low density area with negligible Corona impact , hardly 50 deaths in the last 1 year. Now these cases/deaths are also identified because its very easy to get a home test done through a private company by just calling up a sample crew , for just 1000 rupees. The government testing is ofcourse free.
With deaths in the hundreds per day in a population of 130 crores, its very easy to hide these numbers , either by not testing at all or passing them off as other diseases.
Example the Pakistani cricket team lands in new Zealand after 3 rounds of tests in Pakistan, with all results negative. And then 6 members test positive when the new zealanders test them ? So when guys in the spotlight can't be tested properly, its either incompetence or corruption.
For a poor guy in Pakistan, this identification would be totally missed and his family wont spend 1000s to identify cause of death.
And the Corona figures would get totally skewed.
Their is no logical reason why the Chinese forbade WHO team access to wuhan for 10 months , a fully malleable WHO at that ? Can you explain the Chinese behavior ?
Their is no logical reason why the Chinese forbade WHO team access to wuhan for 10 months , a fully malleable WHO at that ? Can you explain the Chinese behavior ?
WHO says China is highly cooperative, now, tell me why US quit WHO, avoid being investigated? and now tell me who is not cooperating with WHO.
WHO says China is highly cooperative, now, tell me why US quit WHO, avoid being investigated? and now tell me who is not cooperating with WHO.
You skirted my question. Why ban WHO medical team for 10 months from wuhan ? Its not a difficult question ?
This "10 times" initial figure comes from the Chinese authorities (CCDC), which is not very unexpected. Why are so many people making such a fuss? Maybe they just read the title?

If you take a casual search, you will find this is common situation.
You skirted my question. Why ban WHO medical team for 10 months from wuhan ? Its not a difficult question ?

WHO coronavirus team at ground zero in Wuhan to work out next containment step
Published: 8:15pm, 22 Feb, 2020

Now tell me why US quit WHO, avoid to be investigated?
Frankly reporting is totally dependent on the country's transparency levels and medical competence.
Countries like china, India , Pakistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, have areas of high population density and low density. I live in a low density area with negligible Corona impact , hardly 50 deaths in the last 1 year. Now these cases/deaths are also identified because its very easy to get a home test done through a private company by just calling up a sample crew , for just 1000 rupees. The government testing is ofcourse free.
With deaths in the hundreds per day in a population of 130 crores, its very easy to hide these numbers , either by not testing at all or passing them off as other diseases.
Example the Pakistani cricket team lands in new Zealand after 3 rounds of tests in Pakistan, with all results negative. And then 6 members test positive when the new zealanders test them ? So when guys in the spotlight can't be tested properly, its either incompetence or corruption.
For a poor guy in Pakistan, this identification would be totally missed and his family wont spend 1000s to identify cause of death.
And the Corona figures would get totally skewed.
Their is no logical reason why the Chinese forbade WHO team access to wuhan for 10 months , a fully malleable WHO at that ? Can you explain the Chinese behavior ?
Unfortunately, sports persons traveling through transport hubs succumb to infection quite regularly. Perhaps you don't read news articles on sports other than pakistani cricket.

The issue is that of poor biosecurity during travelling, not of suspect testing in home countries. It's an understandable confusion to succumb to though, depending on what you're reading.

"Five Indian hockey players, including captain Manpreet Singh, have tested positive for COVID-19 at the team’s training base in Bengaluru and the number of infected players could rise, the Sports Authority of India (SAI) has said.

Manpreet, Surender Kumar, Jaskaran Singh, Varun Kumar and Krishan B Pathak had initially tested negative on their return to the training base after a month’s break."

There are unfortunately unique risks associated with domestic and international travel, which is why most countries have specific guidance on this and some countries sensibly just ban sports travel altogether. Large and unwieldy countries like India unfortunately turn the risk of domestic travel into a risk of international travel because going from one end to the other isn't a simple trip on the team bus.
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