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Nawaz Sharif first ever who visited India but totally ignored Kashmiri Leadership

and what u people do....cut the soldiers head at border....what was ur reaction that time....
u are the denail girl....every one knows that...u were denying it that time too...

who started this mess....it was u people.....suddenly u start to feel the heat.....when some one says something of jinna and other.....read the OP....first....this is how one open a thread.....

I am not denying anything but I asked you a question you were not able to answer so you jumped on the personal line?

I asked what was the threat for when you people already did so that which you were threatening the management about?
this is true, and his victory seemed to be fait accompli for quite some time even before he won.....but what also does count is the fact that BJPs right-wing agenda will push india on a path of communalism and far the the "secular"s state its always tried to claim to be (few buy that when they see RSS and their past track record)

its in his interests that he act mature and not think Pakistan will abandon Kashmir cause. It just wont happens

It is sad that you would want the same fate for India as is the case with Pakistan, however its plain stupid to think so.

Pakistan can shout and cry all the they want, Pakistan has lost Kashmir.. You guys can shout from the roof tops and keep giving moral support for the 'Kashmiri Cause' no one in India gives a $hit. :)

we have different meaning of equality. you are no one to dictate us whom to pick or whom not to pick if you can not respect our elected leaders. :pop::pop::pop:

give respect and take respect.
Not dictating just pointing out the fact that you pick on dead! Shame on you!

Respect is not asked or begged for as in this post! It is earned!
Kashmir’s special status to go, says Modi’s minister
By The Newspaper's Correspondent
Published about 6 hours ago

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. - File photo
NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has begun the process to abrogate Article 370 that is said to legally bind the disputed Himalayan state with India, a key minister said on Tuesday.

Within minutes of taking charge as the Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office, Mr Jitendra Singh triggered a controversy. He said the process of abrogating Article 370 that grants special autonomous status to Jammu and Kashmir had already begun and that they had started discussing the issue with several stakeholders in the state.

In a series of tweets, J&K Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said “Article 370 is the only constitutional link between J&K & rest of India” and “Talk of revocation is not just ill-informed it’s irresponsible”. Mr Abdullah also said: “Long after Modi Govt is a distant memory either J&K won’t be part of India or Art 370 will still exist”.

The Indian Express said Mr Jitendra Singh’s inclusion in the Modi government was a surprise given that he joined the BJP just two years ago. He called Article 370 a “psychological barrier”. Abrogation of Article 370 is an old demand of the Bharatiya Janata Party.

Published in Dawn, May 28th, 2014
now again we have decided to concerntrete on word Jihad?

Awesome news !!

Soon article 370 will go and see the floods of Indians from all over India buying the properties there. :tup:
[quiste="Aslan, post: 5716797, member: 193is 2"]IS that a blackmail, do u do the same with indians when they carry on posting worse kinds of remarks about Pakistan, its people even not sparing the religion.

NS cares of nothing more then his own interests, that is that long after he is done with Pakistan, and can no longer be in the business of ruining Pakistan via the PM ship, he could still be in the business of making tons of money via his indian business associations.[/quote]

It Is same with me! I criticised mqm wala's anti punjabi rubbish throwing and straight away
this @Oscar banned me, just because he himself Is a member of this gang.I have been
forced to suspect as if the management of Pk.Defence has been taken over by mqm?.
People like you and me will never get to know what was discussed....
Nawaz Sharif first ever who visited India but totally ignored Kashmiri Leadership

Its really disappointing that nawaz didnt meet Huriyat Leadership, just to be in good books of Modi terrorist.
People like you and me will never get to know what was discussed....so stop jumping and get back to work... do something for your country.
now you are acting like a philosopher :lol:

oh please go away and dont waste my time, nor divert the thread to your useless cry baby thought about Modi, if you are so sensitive about him, gher mien chupa ker rakh lo...

I am sorry i sounded like a philosopher but my attempt was to put across my thoughts to you, and me being cry baby???? Never.... So me being a cry baby or Modi is terrorist or not is the discussion we were having, you clearly managed to derail this thread..... So you can continue doing that :), May be we shall bump in to each other in some other thread ;)
Not dictating just pointing out the fact that you pick on dead! Shame on you!

