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Holy cow on a cracker! This Congressman has gone berserk!!

Ok, let's check this out....



Add Rs 8 Lakh crore black money in foreign banks and the story is complete!
Nothing socialist about that one. RTI is about transparency, not about wealth redistribution.

@fsayed : It is funny that you are quoting the rupee expenditure under the two governments, while conveniently neglecting the fact that the value of the rupee itself has tumbled during the past 9 years.
Holy cow on a cracker! This Congressman has gone berserk!!

Ok, let's check this out....



Add Rs 8 Lakh crore black money in foreign banks and the story is complete!

lol that was funny.....
Nothing socialist about that one. RTI is about transparency, not about wealth redistribution.

@fsayed : It is funny that you are quoting the rupee expenditure under the two governments, while conveniently neglecting the fact that the value of the rupee itself has tumbled during the past 9 years.
appreciate ur veiws rahul is not super man but he is genuinly trying to change our system

haha...tell me ACTION on GROUND rather than just words or framework, I can also say anything, but it's ultimately come down to action.

He has shied away from being a minister, his attendance in Parliament is one of the lowest, he hardly take part in important debates, goes to vacation when country is suffering from floods, etc.....

So, was he born to DIRECTLY sit on PM's chair???
Holy cow on a cracker! This Congressman has gone berserk!!

Ok, let's check this out....



Add Rs 8 Lakh crore black money in foreign banks and the story is complete!
Parliamentary election is nearing… politics is heating up with lot many political exchanging happening everyday.

ilp scam lalit modi right hand of vasundhra raje bjp

BJP's scam as NDA - a refreshment of BJP's scam list - Latest News, Entertainment and online useful tools

BJP claims, they are saints and want Congress to be chucked out. While Congress’s Scams has bigger money involved and are of high end technology, BJPs scams are quite silly and cheap. Most of the time BJP’s scam list has few crore rupee as the money swallowed by them. BJP also indulged in silly frauds like, making money in government staff appointments, allotting residential plots their family members, to the worst their scam includes Kargil coffin!

Here is the list of scam, performed by BJP and their partners just 9 years ago:

1. Tehelka.com, a website run by investigative journalism enthusiast showed BJP’s then president Bangaru Laxman taking bundles of cash as bribe

2. UTI – United Trust of India, now doing business as Axis Bank, lost its money putting investors to the verge of loosing their money. Though the funds was managed well in UTI64, scam hit during NDA regime which created the loss. Few thousand crore money involved. The US-64 scheme had 2 crore investors, the bulk of whom were small savers, retired people, widows and pensioners. In 1998, the UTI crashed, and the BJP-led NDA government scrambled to organise Rs. 3,500 crore bail-outs to UTI. The capital of UTI fell by 33% from 75,000 crores to 50,000 crores, making this a 25,000 crores scam. Additionally public faith in financial institutions was completely eroded. In a global recession such a mistake would be catastrophic, it would retard and hamper the country’s chances of recovery turning it into a full blown crisis.

3. BJP leader Sushma Swaraj and her close friendship with Reddy brothers, who are considered to be mining mafia in Andhra – Karnataka states is a known fact. She was considered as God mother for Reddy brothers.

4. Soon after assuming office in 1999, the NDA government embarked on a full-scale privatisation programme, offering controlling stake in government-owned companies to “strategic partners”. Starting in January 2000, in less than two and a half years, the government sold controlling stake in nine companies, apart from 19 hotels at various locations belonging to the India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC). The government earned Rs.5,544 crores from the strategic sale of the nine enterprises. Every single instance was controversial and initiated protests from the unions. The unions not only feared for workers’ jobs but alleged that the units were being sold for a song.

5. BALCO SCAM: – Complete erosion of public money in the name of ‘disinvestment’. – The aluminium giant where missiles such as ‘Agni’ and ‘Prithvi’ were shaped, was sold to Sterlite company for a paltry sum of Rs.551 crore at a time when the assets alone were worth Rs.5,000-6,000 crore.

