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bhai gaali galoj mat kar warna tere post cyber crime ko report karna padega aur next time dont ever reply on my thread i dont misbhave with anybody hence i dont like people misbehaving with me.
Dont bother to respond to people who indulge in personal attacks. just report them .
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting: Teledensity Rises from 7.04 Pc To 73.07 Pc in Last Nine Years Average Call Rates Drop to 47 Paisa from Rs. 2.89
Teledensity Rises from 7.04 Pc To 73.07 Pc in Last Nine Years Average Call Rates Drop to 47 Paisa from Rs. 2.89

The Indian telecom sector has registered a phenomenal growth during the past few years and has become second largest telephone network in the world, only after China. A series of reform measures by the Government, the wireless technology and active participation by private sector played an important role in the exponential growth of telecom sector in the country. National Telecom Policy-2012 (NTP-2012) was announced with the primary objective of maximizing public good by making available affordable, reliable and secure telecommunication and broadband services across the entire country.

With the implementation of NTP 2012, the number of telephonic connections rose exponentially. The number of telephone connection was 893.14 million as on January 2013 with the rural telephone connections having increased by nearly 10 million in the last year. The overall teledensity stood at 73.07 per cent as on January 2013 with the rural teledensity crossing 40 per cent. This is in sharp contrast with the overall teledensity of 7.04 per cent and rural teledensity of merely 1.7 per cent in March 2004.

As far as mobile penetration is concerned, the preference for use of wireless telephony continues. The share of wireless telephones increased from 96.62% as on March 31, 2012 to 96.74% by the end of June 2012 and thereafter slightly declined to 96.56% by the end of December 2012. On the other hand, the share of landline telephones slightly increased from 3.38% to 3.44% during the period from April to December 2012.

The wireless subscriber base increased from 33.6 million in March 2004 to 864.72 million as on December 2012. On the other hand, the average tariff for each outgoing call per minute for GSM services dropped from Rs. 2.89 in March 2004 to 47 paisa in December 2012.

UPA Acknowledges Jain Community’s Contribution To India’s Development

The Union Cabinet has granted the Jain community the status of a national minority. This fulfills a long-standing demand by the 7-million-strong community. This recognition would give Jains a share in central funds for minority welfare programmes and scholarships.

A delegation of Jain leaders had met Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi last week to seek his support for the notification of Jains as a minority community at the national level. Rahul Gandhi in his interaction said that he recognised the role played by the Jain community in the social, cultural and economic development of the country.





Congress Committed to Providing People Right to Health and the Right to Justice

The rights-based paradigm has been the bedrock of the Congress party's programme, particularly in the past ten years. After providing people the Right to Information, the Right to Employment, the Right to Education and the Right to Food, the Congress's next challenge is to expand this rights-based paradigm to other spheres.

The All India Congress Committee Resolution, adopted on January 17, 2014 stated, “A programme to provide free medicines to all Indians is being implemented in a phased manner...The Congress believes that it is time for us to consider a Right to Health for all Indians. In addition, conscious that our growing economy will inevitably bring conflicting claims and consequent need for fair adjudication, the Congress Party believes that it is time to introduce the Right to Justice by ramping up the Legal Aid schemes and expanding the judicial footprint to ensure faster dispensation of justice.”





Congress Manifesto will reflect voice of India

The process of preparing a people’s manifesto through a process of public consultation is a step towards providing a voice to every citizen and every community.

Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi said, “We can shape the future of 120 crore Indians only if we take everyone along.”

The entire process is being spearheaded by Rahul Gandhi, who has himself started conducting a series of interactions across the country with all stakeholders. Three such interactions have already taken place.

The theme of the first consultation, held on December 13, was the empowerment of the marginalized sections like the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes. The theme for the second round of consultation, held on December 23, was progress and empowerment of the minority communities.The third manifesto consultation on January 11 was with youth and students, in Bengaluru.

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NDA regime constructed 50% of national highways laid in last 30 years: Centre

NEW DELHI: The UPA government on Monday admitted before the Supreme Court that the NDA regime, in five years, constructed nearly half the total length of national highways laid during the last 32 years.

