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Naya KPK: K-P police register cases against 40 PTI workers


Apr 27, 2010
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PESHAWAR: The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) police registered cases against 40 workers of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) for manhandling trucks going through Nato supply routes, Express News reported on Monday.

On November 24, PTI supporters – as a protest against US drone campaign – had blocked Nato supply routes leading to Afghanistan.

PTI workers had staged a sit-in on the Ring Road near Chamkani where they checked hundreds of container.

In their quest to distinguish Nato trucks from regular cargo carriers, workers had broken the seals of dozens of containers for the inspection of goods and had brawls with the drivers in the process.


The call for a sit-in was earlier made by PTI chief Imran Khan, after his governing party in K-P passed a unanimous resolution against drones and set November 20 as the date of a rally.

In Nowshera, around 150 PTI activists led by K-P Assembly member Idrees Khan set up a protest camp near Khairabad Bridge where participants chanted anti-US and anti-Nato slogans.

A number of PTI activists in Kohat also staged a sit in at the Jarma Chowk on the Indus Highway to halt Nato supply trucks passing through the area.


A rare example where a province's police takes action against ruling party's worker and no one is interfering with police. Lets see how haters react to this? :P

@Leader @chauvunist @pkuser2k12 @Pukhtoon @mafiya @Aamna14 @Marshmallow @Side-Winder @Zarvan @Peaceful Civilian @batmannow @hasnain0099 @xyxmt @Patriots
PESHAWAR: The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) police registered cases against 40 workers of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) for manhandling trucks going through Nato supply routes, Express News reported on Monday.

On November 24, PTI supporters – as a protest against US drone campaign – had blocked Nato supply routes leading to Afghanistan.

PTI workers had staged a sit-in on the Ring Road near Chamkani where they checked hundreds of container.

In their quest to distinguish Nato trucks from regular cargo carriers, workers had broken the seals of dozens of containers for the inspection of goods and had brawls with the drivers in the process.


The call for a sit-in was earlier made by PTI chief Imran Khan, after his governing party in K-P passed a unanimous resolution against drones and set November 20 as the date of a rally.

In Nowshera, around 150 PTI activists led by K-P Assembly member Idrees Khan set up a protest camp near Khairabad Bridge where participants chanted anti-US and anti-Nato slogans.

A number of PTI activists in Kohat also staged a sit in at the Jarma Chowk on the Indus Highway to halt Nato supply trucks passing through the area.


A rare example where a province's police takes action against ruling party's worker and no one is interfering with police. Lets see how haters react to this? :P

@Leader @chauvunist @pkuser2k12 @Pukhtoon @mafiya @Aamna14 @Marshmallow @Side-Winder @Zarvan @Peaceful Civilian @batmannow @hasnain0099 @xyxmt @Patriots
Well this proves a lot of other things as well :big_boss::big_boss:
PESHAWAR: The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) police registered cases against 40 workers of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) for manhandling trucks going through Nato supply routes, Express News reported on Monday.

On November 24, PTI supporters – as a protest against US drone campaign – had blocked Nato supply routes leading to Afghanistan.

PTI workers had staged a sit-in on the Ring Road near Chamkani where they checked hundreds of container.

In their quest to distinguish Nato trucks from regular cargo carriers, workers had broken the seals of dozens of containers for the inspection of goods and had brawls with the drivers in the process.


The call for a sit-in was earlier made by PTI chief Imran Khan, after his governing party in K-P passed a unanimous resolution against drones and set November 20 as the date of a rally.

In Nowshera, around 150 PTI activists led by K-P Assembly member Idrees Khan set up a protest camp near Khairabad Bridge where participants chanted anti-US and anti-Nato slogans.

A number of PTI activists in Kohat also staged a sit in at the Jarma Chowk on the Indus Highway to halt Nato supply trucks passing through the area.


A rare example where a province's police takes action against ruling party's worker and no one is interfering with police. Lets see how haters react to this? :P

@Leader @chauvunist @pkuser2k12 @Pukhtoon @mafiya @Aamna14 @Marshmallow @Side-Winder @Zarvan @Peaceful Civilian @batmannow @hasnain0099 @xyxmt @Patriots

Yes they should not harass the truck drivers... make sure things go smoothly.. in any case, party workers are learning the street politics by this, even if they are jailed for a wrong.

latest update has come that Truck Association has boycotted NATO containers, they wont be carrying any from 26 nov onwards.. truck driver more patriot than pmln !
PESHAWAR: The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) police registered cases against 40 workers of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) for manhandling trucks going through Nato supply routes, Express News reported on Monday.

On November 24, PTI supporters – as a protest against US drone campaign – had blocked Nato supply routes leading to Afghanistan.

PTI workers had staged a sit-in on the Ring Road near Chamkani where they checked hundreds of container.

