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  • Uniform curriculum in all schools by March 2014 pervez Kahattak

    Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Pervez Khattak has revealed that the provincial government has almost completed the preparations for introducing a unified curriculum of education in all schools of the province to be enforced by March this year. He said this historic step of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government will bring about real change because it will put an end to the outdated class-based system of education introduced by the colonial era and will fill up the increasing gap between the poor and the rich in the society. “Now the children of both the poor and the rich shall enter in to the race of equal competition and will avail equal chances and opportunities of progress”, he added. He said that this revolutionary reform in education sector would especially benefit the students of the backward areas that often lagged behind in competitions with the students of urban and developed areas just because of the dual system of education and now they, on the basis of their hard work, could easily compete with the students of urban areas, he maintained.
    He was talking to a delegation of the MPAs of the allied party Jamat-e-Islami that made a call on meeting with him in Peshawar and discussed with him matters related to the public welfare and developmental projects in their respective constituencies. Headed by MPA Malik Behram Khan the delegation comprised of provincial minister for local government Inayatullah, Ex- MNA Maulana Asadulla, MPAs Mohammad Ali, Muzaffar Sayed and Sayed Gul.

amazing news. finally its starting.. poor and rich will be at par in what they are taught.
amazing news. finally its starting.. poor and rich will be at par in what they are taught.

I still dont think that this is enough. every kid must be brought to school; govt or private. plus ban on sectarian and hate literature by madrissahs, and no kid be taught in madrissah before he reaches 8th grade. state must own kids and make them Pakistanis first.

I feel that Imran is not as stick in this matter as I thought he would be.

amazing news. finally its starting.. poor and rich will be at par in what they are taught.

I still dont think that this is enough. every kid must be brought to school; govt or private. plus ban on sectarian and hate literature by madrissahs, and no kid be taught in madrissah before he reaches 8th grade. state must own kids and make them Pakistanis first.

I feel that Imran is not as stick in this matter as I thought he would be.
this is one news i was really excited about :D cant wait till it starts operation
I still dont think that this is enough. every kid must be brought to school; govt or private. plus ban on sectarian and hate literature by madrissahs, and no kid be taught in madrissah before he reaches 8th grade. state must own kids and make them Pakistanis first.

I feel that Imran is not as stick in this matter as I thought he would be.

I still dont think that this is enough. every kid must be brought to school; govt or private. plus ban on sectarian and hate literature by madrissahs, and no kid be taught in madrissah before he reaches 8th grade. state must own kids and make them Pakistanis first.

I feel that Imran is not as stick in this matter as I thought he would be.
i agree with you on this one, but i think over time it will improve, plus pti pretty much started with scratch so its going to be a huge improvement
it is easier said than done. before you eliminate any other system, u first need to create an alternate one. This year uniformity in course content will be brought only to Class 1.. Next year the same will happen to class 2 when this class 1 students progress to class 2. Meaning it will take good 10 years before both primary and secondary education are uniform in the whole province.

Once you complete this, only then you can proceed with the elimination of other systems. Also the idea of Madrassah system is that the mainstream does not impart islamic education properly which is kind of true. There are no classes for Quran memorization and recitation. There is only one religious subject 'islamiyat' compared to all the other subjects being of secular sciences.

Madrassah system has its drawbacks which can be overcome with proper oversight but mainstream education system does not offer what Madrassahs offer. we cant simply eliminate it just because of our own preferences.
I would like to see certain KPIs defined by the government so that they have hard numbers to track progress toward targets. For instance, NER for primary and secondary education, youth literacy rate, adult literacy rate, NER for tertiary education, set targets for each year and report progress at the end of year.

Same should be done for all sectors, eg, health, energy, etc.
The district administration of Dir has completed eight projects on link roads, drains and retaining walls in various villages of Sheringal subdivision.

A press release issued by Malakand Development Program (MDP) on Saturday announced the completion of projects in Chamiar Kass, Ali Mast Sale Miana, Hiddo Khatko, Sowanai Bala, Bundesh-Jatkul, Karborai Mamusai, Siah and Biar villages.

The administration rehabilitated a 758 metre-long link road in Chamiar Kass, a 1,264 metre-long link road and 1,112 metre-long drain in Ali Mast Sale Miana village of Adenzai. 126 metre-long pipe culverts were also built into the constructed road.

Similarly, Upper Dir district administration rehabilitated a 704 metre-long road and 233 metre-long drain in Hiddo Khatko, Darrikund Barawal tehsil, along with a 1,600 metre-long link road and 300 metre-long drain in Sowanai Bala.

A 735 metre-long road in Bundesh Jatkul, 721 metre-long link road and 198 metre-long drain in Karborai Mamusai, Barawal Tehsil, 1,000 metre-long road, with culverts and causeway in Biar village, and 1,089 metre-long road and 76 metre-long drain in Siah village were also constructed.

Retaining walls were built to protect these roads from rainwater and possible floods in the future. It is expected that over 14,000 community members would benefit from these development schemes, and would have easy access to markets, health centres and schools in the region.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 20th, 2014.
Providing access: District administration of Dir completes various projects – The Express Tribune
and finally

check online if the car is registered and against whose name !

Excise & Taxation Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

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@Spring Onion @chauvunist @Pukhtoon @RescueRanger @Jazzbot
PTI Govt to eliminate menace of corruption: CM


PESHAWAR: Chief Minister Pervez Khattak has said that unrest and corruption are our two big enemies that weaken a state both on internal and external fronts and always led to downfall of the nations.