6. Gujarat Cooperative Bank Scam 2003: – In Gujarat, the Narendra Modi Government had to pay out Rs. 870 Crore to small investors after the Gujarat Bank Scam of 2003 which led to the closure of 9 cooperative banks and 17 other being declared sick. – The administrator of the crisis-ridden Panchamahal District Co-operative Bank even registered a complaint against Gujarat Minister of State Prabhatsinh Chauhan and 28 others, alleging their involvement in the embezzlement of Rs 124 crore (Rs 1.24 billion) from the bank

7. Centaur Hotel Scam: – In June 2002, the 288-room Centaur Hotel near Mumbai’s domestic airport was sold by the Hotel Corporation of India to Batra Hospitality, for Rs 83 crore. – *Within four months*, Batra Hospitality sold off the hotel property to the Sahara group *for Rs 115 crore, raking in a 35% profit*. – This leads to the inescapable conclusion that the bidding process of the hotel was blatantly rigged in favour of A. L. Batra, an industrialist with close ties to the RSS. – Validating the above theory, the Comptroller and Auditor General, in its report-2004, expressed *serious doubts on the methods used by the NDA government for computing the valuation of the underlying assets* in the matter of disinvestment of Centaur Hotel. CAG stated that the Government had *suffered a loss of rupees 145.69 crores in revenue in the sale of Centaur Hotel.

8. Cybertron Technopolis Scam: • Another scam of Atal Behari Vajpayee Government relates to laying the foundation stone of a Software Technology Park, named as ‘Cybertron Technopolis’ by Atal Bihari Vajpayee. *The park was promoted by the same Johri brothers who were benefited by the UTI scam*. • The RSS man who facilitated this was Pradeep Narayan Mathur, who is a trustee of Vishwa Samvad Kendra in Lucknow and a senior member of VHP. *The Rajnath Singh government in UP collaborated in the venture by becoming a partner of the proposed IT park*. • Since the company had the blessings of the Prime Minister, the innocent public invested heavily in the company. • Evidence of the suspicious and ill-thought out nature of the venture: currently the promoter, Arvind Johri is under investigation by the CBI.

Finally who is the winner in doing Scams?


Tata Motors plant Gujarat - HOW THE F*CK WAS THAT A SCAM?


How they killed our factories | The Indian Express

And now back to reality.

The government of India, it seems, has decided that factories must not be allowed to come up or to run.

Uday Kotak said a few months back, in the course of an interview, that he was amazed that in his new office in Mumbai, not one of the furniture or fixture items were made in India. My friend Rahul Bhasin conducted a similar exercise in his office in Delhi and discovered pretty much the same thing. The carpet is from China, the furniture is from Malaysia, the light fixtures are from China, the glass partition is from all places, Jebel Ali in the Middle East and so on. Kotak went on to add that even Ganesha statues are no longer made in India. They are imported from China.

Our great, glorious, imperial, imperious government in Delhi, I am told, organises what is called a cabinet meeting every week. The first item on the agenda is to take stock of how well the country has progressed in destroying its manufacturing base; the second item is to think up Machiavellian new ways to further emasculate what is left of Indian manufacturing. I am told that it is during one of these sessions that it was decided that the income tax department should mount a strong and no-holds-barred campaign against Nokia, a defenceless Finnish company which had shown the temerity and gumption to not only bring FDI into the country, but to actually be one of the few (only?) investors to set up a manufacturing facility.

The super-patriotic, super-matriotic cabinet of the super-intelligent republic of India has decided that land must not be made available to factories, electricity should be denied to factories, factory managements should be harassed by various super-inspectorates and flexible labour policies must be denied to factories, thus discouraging the employment of labour in our factories. The reason this is being done is clear. We must be different from China in every single way. In China, land is easily made available to factories; in China, good quality electric power is made available to factories; in China, local government officials do not harass factory managements — au contraire, local officials encourage factory managements; in China, factories are allowed flexibility in labour practices; paradoxically China’s factory managers hire lots of labour. Our hyper-patriotic, hyper-matriotic, hyper-intelligent cabinet has succeeded brilliantly in achieving what it set out to do. We are one hundred per cent different from China, at least as far as manufacturing and factories go. I teach young engineers at IIT Bombay. These days, quite a few of them are interested in becoming entrepreneurs rather than in taking up salaried corporate jobs. Their enthusiasm is boundless and quite impressive. The interesting thing is when I ask them as to what kind of enterprises they plan to start, they all talk about dotcom companies, data analytics companies, mobile software applications companies and so on. Not a word, not a whisper about factories or manufacturing. And these, mind you, are some of the brightest engineers in the land. When questioned, they tell me that the very thought of starting a factory is so daunting that they give up. These young persons all seem to be aware that it is the objective of the great government of India not to have factories in the country. Being patriotic youngsters, they are merely following the directions of our benevolent government.

