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Nearly 400 Muslim candidates crack IIT-JEE, largest number ever

unusual distinction of a Muslim student topping the State in Sanskrit.

I don't find anything unusual about it.

Is the % of Muslims having a high regard for Sanskrit the same as the % of Hindus having a high regard for Sanskrit?

If the answer is yes, that is a good thing, but we may not be there yet
Is the % of Muslims having a high regard for Sanskrit the same as the % of Hindus having a high regard for Sanskrit?

If the answer is yes, that is a good thing, but we may not be there yet

Thats what I was talking about. Sanskrit is not a Hindu language, its an Indian language same as Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam etc. Its not some one's fault that Muslims have low regard for this ancient language.
Its not some one's fault that Muslims have low regard for this ancient language.

If you are saying that "Muslims have a low regard for Sanskrit" (which, by the way, is not what I would say) then why are you disputing that sentence in the article?
Excuse me? the students in your school must be pretty dumb and arrogant to tease someone based on caste while studying 10th standard. This is exactly why the playing field must be leveled. The historically oppressed need more support to uplift themselves and reservation has helped millions of Dalits and other backward caste people, in spite of some narrow minded forward caste people's opposition.
Contrary to many of your claims, I have seen many students who entered my school through reservations do extremely well .

It is very normal to do that.

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