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Nawaz Sarif walking on Treason Lines

Ba ha ha ha, nice conclusion to downplay your beloved's treacherous interview quip.

What i wrote is written in many books and is an observation of many around him.
Many arrested RAW operatives have stated this on record, that their task was to get into political parties and try to influence as per instructions.
In one man show parties, like we have in Pakistan, the job of RAW is as easy as lemon squeeze.
We have already come to know about Pervez Rashid and Javed Hashmi as possible RAW agents, but there are others who sneak in to close circles by other routes, such as advisers.
In case of PTI, Imran Khan himself is fishy character.
In case of PTI, Imran Khan himself is fishy character.
Yes, the guy who is building the third Cancer hospital in Karachi after Lahore and Peshawar is indeed fishy as :

One of the most decorated Civilian hero of Pakistan who has achieved highest accolades for Pakistan can indeed be fishy in the eyes of only those who consider Nawaz as better than other politicians...

Congratulations! You have really proved yourself just as shallow as your beloved.
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^^ Imran Khan can't possibly build his house from the charity.
He should focus on national issues, instead of personal glorification and charity collection for hospital.
I want to know his opinion on national issues, like Kalabagh Dam, Kashmir, Afgahn transit aid, How to best use foreign remittance, revival of industry and sustaining development of Punjab?
What International scholars termed as False Flag Indian/ Israeli attack, has now been portrayed by Nawaz as exactly the way Modi likes it. Read the article below.

National News
December 04,2017
Mumbai attack was a false flag ops: US author

our correspondents

LAHORE: An American academic, political commentator and scholar, Dr Kevin Barrett, has opined that former US President Barack Obama is “either wildly detached from reality or lying through his teeth while talking about Osama bin Laden and terrorism”.

Dr. Kevin Barrett made these remarks in one of his very recent TV interviews, while commenting on a speech made by Obama at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit — in New Delhi.

The true meaning of terrorism is ‘intentionally targeting civilians,’” Dr. Barrett said. “And Obama, of course, is here with people from India who view the liberation struggle in Kashmir as terrorism, while it is not. The Kashmiri liberation forces are primarily non-violent just like in Palestine, but to the extent that they do target India, they target Indian soldiers in Kashmir, and that is their right under international law,” says the American scholar.

The American Author added, “The Indian government, especially the extremist element, has partnered with the elements of the US and Israeli Deep State in trying to smear the Kashmiri liberation struggle by creating false flag terrorism in India in which civilians are slaughtered”..

Dr Barrett also asserted: “And Obama, of course, was going with the official version of the Mumbai attacks when he said the US was just as interested in prosecuting the attackers of the 2008 Mumbai slaughter as India was.

But those attacks have been proven to be a false flag by the elements of the Indian government itself, in partnership with the United States”..
Dr Barret has also recommended a 800-page book written by Elias Davidson whose title is ‘The Betrayal of India: [A Close Look at the 2008 Mumbai Terror Attacks]’.
^^ Imran Khan can't possibly build his house from the charity.
He should focus on national issues, instead of personal glorification and charity collection for hospital.
I want to know his opinion on national issues, like Kalabagh Dam, Kashmir, Afgahn transit aid, How to best use foreign remittance, revival of industry and sustaining development of Punjab?

Begherti ki limit chakna choor karna aap se sekhay koi!
^^ Imran Khan can't possibly build his house from the charity.
He should focus on national issues, instead of personal glorification and charity collection for hospital.
I want to know his opinion on national issues, like Kalabagh Dam, Kashmir, Afgahn transit aid, How to best use foreign remittance, revival of industry and sustaining development of Punjab?
More Whataboutism...Figures!
He is not Mian, this title associated with Arain caste awarded by Mughal Ruler....He is Khawaja.
Everything about this asshole is fake..... Like this asshole started to celebrate his birthday on Dec. 25, which QA's Birth day.... While sure the asshole was born on April 1.

He said that in front of SAFMA before elections. This scum is a beggar ... he will say anything for money and power.
Yeah but then the asshole lost his faith... simple ....so no wonder he and his daughter have illegitimate relations with Jindal & Co.
I still cant believe people are still defending this haraam khoor aka Godfather, He has simply crossed the red line, anyone who is still defending this bastard is committing a treason to the state of Pakistan same as Godfather, even if IK said the same thing, he should also be held for treason, I dont care who it is, any politician who goes against the state of Pakistan is an enemy of state and as such should be treated as treason.
This piece of sh*t is the biggest traitor that has ever resided in Pakistan. I can't believe he was elected again, I hope he has signed his political death certificate. This is a prime time also to make sure that his family also never see any seat of power.
He's doing everything to obstruct Khadim Ala's much anticipated entry in the ayvaan vazir azam, nothing against the state - - - . Na khayda gy na khaydan dea gy :pop:
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