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looks like Pervaiz Khattak was a right pick for the job... so far so goood !! :tup:

money talks or government matters, whatever that be, atleast the awane ka issue is solved for the first time.

good going KPK govt and Pervaiz Khattak.
Uniform syllabus from next year, says Khattak

Khyber Pakh-tunkhwa Chief Minister Pervez Khan Khattak Tuesday said that the government would introduce uniform syllabus from the next academic year.

Speaking as a chief guest at the award distribution ceremony at a school here, he said that the curriculum of the Aitchison would be introduced at all the state-run schools.The move would improve the standard of the government schools and the public confidence in the government schools would be restored, he said, adding the government would not compromise on the standard of education.

“We have decided to put an end to the political interference in transfer and posting of teachers. A teacher will retire from the same school where his appointment is made,” he said, adding promotion of the teachers would be linked to his or her performance. The government school will have a teacher for 30 to 40 students, he maintained.

Pervez Khattak said that bringing uniformity in the curriculum of the public and private schools would provide equal opportunities to the students.The chief minister said private educational institutions were serving the society by providing quality education to the students. However, he added, that the government schools would not lag behind after the introduction of the planned reforms.

Uniform syllabus from next year, says Khattak - thenews.com.pk

now the syllabus may be introduced, but the quality of the teachers, who is going to ensure that, so the teacher training should start now...

maximum 20-25 students in the standard uptil 12, and upto 5th class 5 student 1 teacher is the standard UK style of raising kids.

do whatever it takes.

^^ this is much better than danish schools > intermingle
^^ good. better to import the Aitchison syllabus rather than creating one yourself.. the evidence for student teacher ratio is not very robust but teacher quality is a must. to be honest, increasing teachers' salary to 80% of private sector will attract better teachers. you can have the teachers training program running by the sideline but that will take too much time with too much uncertainty.

also better trained teachers will simply leave the public schools if the salary is not reasonable. hoping for the best!!
^^ good. better to import the Aitchison syllabus rather than creating one yourself.. the evidence for student teacher ratio is not very robust but teacher quality is a must. to be honest, increasing teachers' salary to 80% of private sector will attract better teachers. you can have the teachers training program running by the sideline but that will take too much time with too much uncertainty.

also better trained teachers will simply leave the public schools if the salary is not reasonable. hoping for the best!!

I think the induction of those kids into private schools who cannot afford is coming from the fact that their fee will be financed not by the government but by the links Imran would be bringing home with him.

reasonable and good salary package, on job training sessions abroad and chance of further education for the teachers themselves, if not for the existing then for those who are being inducted now, should be offered, so that they can do a good job well and are retained as well.

but no mention of controlling madrissah into our one educational policy life line... wonder,why no mention?
Virtual policing : Typing out your own FIR ... online

PESHAWAR:Around 1,277 FIRs were registered online in the first two days after the web facility was launched by the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa police. But only 70 of those information reports were genuine, those familiar with the matter told The Express Tribune.
The service was made available on an experimental basis through the official website of the K-P police so the general public could lodge complaints without actually stepping inside a police station.

According to a high-ranking police official the decision was taken by the new provincial government as there had been complaints regarding police reluctance to register FIRs in many cases. An online system eliminates any such problem as all the person needs to do is go to the website, enter the relevant details, type out their complaint and press ‘add’.

A board has been established under the supervision of DIG Operations to scrutinise and sift through the ‘online FIRs’ and for managing the process. However, it might be prudent to note ‘online FIR’ is a bit of a misnomer: filling the form does not mean an actual FIR is automatically registered.

Step by Step
“A form is available online which complainants fill after which the identity of the complainant would be verified by NADRA.”
“Then the complaint would be scrutinised by an official at the indicated police station, who will present the report to the board,” he continued. “If the complaint is declared valid, an FIR would be launched at the relevant police station,” explained the official.
“Once the FIR is lodged the complainant is informed, he can track the details of his FIR on the website.”

At least 1,277 complaints were lodged online on Sunday and Monday after the facility was advertised via a police handout, he added. “Most of the complaints were not authentic and only 60 to 70 of the total were found to be genuine – proper FIRs were registered for those by the concerned police stations.”