In their quest to distinguish Nato trucks from regular cargo carriers, workers had broken the seals of dozens of containers for the inspection of goods and had brawls with the drivers in the process.


The call for a sit-in was earlier made by PTI chief Imran Khan, after his governing party in K-P passed a unanimous resolution against drones and set November 20 as the date of a rally.

In Nowshera, around 150 PTI activists led by K-P Assembly member Idrees Khan set up a protest camp near Khairabad Bridge where participants chanted anti-US and anti-Nato slogans.

A number of PTI activists in Kohat also staged a sit in at the Jarma Chowk on the Indus Highway to halt Nato supply trucks passing through the area.


A rare example where a province's police takes action against ruling party's worker and no one is interfering with police. Lets see how haters react to this? :P

@Leader @chauvunist @pkuser2k12 @Pukhtoon @mafiya @Aamna14 @Marshmallow @Side-Winder @Zarvan @Peaceful Civilian @batmannow @hasnain0099 @xyxmt @Patriots
& can you think what its gona be, the reaction from these stupids?
you will see, not many comming to PTI political gathering next time?
in a sense, its a good move, that protest doesnt means to become gurd to check every container, even carrying local goods, i mean apples to the local market?
its dangerous, if these stupids start acting like dam police?
ok, thats ok, but it shows the fear inside the rulling class of KPK, which never came out in the protest?
just because the USAID?
in my view, its enough for PTI to say goodbye to JI +TTp pushed political policies, cause its not the peoples of KPK & pakistan are intersted in?
they really like to see, TTp getting wacked?
PTI shouldnt, be looking TTp , mouth pice cause still, its unable to speak a single word namming TTp in front of pakistani public?
We’ve come a long way in our decade long partnership. We’ve lost thousands of brave soldiers in fighting terrorism. Our common sacrifices clarify our stance against terrorism. The truth is that we’ve also faced several obstacles and challenges in our decade long partnership. But at the end of the day, our common peace objectives have allowed us to overcome any obstacles and issues associated with our common mission. We’ve seen the negatives of staying on the opposite sides of the fence, and at the same time, we realize the benefits of working side by side. Our officials continue to meet to address our shared concerns. And we certainly hope to continue our partnership for the sake of restoring peace and stability in the region.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
We’ve come a long way in our decade long partnership. We’ve lost thousands of brave soldiers in fighting terrorism. Our common sacrifices clarify our stance against terrorism. The truth is that we’ve also faced several obstacles and challenges in our decade long partnership. But at the end of the day, our common peace objectives have allowed us to overcome any obstacles and issues associated with our common mission. We’ve seen the negatives of staying on the opposite sides of the fence, and at the same time, we realize the benefits of working side by side. Our officials continue to meet to address our shared concerns. And we certainly hope to continue our partnership for the sake of restoring peace and stability in the region.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command

We’ve come a long way in our decade long partnership. We’ve lost thousands of brave soldiers in fighting terrorism. Our common sacrifices clarify our stance against terrorism. The truth is that we’ve also faced several obstacles and challenges in our decade long partnership. But at the end of the day, our common peace objectives have allowed us to overcome any obstacles and issues associated with our common mission. We’ve seen the negatives of staying on the opposite sides of the fence, and at the same time, we realize the benefits of working side by side. Our officials continue to meet to address our shared concerns. And we certainly hope to continue our partnership for the sake of restoring peace and stability in the region.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command

Ali Khan,
I have never blamed United States for any ups and down,I have always emphasized upon this fact that our civil regime has failed to deliver our voice to United States.
Drone attacks are against will of Pakistani subject,and it is contrary to Pakistani interest.
We have lost millions of lives in our home ground and are sandwiched in between this wave of 'terrorism' and 'drone strike',as compare to people of united states who are safe in their mainlands.
We must engeenier such policy which can bring sustainability in the region as well as assures in maintaining political equilibrium between two nations,and I assure you sir that drone strategy is destroying our relationship,as it is not only increasing aggression and extremism amongst public,but it is also becoming a main reason to create hatered,you have come from far away land to fight terror and we are facing this nightmare in our home ground,you have a chance to get out of this labyrinth,but we haven't,so kindly understand and listen to our voice and protest which PTI is recording peacefully against drone strategy.
PTI did noting inqalabi then these cheap shots sonami of drainage is open now . what they did till now please have a list?
What was that? Its an implicit admission we are colonized by USA.

Soon you will hear the fake liberals and the 'leaders' of status quo parties calling it a drama.

Yes,I agree some so-called shameless fools may call this 'protest' as 'drama',because a political party is helping to deliver clear image of scenario,however they can't deny this fact that their strategy is contrary to 'our will'...
Yes,I agree some so-called shameless fools may call this 'protest' as 'drama',because a political party is helping to deliver clear image of scenario,however they can't deny this fact that their strategy is contrary to 'our will'...

Drama or not. Drones aren't going to stop by this dharna or whatever it is.
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