In an interesting affidavit filed before the apex court, the Centre said the length of national highways in the country was 29,023 km in 1980, which expanded to 76,818 km by the end of 2012. This means 47,795 km of national highways was added by successive governments in 32 years.


However, the affidavit revealed that during 1997-2002 (ninth five-year plan), when the NDA was in power, 23,814 km of national highways was added to the existing NH network, or nearly 50% of the total length of national highways constructed in three decades. This remains the largest construction of national highways during any five-year period since independence.

In fact, during the nearly 10-year rule of the UPA government, the total length of national highways laid was much less - nearly 16,000 km, the affidavit said.

During 2012-2017, nearly 3,000 km of additional national highways was proposed to be built but the government decided to de-notify 530 km of national highways in Madhya Pradesh and 627 km in Gujarat.

The affidavit came on a PIL filed by Sanjay Kulshresta, who sought several directions from the apex court to make highways safe for motorists including making available expeditious medical help to accident victims.

India has a total road network of 46.90 lakh km with a road density of 1.43 km per square km. While national highways account for 79,116 km, state highways make up 1,55,716 km and the remaining 44.55 lakh km is classified as 'other roads'.

"National highways comprise only 1.7% of total road network but carry about 40% of road traffic," the Centre said.

The petitioner had prayed for modernization of road infrastructure and traffic reforms to counter congestion. He had said rapid rise in personal diesel and petrol vehicles had nullified the effect of the Supreme Court directed conversion of all public transport in the city into CNG fuel.

The petitioner had also sought a direction to the government to phase out very old vehicles, which were not road worthy and emitted noxious air. But the Centre said though it was empowered to fix age for phasing out of vehicles, it had not taken measures under the legislation.

"Even though the central government is empowered to fix age limit of vehicles under Section 59 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, no policy decision has been taken (in this regard) by the central government," it said.

It said every vehicle owner has to prove road worthiness at the time of renewal of registration certificate from authorized testing centres. "Only those vehicles can ply on Indian roads as long as they satisfy the prescribed norms and standards mentioned in the Central Motor Vehicle Rules," the affidavit said.

NDA regime constructed 50% of national highways laid in last 30 years: Centre - Times Of India




Completing the integration of the entire country into one seamless network for delivering power to consumers, South India has now joined the national electricity grid. This will provide relief to the power-short southern region and will also improve transmission.
Easier availability of power could also lead to lower tariffs in Southern India.



जिनके बारे में कभी किसी ने नहीं सोचा, उन्हें यूपीए सरकार ने दी कानूनी पहचान।

कांग्रेस की यूपीए सरकार ने इस साल फुटपाथ पर कारोबार करने वाले समाज के वंचित तबके को कानूनी अधिकार दिया है।

पहले देश भर के करीब बीस करोड़ की आबादी वाले ठेला, खोमचा व रिक्शा वाले गरीबों के लिए किसी तरह का कानून न होना चिंतनीय बात थी। मगर अब ऐसी कोई चिंता की बात नहीं है। पथ विक्रेता (जीविका का संरक्षण और पथ विक्रय का विनियमन) विधेयक, 2012 लोकसभा से पास करा लिया है। अब पटरी, रेहड़ी, ठेला खोमचा वालों को भी बिना किसी डर और प्रताड़ना के व्यवसाय करने का अधिकार होगा।

आने वाले समय में पंजीकृत फेरी वालों को राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजना में भी शामिल करने की योजना है। अभी श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय के परामर्श से राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजना में रेलों के लाइसेंसधारी पोर्टरों, लाइसेंसधारी वेंडरों और लाइसेंसधारी फेरीवालों को भी शामिल किया गया है।

इस विधेयक के बारे में और जानने के लिए पढ़िएhttp://yuvadesh.in/Hindi/350/रेहड़ी-पटरी-वालों-को-मिला-आजीविका-का-कानूनी-हक


Right to Food has Become a Reality

One of the reasons why 2013 was a historic year is that this year we as a nation took a major step towards eliminating hunger. The Food Security Act, passed by the UPA government will provide food grains to two-third population 5 kg of food grains every month at highly subsidised rates of Rs 1 to Rs 3 per kg.