(Mis)using the system

There were complaints about the police being hesitant to register first information reports in certain cases such as kidnapping for ransom and other similar crimes, shared the official. The online system was meant to discourage this practice but the new system has created another problem – misuse of of the facility.

“Most people tried to register FIRs against their opponents to create hurdles for them, which of course is not a good trend,” pointed out the official.

The FIR Board

This entity headed by the DIG has to ensure all online FIRs are downloaded on time and the details of the FIR are immediately sent to the concerned SHO, DPO and RPO via email, fax or telephone.It will also oversee the FIR’s registration at the correct station without any delay and follow up with the person who lodged the complaint online.

The K-P police website Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police : Official Web Portal was launched by IGP Ihsan Ghani last month.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 11th, 2013.
KP cabinet approves Right to Information Bill

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa cabinet on Tuesday approved the Right to Information Bill that after its passage from the provincial assembly in the next session would facilitate the general public and media to get information about provincial government departments.

Briefing journalists after cabinet meeting here at Peshawar Press Club, spokesman for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government Shaukat Yousafzai said the cabinet discussed law and order situation in the province and approved reforms in policing system to facilitate the general public, reduce crimes and combat terrorism.He said the police officials would now work in two shifts while separate desks would be established for facilitating women complainants at police stations through female officials.

The minister said that investigation branch would be reorganised and investigating police officers would be provided training with latest technology and techniques. He added that the fingerprints of all suspected persons living within the jurisdiction of a police station would be obtained and examined after each criminal act in that police station.

The minister said the provincial cabinet also stopped shoulder promotions in police department while no vehicles would be stopped by the traffic police on the road for checking documents. “A vehicle would be intercepted only for violating traffic rules on the road,” he added.

About combating terrorism, Shaukat Yousafzai said the PTI-led coalition government inherited terrorism from the past governments that pursued wrong policies. He said the police force would be provided proper training and weapons to combat terrorism while a trust would be established for the victims of terrorism under which the victims’ children would be provided free of cost education.

According to the minister, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government also approved uniform education system in the province under which the new syllabus would be implemented from class one from March next year. Shaukat Yousafzai said that the provincial cabinet also approved special Ramazan package under which all the admitted patients in government hospitals and their attendants would be provided free of cost food during the holy month of Ramazan.

KP cabinet approves Right to Information Bill - thenews.com.pk

hope other bills also get draft and approved, well done KPK govt, pervaiz Khattak, all those involved in drafting the bill, all those who are going to favour the bill and find weak points for further improvement before becoming law.
PTI started building Naya KPK!! picture. PTI started building Naya KPK.....I Hope we will see better KPK by the help of PTI Government in KPK
Of overbearing consultants and a brooding Khattak
PESHAWAR: It has been 38 days since Chief Minister Pervez Khattak took oath of his office and those thirty-eight days have been amusingly roller-coaster.

No wonder, the nascent government has yet to find its feet, not so much probably for want of desire to settle down and get going but for reasons and factors that are beyond them.

Beginning from the top, Mr Khattak, the lean, tall bespectacled veteran of past governments, seems a stand-alone man. Perception, and there is a good measure of it, is that he is irrelevant, or has been made irrelevant.

Decisions, it is said, are made in Zaman Park, Lahore, and not in Peshawar. This, officials say, is adding up to the backlog and stymieing the whole reform process.

‘Directives’ to the top bureaucrat in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, said to have come directly from the PTI chairman, to “bring your own team” in the presence of the ever-brooding chief minister has given further fillip to the perception of a toothless Khattak.

And if that was not enough to damage the credentials of the party in power in KP, instructions to the bureaucracy, from some people really close to the party leadership, bypassing the frail-in-frame chief minister, has made some wonder; who is in-charge here?

This, and the horde of consultants and working groups laden with some of the party candidates, who lost elections in Lahore and elsewhere with ready-made recipes to make their dream of a Naya Pakistan come true in KP, has not helped things either.

What happened was probably more amusing than the most popular television comedy show these days. The ‘visionary’ consultants had no clue that Gen Musharraf’s 2001 Local Government Ordinance was history and that KP has its own local government law enacted in 2012.