I'm also showing you the disgust you guys are following by picking on a person who is elected by more than 500 million people. Shame on you as well.
Respect is not asked or begged for as in this post! It is earned!

exactly. . . you are the representative of your country . . do something that let us praise/respect your founding fathers. . . don't beg for it.
I'm also showing you the disgust you guys are following by picking on a person who is elected by more than 500 million people. Shame on you as well.
Elected or not, His hands are dipped with blood of the Gujarat massacre proper supports will acknowledge he did make a blunder in time for which he is labelled! So to erase that label he needs to do good while expecting the same from a dead man is seriously just crazy!

exactly. . . you are the representative of your country . . do something that let us praise your founding fathers. . . don't beg for it.
Either make a country or move one towards independence...then we will see where you stand! Founding father is respect in the title itself coz not everyone can get a country its independence! Ask Modi that! :pop:

I am not begging for praises just pointing out how low you people are to say crap about a dead man! Shame on you!

miss talon....
this is not s threat....but just a gentle reminder......
if u dont respect ur leaders that does nt mean no one else respect their....
Well we have no problem with you guys saying anything about NS...but you guys chose to sing praises for him and then expect the same? Based on nothing but personal preference?
I am not denying anything but I asked you a question you were not able to answer so you jumped on the personal line?

I asked what was the threat for when you people already did so that which you were threatening the management about?
what personal line u are talking about...
we even opened a thread on this bashing.....by u people....but management took.no action.....
we only say something when u people continuously keep doing the same....
if u are ok with it then why u people suddenly start crying when someone say something of jinnah......
and mods rush to ban that member....
isn't that hypocrisy.... if u are insulting any one then be sure ur leaders will.face the same.....
@nair you missed this personal attack or is negative ratings on your par only for Pakistani members?
@nair why this hypocrisy bro....
u gave a person -ve because he called nawaz a terrorist.....then why no -ve is been awarded to pakis for calling indian leader terrorists.....

the 1st post of the thread reads....terrorist modi...and no one says anything......
is it because nswaz has suddenly become more imp. fig then indian premier Modi........

Now you both are accusing me for not giving negative ratings to the respective countrymen..... and both are accusing me for being partial..... How am i gonna respond to both of you.... You might have seen my name on thread, but i was not in front of PC (was having my rice and mathi (sardine) fry :P)

By the way just went for lunch and when i come back and see a bunch of mention in this thread shall read and revert.. and i need to go out for something urgent..
Elected or not, His hands are dipped with blood of the Gujarat massacre proper supports will acknowledge he did make a blunder in time for which he is labelled! So to erase that label he needs to do good while expecting the same from a dead man is seriously just crazy!

Either make a country or move one towards independence...then we will see where you stand! Founding father is respect in the title itself coz not everyone can get a country its independence! Ask Modi that! :pop:

I am not begging for praises just pointing out how low you people are to say crap about a dead man! Shame on you!

Well we have no problem with you guys saying anything about NS...but you guys chose to sing praises for him and then expect the same? Based on nothing but personal preference?
why should i stick to nawaz then....i will criticize any leader i want tooo.....
it will be nt ur choice ...but mine...
but then ...dont start crying....and start complaing like a kid....;)
Elected or not, His hands are dipped with blood of the Gujarat massacre proper supports will acknowledge he did make a blunder in time for which he is labelled! So to erase that label he needs to do good while expecting the same from a dead man is seriously just crazy!

You must be above our supreme courts to say that his hands are dipped in blood. Thank you for the conviction.. The congress can breath easy and send the sitting PM to jail now. :P

Well we have no problem with you guys saying anything about NS...but you guys chose to sing praises for him and then expect the same? Based on nothing but personal preference?
We do not expect you to praise any one. Why should your word be the guiding principal of our behavior?
Do you think Pakistan or Pakistanis has/have that kind of currency?
Now you both are accusing me for not giving negative ratings to the respective countrymen..... and both are accusing me for being partial..... How am i gonna respond to both of you.... You might have seen my name on thread, but i was not in front of PC (was having my rice and mathi (sardine) fry :P)

By the way just went for lunch and when i come back and see a bunch of mention in this thread shall read and revert.. and i need to go out for something urgent..
When you give negative ratings May I suggest you give it to both countrymen! I told your countryman here that you did give leader but ever since then he has been going on and on about blind respect for Modi! and even went to threat that will do the same for founding fathers, what does such people tell you?

why should i stick to nawaz then....i will criticize any leader i want tooo.....
it will be nt ur choice ...but mine...
but then ...dont start crying....and start complaing like a kid....;)
Shows your mentality! :tup: Dont need to confirm it to me! I knew it well enough! Go stoop as low as you want! Quaid is dead in his grave but whatever you say wont change what he did (nothing close to what you will achieve in your life) before he left ;)
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