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Naya KPK | News & Updates on the development in KPK.

yeah sure. keep telling yourself that.
too bad none of your troll posts will get noticed in the 226 pages predominantly filled with the progressive and positive steps taken by PTI in KPK. tsk tsk tsk.

i appreciate those positive step...
Jazzbot, this guy 'Ranasikander' is probably Rana Sanaullah's patwari hired to troll in PTI supportive online forums to drop one liners and troll.
I dont support any one. Not a blind follower like many on this thread.
Grow up slave mentality guyz
Really sad. To hell with this so called naya kpk. Bhatta khoori at its extreme.
Wrong priorities of pti gov.


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Really sad. To hell with this so called naya kpk. Bhatta khoori at its extreme

More trolling. Ranasikander doesn't even have the integrity to post which newspaper this clipping is taken from, who is the journalist who reported this and what date is it from. This is not news, its a story. Stories like this get planted in the Urdu press all day long in Pakistan. No wonder Urdu press has such a bad name in Pakistan. Ranasikander was telling other people to grow up; and then he expects to be taken seriously when he posts ludicrous clippings here. Guess someone needs to look in the mirror before telling others to grow up.

Patwaris think if they can fool the people of Punjab with cheap stunts like these, that they can fool others too. Sorry to break it to you but this isn't the 1990s anymore.
This news is from express news. Now start abusing express news as typical ptian
This news is from express news. Now start abusing express news as typical ptian

Express News? So we're going to believe your word of mouth? Post the full clipping and the date of issue for the newspaper and also the journalist's name who reported that story. Otherwise you are running out of polemic.
Express News? So we're going to believe your word of mouth? Post the full clipping and the date of issue for the newspaper and also the journalist's name who reported that story. Otherwise you are running out of polemic.
I dont do spoon feeding for others. Do it your self
More trolling. Ranasikander doesn't even have the integrity to post which newspaper this clipping is taken from, who is the journalist who reported this and what date is it from. This is not news, its a story. Stories like this get planted in the Urdu press all day long in Pakistan. No wonder Urdu press has such a bad name in Pakistan. Ranasikander was telling other people to grow up; and then he expects to be taken seriously when he posts ludicrous clippings here. Guess someone needs to look in the mirror before telling others to grow up.

Patwaris think if they can fool the people of Punjab with cheap stunts like these, that they can fool others too. Sorry to break it to you but this isn't the 1990s anymore.
Its entertaing to see kids like you on forums. But plz try to learn and get mature.

We all know the pathetic performane in kpk by pti.
Its entertaing to see kids like you on forums. But plz try to learn and get mature.

We all know the pathetic performane in kpk by pti.

And that response of yours is supposed to be 'mature'? Run along little one.. find more paper clippings with stories but no newspaper name nor journalist's name. And then jump up and down claiming 'I know I am right cuz I am so mature, there is 'Rana' in my name, it means I am mature yaar'.

Tsk Tsk.
Only 24pc of the total ADP budget has been spent on sector-wise development projects ─ Photo: KP white paper 2014 - 2015
PESHAWAR: A document released by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provincial government showing the sector-wise allocation of the KP budget for Annual Development Projects (ADPs) for 2014 – 2015 displays scant utilisation of the budget assigned to the province for development.

During the past nine months, of the total Rs139,764 million budget, Rs85,988m (61 per cent) has been released, of which Rs33,864m — 24pc of the total ADP budget — has been spent on sector-wise development projects.

The document reveals poor utilisation of funds allocated for the labour sector in KP. The labour sector is allocated an estimated budget of Rs26 million ─ only 0.02pc of the total budget. However, although all funds for the budget have been released, less than 1pc have been utilised.

Five sectors allocated the smallest proportion of the total budget:

* Labour ─ Rs26m (0.02pc)
* Environment ─ Rs57m ( 0.04pc)
* Auqaf, Hajj, religious and minority affairs ─ Rs149m (0.11pc)
* Transport ─ Rs200m (0.14pc)
* Information ─ Rs224m (0.16pc)

Of the largest chunk of the estimated budget assigned to the elementary and secondary education sector —at Rs19,902m ─ only 37pc has been spent of the 61pc released.

Five sectors allocated the largest proportion of the total budget:

* Elementary and secondary education ─ Rs19,902m (14pc)
* Roads ─ Rs17,307m, (12pc)
* Regional development ─ Rs16,994m (12pc)
* Health ─ Rs11,207m (8pc)
* Urban development ─ Rs8,760m (6pc) ______

According to bureaucratic sources, delays in the decision-making process, and strict rules and regulations are to blame for the poor utilisation of funds.

The source added that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Pervez Khattak in a meeting expressed his displeasure over the weak utilisation of budget funds, and had ordered the expenditure of at least 40pc of the provincial budget. The previous KP government was criticised for lapsing billions of dollars allocated to ADPs.

The current KP government, however, has displayed commitment towards pursuing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)for 2015.

In a bid to eliminate power shortages from the province, the PTI government launched a Green Growth Initiative (GGI) in 2014, following which the itdeclared war against timber smugglers and explored various energy options for off-grid localities.

The government's 'Sehat Ka Ittehad' anti-polio drive has also been praised by Bill Gates and touted as a viable model for polio drives in other provinces.

In order to facilitate conflict resolution, PTI Chairman Imran Khan launcheddispute resolution committees to dispense quick and cheap justice for those who can't afford litigation and attorneys.

However, not all of PTI's efforts towards a 'Naya Pakistan' have been successful. The afforestation drive, a part of the GGI, has been hit by a shortage of funds and saplings ─ even though 60pc of the forestry budget has yet to be spent.

The situation for sanitation in lesser-developed areas of the province is still bleak, and under-enrollment in one fifth of the schools in the province is proving to be a financial liability on the government.

Less than 25% of KP development budget utilised - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Yes, underutilized is better than spending all the money and seeing it land in the pockets of MNAs and MPAs. It is difficult for PTI supporters to teach 'accountability' and 'transparency' to patwaris because it is a concept which Noora League and its patwaris do not understand. They like to show on paper that they spent ALL the development budget in mega projects but what they will not tell you is how Noora League MNA and MPA make millions from kickbacks and commissions in addition to what they feed the Punjab bureaucracy.

Ofcourse PTI has room for improvement but I would rather they keep the money in the treasury instead of spending it foolishly without checks and balances in place and adhered to ensure transparency and accountability.
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