“We have ensured that no Indian will sleep hungry,” said Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi.


भूमि अधिग्रहण कानून पारित होने पर, किसानों को मिला इन्साफ।

वर्षों पुराने और खामियों से भरे भूमि अधिग्रहण से जुड़े कानून को बदल कर यूपीए सरकार ने संसद में भूमि अधिग्रहण एवं पुनर्वास कानून पारित करवाया। इस कानून के तहत ना सिर्फ किसानों को ज्यादा मुआवज़ा मिलेगा बल्कि किसान की मर्जी के बिना ज़बरदस्ती उसकी ज़मीन छीनना भी मुमकिन नहीं होगा। खाद्य सुरक्षा बिल के बाद भूमि अधिग्रहण क़ानून का पास होना इस देश के आम आदमी की बड़ी जीत है।

येह क़ानून किसानों के हित में ऐतिहासिक है। इस कानून के तहत ग्रामीण इलाकों में किसानों को बाज़ार भाव से चार गुना तक और शहरी इलाकों में दो गुना मुआवजा मिलेगा।
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Ministry of Information & Broadcasting: Teledensity Rises from 7.04 Pc To 73.07 Pc in Last Nine Years Average Call Rates Drop to 47 Paisa from Rs. 2.89
Teledensity Rises from 7.04 Pc To 73.07 Pc in Last Nine Years Average Call Rates Drop to 47 Paisa from Rs. 2.89

The Indian telecom sector has registered a phenomenal growth during the past few years and has become second largest telephone network in the world, only after China. A series of reform measures by the Government, the wireless technology and active participation by private sector played an important role in the exponential growth of telecom sector in the country. National Telecom Policy-2012 (NTP-2012) was announced with the primary objective of maximizing public good by making available affordable, reliable and secure telecommunication and broadband services across the entire country.

With the implementation of NTP 2012, the number of telephonic connections rose exponentially. The number of telephone connection was 893.14 million as on January 2013 with the rural telephone connections having increased by nearly 10 million in the last year. The overall teledensity stood at 73.07 per cent as on January 2013 with the rural teledensity crossing 40 per cent. This is in sharp contrast with the overall teledensity of 7.04 per cent and rural teledensity of merely 1.7 per cent in March 2004.

As far as mobile penetration is concerned, the preference for use of wireless telephony continues. The share of wireless telephones increased from 96.62% as on March 31, 2012 to 96.74% by the end of June 2012 and thereafter slightly declined to 96.56% by the end of December 2012. On the other hand, the share of landline telephones slightly increased from 3.38% to 3.44% during the period from April to December 2012.

The wireless subscriber base increased from 33.6 million in March 2004 to 864.72 million as on December 2012. On the other
hand, the average tariff for each outgoing call per minute for GSM services dropped from Rs. 2.89 in March 2004 to 47 paisa in December 2012.

Growth was the emphasis of UPA government all through 2013 with 293 projects worth Rs 5,70,528 crore being cleared by the government . For instance, in the power sector 100 projects worth Rs 3,84,158 crore were cleared this year.

"On the economic front, we must project a vision of rapid economic transformation in a socially inclusive manner. We should offer the prospect of rapid and truly inclusive growth for the next twenty years. We have done it for the past ten years. We can do it for the next twenty," said Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh.
As I predicted a few pages ago:
@fsayed gives credit to UPA for ISRO's achievements.
y not if atal bihari can take credit for pokhran parikshan which was already demonstrated by indira gandhi way back dont use double standard

y not if atal bihari can take credit for pokhran parikshan which was already demonstrated by indira gandhi way back dont use double standard

Are you serious, India has long had the capability to have the nuclear weapons test. ABV had the political will to get it done.

The GSLV Mk3 had nothing to do with political will.

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