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Nawaz Sharif : 1st Speech as Prime Minister

looks like a copy paste speech, wording hi apni use ker liya karo BC !! :angry:

ganja actually enjoyed media support for five years

its time they will be grilled in the media

it looks as if he has won the throne but believe me PMLN era of praises will be gone since it will bring opportunity for all the critics to grill his actions

no longer will PMLN supporters be the one criticising here

good thing is both CJ and army chief will be going outside so he will be even more grilled by adlia and army
@Leader .. Nobody likes a sore loser.. and here you are being one... a really big one.

Instead.. you could focus on recording these promises.. and make sure your Party website and otherwise hold them to record on this.
That is democracy instead of behaving like 6 year old kids.
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@Leader .. Nobody likes a sore loser.. and here you are being one... a really big one.

Instead.. you could focus on recording these promises.. and make sure your Party website and otherwise hold them to record on this.
That is democracy instead of behaving like 6 year old kids.

Yes I maybe a sore loser to you but one thing is for sure that I feel we have been wronged, we deserved better than this....

and I dont know where and how you were brought up, but this is not how democracy works, that you rig elections and become a primer by breaking deals with army/saudi/america?

and lastly you keep the list of promises, and be the idiot to get a water cooler after 5 years. :laughcry:

I am not buying all this... !!
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Yes I maybe a sore loser to you but one thing is for sure that I feel we have been wronged, we deserved better than this....

and I dont know where and how you were brought up, but this is not how democracy works, that you rig elections and become a primer by breaking deals with army/saudi/america?

and lastly you keep the list of promises, and be the idiot of get a water cooler after 5 years. :laughcry:

I am not buying it.

Again.. I suggest that you stop being a sore loser.. not resort to personal or parental attacks since that reflects badly on you and the party you so eagerly represent.

Yes, you may have been wronged and there was wide spread rigging.. but my upbringing also involved encouragement to study and learn.. something which you should do.. part of that is looking at history.. history of all those nations where democracy took hold.

All way till the early 1900's elections in the US of A were also rigged to the core. Votes were put in out of nowhere, and immigrants where handed a piece of bread and made to vote. That is the price of illiteracy that all democracies pay. But at the same time, the focus is on democracy and the fact that your party was able to mobilize a section that had stopped voting entirely for a long time.
That is an achievement , be proud of it and work to put it in action by continuing to look at governance and participating in political activities.. instead of reacting like an upstart and questioning upbringing and everything else.
ganja actually enjoyed media support for five years

its time they will be grilled in the media

it looks as if he has won the throne but believe me PMLN era of praises will be gone since it will bring opportunity for all the critics to grill his actions

no longer will PMLN supporters be the one criticising here

good thing is both CJ and army chief will be going outside so he will be even more grilled by adlia and army

Dont worry he will ensure that whoever be the successor to CJ and COAS will have a soft appriach tiwards him
and @Oscar before you open your mouth again,

ن لیگی ارکان کی شفقت محمود کو دیکھ کرنعرے

this is what you are defending and hoping from to fulfill their promises.. good luck !

Again.. I suggest that you stop being a sore loser.. not resort to personal or parental attacks since that reflects badly on you and the party you so eagerly represent.

Yes, you may have been wronged and there was wide spread rigging.. but my upbringing also involved encouragement to study and learn.. something which you should do.. part of that is looking at history.. history of all those nations where democracy took hold.

All way till the early 1900's elections in the US of A were also rigged to the core. Votes were put in out of nowhere, and immigrants where handed a piece of bread and made to vote. That is the price of illiteracy that all democracies pay. But at the same time, the focus is on democracy and the fact that your party was able to mobilize a section that had stopped voting entirely for a long time.
That is an achievement , be proud of it and work to put it in action by continuing to look at governance and participating in political activities.. instead of reacting like an upstart and questioning upbringing and everything else.

I didnt comment on your parental background but your educational, as you are incapable to understand the phenomena surrounding democracy...

p.s. and before you blah blah your nonsense again, I think you are entitled to your views, and I am to mine, lets keep that distance intact, a very fundamental principle of democracy, agree?
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Believe every word he said, he meant it
he didnt have to make this promising speech but he did, go check Raja Rental and Gilani First speeches
with Nawaj pakistan democracy has got a life line IMO IK was much better option for pakistan.. he had a clear view and vision for his nation... but better to have a democratic govt. in neighborhood rather then few more years of dictators.
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