And then PTI’s much cherished village councils. It turned out that the statistics these wizards of change had brought with them had been taken from an internet source. The figures did not add up. Little wonder, the dream has had to be put on hold till further discussions in Islamabad and Lahore.

Not very surprisingly, some of PTI’s own party ministers are brimming with frustration. They feel suffocated. In the words of one minister: “The party leadership should have faith in us and let us work. There is no need for the people from Lahore to come and teach us how to run this government.”

This, more than anything else, may harm the image of PTI’s KP government of being remote-controlled from Lahore. Already, what were whispers are now murmurs. Some within the officialdom liken the PTI leadership to a drone hovering above the one-square kilometre area above the Chief Minister’s Secretariat and the Civil Secretariat.

And need this be told also that the spleen-venting new generation of politicians is clueless about KP’s Problem No 1, security? Never mind their statements ad nauseam on the War on Terror. Their first presentation on what they wanted to do had a blank slide with a big question mark in the middle on security, this according to an official who attended it.

So, the pressure is telling. Like lemmings, PTI’s ardent followers in the cabinet, passionately parrot the party’s policy statements, even if it sounds bizarre and at times ridiculous, given the context of the situation.

And need this be told that the spleen-venting new generation of politicians “It is not our war”, say some ministers. “This is an imposed war”, say others. Chief Minister Khattak has gone a step further, almost with a bended knee, offering to extend due reverence to the Taliban with whom, he insists, his government has no quarrel. Just, when the month of May saw the highest number of terrorist incidents 119 in total, the highest in the last five months.

The alarming thing is that all divisions, except, Hazara have shown substantial increase in the number of terrorist attacks. Peshawar is leading the figures in the number of attacks.

As the casualty figures mount with bombings, attacks and target-killings, the ministers justify the acts. “This is a reaction to drone attacks”, they say, even if this ‘revenge’ is grossly disproportionate -- 2,500 to 3,500 militants and ‘civilians’ put together -- to a total of 48,000 Pakistanis killed since September, 2001.

What is more worrying is the confusion caused in the rank and file of the KP police by such statements.

If it is not “our war” as the police say, “Why should we be fighting and losing lives on a daily basis”, they ask -- the police casualty figures are staggering, 65 of them having lost their lives since January 1, 2013, the highest casualty figure to-date in six months. “Why not abolish all the checkposts around Peshawar and other places and raise white flags,” they ask.

For this to happen, they say, the KP government does not have to wait for national consensus or national policy.

All that needs to be done is an executive order from the chief minister in this regard.

Given the lack of clarity and prevailing confusion, the mounting police casualties has rattled their rank and file, something that the ministers would have known, had they been attending the funerals at the Police Lines, now happening on a daily basis.

The irony, say senior law enforcement officers, is that while the PTI leadership calls for an end to military operations to give peace and negotiations a chance, yet the government requested the military to come to the aid of the civil law enforcement agencies to launch operations against militants to the south of Peshawar in Mattani, the day after the killing of six Frontier Constabulary men and the day when a police officer was killed while battling militants, just when the chief minister was taking a broad swipe at the police for corruption.

What is perplexing for some government officials is the impact of the drone argument do with sectarian target killings, which too, they say, has registered an all-time high record, 51, in the last six months against 61 for the whole last year.

So, while the PTI endeavours to create a ‘Naya Pakistan’ here in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, it needs to understand that the working groups and bevy of consultants are only adding to the confusion, creating and adding to work backlogs.

This is not the good governance the PTI chairman has been talking about. As one officer quipped, there is no need to reinvent the wheel.

The wheel is already there, you only have to keep it rolling.
Of overbearing consultants and a brooding Khattak - DAWN.COM
^^^ yet another anti-PTI article by DAWN.

The Author assessed KPK's Govt. performance just in 38 days. Honestly speaking the article looks biased full of anti-PTI gibberishes. When our anchors and analysts talk about the miseries of PMLN in center and Punjab, they say they are in early days and will take time. But for PTI, there is no such relief. Hypocrisy at its best.
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