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Nawaz & Quran shareef saga


Oct 3, 2005
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United States
Nawaz Sharif was complaining about the fact that he cant take an oath with Quran shareef on any political deal, which is one of the reasons why the PPP and PML-N deal failed. Now just heard the news that all the WOMEN in the PML-N party of the Punjab Assembly were forced to take an oath with Quran that they had to vote for the the party's Presidential candidate! For which the women protested. To take another note.. no men were to be taking an oath with Quran.

Just an observation of the pathetic display by the Nawaz group. :woot::)

I think he is gaining popularity though, mind you. Its probably a vice-versa PPP thing.
Don't you people know about NS's intellect..?? The retarded student and even more pathetic politician have no sense at at all. Had he possessed and iota of it he could have been leading a peaceful life.
Well, I did generalize a bit - I still respect Shabaz Sharif, and when it comes to our 'senior' criminals.. I mean political leaders, he is among the better of the lot.
Well, I did generalize a bit - I still respect Shabaz Sharif, and when it comes to our 'senior' criminals.. I mean political leaders, he is among the better of the lot.

:) i dont know whether he is better or not but currently he is doing good politics for increasing vote bank for the next elections which may be held soon
I think you have to give credit where it is due. Nawaz has stuck to his word all along. What he said on day one has been his stance to date. Zardari on the other hand has wriggled out of so many written and verbal commitments that he cannot be relied upon by anyone.Even if you accept his plea that he cannot renege on his commitments to certain forces, why is he reneging on his written word.
As to corruption, we have seen corruption in every government and Musharaf was no different . If it is not the leader its his cronies and Shoukat Aziz, and the Chaudhry brothers were in his league due to his consent and not on account of political fortitude.
But what I will never forgive Musharraf for were the Nov 2007 disaster and the NRO. If you can make deals with this lot of rabble rousers, how can you be called patriot?
I think you have to give credit where it is due. Nawaz has stuck to his word all along. What he said on day one has been his stance to date. Zardari on the other hand has wriggled out of so many written and verbal commitments that he cannot be relied upon by anyone.Even if you accept his plea that he cannot renege on his commitments to certain forces, why is he reneging on his written word.
As to corruption, we have seen corruption in every government and Musharaf was no different . If it is not the leader its his cronies and Shoukat Aziz, and the Chaudhry brothers were in his league due to his consent and not on account of political fortitude.
But what I will never forgive Musharraf for were the Nov 2007 disaster and the NRO. If you can make deals with this lot of rabble rousers, how can you be called patriot?

Araz - yes he is gaining the moral high ground but do u trust this guy? he is capable of selling you a bridge over a desert!
I would not trust this guy and his cohorts for a split-second!
Araz - yes he is gaining the moral high ground but do u trust this guy? he is capable of selling you a bridge over a desert!
I would not trust this guy and his cohorts for a split-second!

:) Sir even he is not getting high moral ground this time.

He is the one who is responsible for bringing Zardari to a point where he can become a president and sell the country and go packing out of the remaining parts of the country.

I used to think Nawaz is only Idiot but recently due to his love for earning more through Sugare business with India, when he just closes eyes and advocated free movement of Indians from across the border even if India dosnt reciprocate it.

So now i am sure we cant even trust him
Hang on a sec brothers I haven't seen nawaz shareef betraying anyone or letting tem down he always keeps his word he did when pakistan did nuclear explosion maybe you don't remember which became reason for his downfall and he has more self esteem then anyone who beg from others why don't beg at home then beg from others. We need to get this self esteem back brothers and he won't lie the champion of lies mushy and zardari can. Go down to zaradari as president thread on last page i have updated information about zaradari which we as antion with short memory keeps forgetting
Mr. Have you forgotten the agreement Nawaz made for not coming back to Pakistan and never ever indulging in politics, while in exile.

They dishonored there second written agreement when they left Saudi Arabia for medical treatment and never returned back. until sent by force upon the request of guarantor the hon. Shah Abdullah.

Few links from not so old times:

Araz - yes he is gaining the moral high ground but do u trust this guy? he is capable of selling you a bridge over a desert!
I would not trust this guy and his cohorts for a split-second!

Sir Fatman.
In this dirty game where every facet is full of *****, who do you trust. I cant really say that I trust anyone including Musharaf. IF he was so untouchable, why did he do deals with BB and avoided Gunja till the last moment. I think you have to agree that they are all after No 1 --Their own well being. We are afterall reaping the rewards of Musharafs mistakes.
As they say wise enemy is 100 times better than a silly friend.

Ganja had ruled Pakistan for two decades and is the sole reason for the decline of our society. It was only Musharraf who has uplifted it back and if he starts to rule Pakistan again he will drag us back to those old times.

All of PML-N members are much more corrupt than Zardari even bigger thugs and uncivilized.

Nawaz Sharif was the person who sheltered Bin-Laden for the sake of financial support.
He uses to have his private army, while being PM.
He uses to steel electricity for his factory while he was PM!
He uses to steel railway engines to smelt at his foundry!
He uses to feed alive humans to his hungry dogs! Some of the victims were those who refused to work in his factory as slaves!
He sacked his CoAS while he was not in town! Under which law is it possible?
He declared Zardari his brother after humiliating him in Jail.

It was him who leade Pakistan to bankruptcy and not any one else.
He disrespeted Judiciary when he was PM but never was done by BB.
He sacked various CoAS and various civil servants without any reason like King.
His brother S. Sharif used to be cheif of Qabza group and all thugs of Lahore.
He was known for fake encounters of those youth who use to defect from his gang or posed a challenge to him.

Why should I count Sharif better than myself? It will be a shame for me to vote for him ever in my life. I would rather vote for a less familiar opponent of him.
In this dirty game where every facet is full of *****, who do you trust. I cant really say that I trust anyone including Musharaf.

Araz, What was dirty about P. Musharraf that you compare him with *****?
Would you be kind enough to share your information more than mere remarks!

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