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Info minister Shaukat Yusafzai removed, Shah Farman is the new Information Minister KPK

Yusufzai is also health minister right?

BTW, any particular reason for this?

The previous govt also released 32 crore.

This govt should keep an eye where the money goes as well, got to ensure this money does not go into personal pockets.

Kindly maintain a healthy standard of language. Especially in political threads.
Yusufzai is also health minister right?

BTW, any particular reason for this?

The previous govt also released 32 crore.

This govt should keep an eye where the money goes as well, got to ensure this money does not go into personal pockets.

This is all I know for now.
Signs of Pashtun Nationalism rising in PTI. I can remember the anti-punjab campaign on the facebook by PTI social media cells right after the election day. Looks like its yielding results. Whatever you sow, shall you reap.

Signs of Pashtun Nationalism rising in PTI. I can remember the anti-punjab campaign on the facebook by PTI social media cells right after the election day. Looks like its yielding results. Whatever you sow, shall you reap.


How does this show provincialism in PTI? The issue was made by a secretary, and secretaries are not party members.

And Imran Khan said right, no need to be a smart a$$, do your work with team work and with dedication.

The Amount of trolling this guy has done is unbelievable and he is not getting banned? always off topic posts! Very annoying! its like you got a Kid on the table that you dont wanna talk to & not paying any attention to, off he goes start screaming in this case posts everywhere.

@ topic i have heard recently patrolling was done by Taloobs in hayatabad? how true is this?
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ANP on the move to exploit anti-punjab sentiment against IK.
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