I have always felt an inner glow and a tightening of the stomach whenever I have visited a factory, be it the weaving section of a textile mill, the metal-bending shop of a shock absorber plant or the assembly room in a
capacitor production facility. It is just a thrilling experience. When I did some research, I discovered that our cabinet ministers have received official instructions to avoid visiting factories as far as possible and under no circumstances should they allow positive vibes to hit them. They are obliged to look down on factories. Numerous NGOs have submitted well-thought-out and brilliantly researched position papers that all factories are polluting, industries, both big and small, are dangerous for our national well-being and so on. Cabinet ministers, I am told, are required to read and memorise these papers. Every Tuesday morning, a quiz is conducted, where the honourable minsters are tested with respect to their knowledge on the subject of anti-industrialism. So here we have honourable persons who are discouraged from visiting factories, who feel no joy when they visit one and who are coached into accepting the self-evident truth that all factories are polluting beasts that should be shunned.
Rahul Bhasin is a private equity investor who is trying to invest in Indian factories despite the government of India emphatically telling him that this is not a smart thing to do. He had two stories to tell me. The first is as follows: Bhasin received a business investment proposal from a dynamic entrepreneur in Tiruppur. The proposal involved dismantling the existing factory in Tiruppur and moving it to Oman. The entrepreneur claimed that despite Oman’s high labour costs, the sheer ease of doing business there would make this proposed shift economically viable and profitable. Needless to say, Bhasin, being an Indian patriot of the subdued variety and not a hyper-minister, was not sure whether he should weep or laugh. The second story is about a run-of-the-mill factory. The factory manager answered all questions competently. When it came to questions relating to the use of the back-up diesel generator, the manager started to fumble. Finally, he said rather sheepishly: “To tell you the truth, Mr Bhasin, we have never had a need to use the back-up generator in years. Our power supply has been quite reliable.” No prizes for guessing — this factory is in Gujarat. If I were advising the BJP’s think-tank, I would suggest to them that this story is a much better election plank than temple-building, at least with those citizens who like textile mills, forging shops and assembly plants. They might of course lose the votes of the NGOs who hate what they refer to as the “industrial civilisation”.

The writer is a Mumbai-based entrepreneur

BJP's Scams
The Scams of BJP led NDA during there rule and by there state Govts.

These days BJP is playing the role of being the self certifiers of who is corrupt and who is not corrupt. Sushma Ji gives a great speech on the current scams even Advani Ji speaks at times aout the scams, I guess Advani Ji has forgotten the Jain Hawala cam which has given him too much publicity. I must say that the BJP must have forgotten the Coffin scam by know. The party which has nt even left the coffins of the martyrs. And today the same party is advocating the cause of removing orruption from our Nation. The party which has spent lots of tax payer's money for there ad campaigns for the elections, I hope they remember the India Shining ad Feel Good ad campaigns. I am writing few scams of the party of hypocrites ad the party whose wrong doings of seven years are making India suffer now. The latest Chopper deal was started in the last years of BJP led NDA's rule and o they are moving public's attention from Chopper scams by hyping the Jaitley and Justice Katju incident. The scams of BJP led NDA and BJP state Govts are:-

1) Tehelka Sting Operation.
2) Kargil Coffin Scam.
3) MIG scam.
4) Misuse of Kargil Cess.
5) Irregularities in purchases made for operation Vijay (Kargil War).
6) UTI and Cyberspace Infosys Ltd. Scam.
7) Petrol Pump and Gas Agency Allotment Scam.
8) Judeo Scam .
9) HUDCO Scam involving Former Union Minister Anant Kumar.
10) Plot Allotment Scam
11) Medical Procurement Scam
12) Telecom Scam- Pramod Mahajan-Reliance.
13) Arun Shourie-Bailout Package to Private Players.
14) Landscams in Rajasthan under BJP state govt. rule.
15) Bellary Mining and Reddy Brothers.
16) Uttrakhand Hydel Power scam.
17) Land Scams in Chattisgarh mines.
18) Pune Land Scam (Involving Mumbai BJP President).
19) BJP leaders involved in Fake Pilot Scam.
20) VSNL Disinvestment Scam by Arun Shourie.
21) BALCO Disinvestment Scam.
22) Jain-Hawala Case which involved L K Advani.
23) Kushabhau Thackre Trust Scam in MP.
24) Land Allotment in Karnataka by Yeddyurappa.
25) Centuar hotel scam.
Such a long list and still have missed many scams of BJP who are o the ef certifiers of who is corrupt and who is not corrupt. what a joke they are making of opposition of the largest democracy of the world.

