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Nawaz calling Manmohan 'dehati aurat

Which comunity do you belong? India is 99% chamar, apart from punjabis provided they are not punjabi chamars.

Very few chamars exist in Pakistan, all converted to Christianity and Sikhism. Christians stayed in Pakistan, they are known as churas. Chamar isnt insult but great honor, you should be proud of your chamar roots instead of looking at Europeans ancestry which is shamefull to say the least.
mate a substantial portion of the pakistani population are the decendants of low caste converts from Hinduism and there are enough evidences to prove that!a large no. of communities in India share striking genetic similarity with their Euopean counterparts!the term "Chamar" came from the Sanskrit word "Charmakar" which means one who deals in leather related product!in India the Chamar community are mostly the descendants of the native indigenous tribal population who were gradually assimilated in the Aryan fold of life....btw i have already stated my community's genetic link with the Easterrn European Slavic population in a previous post some time ago in some other thread!!
mate a substantial portion of the pakistani population are the decendants of low caste converts from Hinduism and there are enough evidences to prove that!a large no. of communities in India share striking genetic similarity with their Euopean counterparts!the term "Chamar" came from the Sanskrit word "Charmakar" which means one who deals in leather related product!in India the Chamar community are mostly the descendants of the native indigenous tribal population who were gradually assimilated in the Aryan fold of life....btw i have already stated my community's genetic link with the Easterrn European Slavic population in a previous post some time ago in some other thread!!

Chamars have between 50-75% ASI component just like 99% Indians. Only punjabis have 30% on average and pashtuns 20% on average. Tell me from which comunity do you belong to? Haplogroup isnt enough to determine ancestry. And that doesnt make you related to eastern europeans. The point is every human is related but dont claim europeans ancestry without any genetic test. I have done it on 23andme.com, again which comunity do you belong to?

Pakistani punjabis have average of around 30% ASI component, pashtuns 20% baloch 15%, Sindhi 28%. To learn more visit harappadna.org. In Pakistan only few million christian Chura comunity belong to dalit converts hence they have 50% ASI component.
Why the heck he will call him" Dehati Aurat" what was the reason he made that comment...Nawaz himself is also from rural Punjub...should we all be calling him Dehati Marad !!! or more crudly a Pandu!!! OMG the leaders we have !!!!!
Chamars have between 50-75% ASI component just like 99% Indians. Only punjabis have 30% on average and pashtuns 20% on average. Tell me from which comunity do you belong to? Haplogroup isnt enough to determine ancestry. And that doesnt make you related to eastern europeans. The point is every human is related but dont claim europeans ancestry without any genetic test. I have done it on 23andme.com, again which comunity do you belong to?

Pakistani punjabis have average of around 30% ASI component, pashtuns 20% baloch 15%, Sindhi 28%. To learn more visit harappadna.org. In Pakistan only few million christian Chura comunity belong to dalit converts hence they have 50% ASI component.
i belong to the Bengali Brahmin community and 72% of my community share same Haplo group gene with the Eastern European.i have already showed this evidence to you in some other thread.but i do admit that while my ancestors were probably from outside India,they married the local indigenous girls when they got settled here in Bengal...
i belong to the Bengali Brahmin community and 72% of my community share same Haplo group gene with the Eastern European.i have already showed this evidence to you in some other thread.but i do admit that while my ancestors were probably from outside India,they married the local indigenous girls when they got settled here in Bengal...

You have around 45% ASI, lower then average Bengali who will have 55%. You dont have European ancestry, even if you have R1a1a haplogroup, that doesnt mean much since its 20.000 years old. Brahmins originated in Pakistan and some moved towards India. The reason you have lower ASI then average is because of strict caste system implented couple of thousands years ago.

Brahmins in Kashmir Punjab, & Sindh dont have lower ASI then average population, but in India brahmins usually will have lower ASI then local population as is the case with Tamil brahmins or Bengali Brahmins which suggest foreign ancestry.
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