He expressed these views while to a delegation of Marwat Qaumi Jirga led by tribal Malik Aslam Khan Esak-khel and group of govt officials at DC Office Tajazai Lakki Marwat.

He said that the PTI led provincial government is fully committed to eliminate all types of corruption including bribery, commission and misuse of power adding that there is no room for those involved in corrupt practices in his government.

He added that PTI is changing the existing system, putting in place a transparent and public friendly system and implementing its set agenda of change at all levels and all costs.

The chief minister lauded role of the Jirga members in helping the local administration to maintain law & order, peace and controlling crimes in the district. However he expressed the confidence that it would also cooperate in checking corruption and malpractices especially in the officialdom to cherish the long standing dream of evils free society in KP.

He regretted that schools, hospitals, roads and other infrastructure constructed during the last provincial governments had turned in to ruins because of the corruption and commission culture involved in the contracts of public sector construction works.

He vowed that the incumbent provincial government had devised a comprehensive and effective mechanism to close all the ways and means of taking and giving commission in the public sectors contracts to ensure quality of work the developmental projects and the better use of public exchequer in all respects.

Referring to the reforms measures taken by his government in education sector the chief minister said that the government was working on introducing a uniform system of education throughout the province and from the upcoming new academic session unified curriculum was being introduced in all schools for which all necessary preparations had been completed.

Pervez Khattak continued that recruitment of about 16000 new teachers was being made to makeup the deficiency of teaching staff in public sector schools and added that under the new education policy teachers would be appointed on the basis of same schools, would not be transferred to any other schools and promoted on the basis of their performance.

About the steps taken by his government to ensure the provision of quality health services to the people he said that so far 500 doctors had been appointed by the provincial government to fill up the gap of doctors in public sector health outlets whereas 1000 more doctors were being recruited. Similarly, huge funds have been allocated for the provision of medical equipment and medicines in the hospitals.

Pervez Khattak said that an impartial and powerful accountability body was being established to carryout accountability across the board and to bring to book all those who have plundered the public exchequer and added that the accountability commission would be so strong and powerful that it could take action even against himself as chief minister.

About the proposed local government system of the provincial government he said that under this system all the administrative and financial powers were being devolved to the local bodies enabling them to solve their problems at local level.

The chief minister in response to the problems and demands of Jirga, assured the establishment of new Commerce Collage, hostels in the existing colleges and Press Club, up-gradation of the old hospital of Sarai Nourang to children hospital, upgradation of Lakki City hospital and construction of Tajazai-Darratang double road.

He also assured Rs. 10 million for the repair of power transformers in the area and Rs. 6 million for the repair of Kachkot canal and repair of tube wells. He also assured to take the issue of constructing Kuram Tangi Dam with the federal government.

Similarly, the chief minister assured to restart the work on the establishment of Cadet College and directed the district administration to submit a report to this effect.
enjoy guys :D

Minister for Local Government and Rural Development Inayatullah Khan on Tuesday said the provincial government will announce its plans for holding local government (LG) polls in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) in the next three days.

Addressing a meeting of Jamaat-e-Islami’s working group on local government, Khan said the government will announce the plan for holding the polls phase-wise under the biometric system. “Meetings in this regard will be held among the K-P government, Election Commission of Pakistan and National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) in the next three days for finalising the decisions,” he told participants, adding they were keen on holding the polls under the biometric system.

“There are chances the biometric system will be used phase-wise because the machines will be transported to other districts where the elections will be held at a later stage.” Khan also shared delimitation had almost been completed across the province.

The working group’s chairman, Dr Muhammad Iqbal Khalil, said his party is fully prepared for participating in the LG elections and will prefer an alliance with the coalition partners for the polls.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 22nd, 2014.
Heads up: By-polls plan to be announced in three days, says minister – The Express Tribune

Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Chief Secretary Muhammad Shahzad Arbab directed authorities in the Elementary and Secondary Education Department on Tuesday to implement the proposed academic reforms without further delays.

He was chairing a high-level meeting also attended by secretary education and other high-ranking officials, according to an official handout.

The chief secretary was informed on the standardisation of 400 higher secondary schools, restructuring of the Textbook Board, establishment of an Examination Assistant Commission, uniform curriculums, biometric attendance systems and an independent monitoring and evaluation board.

Along with discussing structural changes in the education sector, Arbab was assured of developments in ensuring provision of facilities, teacher recruitment and training, publishing of books in English and stipends for female students among many others. A plan to revamp the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) also came under discussion.


Training the trainers

Participants of the meeting revealed that a plan for training 23,000 teachers had been finalised and trainers have been trained for the purpose, with English to be the medium of instruction.

Arbab was told that district-wise interviews for recruitment of monitoring and evaluation assistants had been completed whereas governing bodies responsible for the process of standardising higher secondary schools had already been empowered.

The official dispatch also stated that consultants for revamping the BISE and the examination commission leading towards uniformed curriculum had been engaged, and that they would submit recommendations within the next few weeks.

Meanwhile, authorities at the meeting disclosed that a list of books recommended by the Textbook Board had been approved, while books for grade one had already been printed. The chief secretary then directed authorities for prompt and efficient implementation of all proposed and approved reforms.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 22nd, 2014.
Chief secretary directs authorities to initiate education reforms promptly – The Express Tribune
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