Feel free to criticise me. Mail at abbas.hafeezkhan@gmail.com
Posted 11th June 2013 by Abbas Hafeez Khan

BJP's Scams
The Scams of BJP led NDA during there rule and by there state Govts.

These days BJP is playing the role of being the self certifiers of who is corrupt and who is not corrupt. Sushma Ji gives a great speech on the current scams even Advani Ji speaks at times aout the scams, I guess Advani Ji has forgotten the Jain Hawala cam which has given him too much publicity. I must say that the BJP must have forgotten the Coffin scam by know. The party which has nt even left the coffins of the martyrs. And today the same party is advocating the cause of removing orruption from our Nation. The party which has spent lots of tax payer's money for there ad campaigns for the elections, I hope they remember the India Shining ad Feel Good ad campaigns. I am writing few scams of the party of hypocrites ad the party whose wrong doings of seven years are making India suffer now. The latest Chopper deal was started in the last years of BJP led NDA's rule and o they are moving public's attention from Chopper scams by hyping the Jaitley and Justice Katju incident. The scams of BJP led NDA and BJP state Govts are:-

1) Tehelka Sting Operation.
2) Kargil Coffin Scam.
3) MIG scam.
4) Misuse of Kargil Cess.
5) Irregularities in purchases made for operation Vijay (Kargil War).
6) UTI and Cyberspace Infosys Ltd. Scam.
7) Petrol Pump and Gas Agency Allotment Scam.
8) Judeo Scam .
9) HUDCO Scam involving Former Union Minister Anant Kumar.
10) Plot Allotment Scam
11) Medical Procurement Scam
12) Telecom Scam- Pramod Mahajan-Reliance.
13) Arun Shourie-Bailout Package to Private Players.
14) Landscams in Rajasthan under BJP state govt. rule.
15) Bellary Mining and Reddy Brothers.
16) Uttrakhand Hydel Power scam.
17) Land Scams in Chattisgarh mines.
18) Pune Land Scam (Involving Mumbai BJP President).
19) BJP leaders involved in Fake Pilot Scam.
20) VSNL Disinvestment Scam by Arun Shourie.
21) BALCO Disinvestment Scam.
22) Jain-Hawala Case which involved L K Advani.
23) Kushabhau Thackre Trust Scam in MP.
24) Land Allotment in Karnataka by Yeddyurappa.
25) Centuar hotel scam.
Such a long list and still have missed many scams of BJP who are o the ef certifiers of who is corrupt and who is not corrupt. what a joke they are making of opposition of the largest democracy of the world.

Feel free to criticise me. Mail at abbas.hafeezkhan@gmail.com
Posted 11th June 2013 by Abbas Hafeez Khan

in most of the cases....the court has given a clean chit to bjp ministers.......these are mere accusations........give those names.....where some one is convicted and is in jail now.....lk advani,yedyurappa,nitin gadkari all are roaming free....... pramod mahajan is dead....whats wrong with you dude.....
in most of the cases....the court has given a clean chit to bjp ministers.......these are mere accusations........give those names.....where some one is convicted and is in jail now.....lk advani,yedyurappa,nitin gadkari all are roaming free....... pramod mahajan is dead....whats wrong with you dude.....
same here every congress man roaming free
Oh let's have a discussion on Yeddurappa and the Obalapuram Mining COmpany then....

Of course, lets have a discussion. Regarding Karnataka I am very very glad BJP had been taught a lesson for its corruption and dreadfull infighting. I even supported Congress wrt Karnataka.
With respect to India now congress must be booted out.
Congress Corruption >>>> BJP corruption :P Unfortunately in Indian politics we dont have virgins yet in corruption matter. So its better to choose the lesser of the 2 evils..!

kanimozhi,rashood,kalmadi,bofors,adarsh,coal block ?????????

kanimozhi,rashood,kalmadi,bofors,adarsh,coal block ?????????

Kani is DMK. As is Raja the main accused in 2G.
Of course, lets have a discussion. Regarding Karnataka I am very very glad BJP had been taught a lesson for its corruption and dreadfull infighting. I even supported Congress wrt Karnataka.
With respect to India now congress must be booted out.
Congress Corruption >>>> BJP corruption :P Unfortunately in Indian politics we dont have virgins yet in corruption matter. So its better to choose the lesser of the 2 evils..!

Kani is DMK. As is Raja the main accused in 2G.

You think so? OMC revenues are about 10,000 Crore annually and the reason why Modi brought Yeddy back into BJP is because he wants a cut in that cash. Now go figure.
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