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Navy to let ousted captain of Yokosuka-based ship to get 'honorable' retirement


Oct 24, 2012
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YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE, Japan – A former ship captain fired from her post for “cruelty and maltreatment” of her subordinates will be allowed to retire from the Navy under honorable circumstances, officials said Saturday.

Capt. Holly Graf, who was removed from command of the Yokosuka-based guided-missile cruiser USS Cowpens in January 2010, will also retain her O-6 rank upon retirement, according to a statement from Juan Garcia, secretary of the Navy for manpower and reserve affairs.

Graf lost her command after an Inspector General report substantiated five claims leveled against her: breaches of ethics; use of her office for personal gain; dereliction of duty; and both verbal and physical assault.

The Inspector General investigation reported that Graf’s abusive patterns stretched back at least as far as her tour as commander aboard the USS Winston Churchill in 2003.
The 50-page report is full of expletive-laden passages attributed to Graf by several crewmembers interviewed during the investigation.
On one occasion, when a female crewmember asked Graf if she considered herself a mentor, Graf responded, “Don’t come to me with your problems, you’re a [expletive] department head.”

The same crewmember wrote that Graf later threatened her by saying, “I can’t express how mad you make me without getting violent.”
Another crewmember said Graf commonly asked her bridge watch team, “What are you, [expletive] stupid?”

Graf regularly berated both officers and senior-ranking chief petty officers in front of enlisted sailors, contributing to a lack of respect for the chain of command, the report found.
While a commander aboard the Churchill, a sailor informed her that the weather was too poor to recover a helicopter onboard.

“I thought you flew a [expletive] all-weather aircraft,” said Graf, according to the report. “Now [expletive] me to tears.”In another case, a subordinate claimed he was made to stand in a corner as a “timeout” in front of fellow sailors.

Garcia, however, said the charges against Graf were not enough to dismiss the positive aspects of her Navy career.

“In making my determination, I thoroughly reviewed the matter, and weighed heavily material provided in the statements recorded during the initial investigation, the record of proceedings from the Board of Inquiry, and her performance over 26 years of naval service,” Garcia stated.

Following her dismissal from USS Cowpens, Graf was transferred to the Navy Air and Missile Defense Command in Dahlgren, Va. She later faced a board of inquiry, which recommended that Graf be retired as a captain, a recommendation later approved by Garcia.
“Ultimately, Capt. Graf’s conduct fell short of that expected of our commanding officers,” Garcia stated. “As a result, her nonjudicial punishment, early transfer from command and early retirement are warranted.

“However, I have also determined that her conduct did not rise to a level sufficient to warrant the characterization of her service as less than honorable, especially when weighed against the totality of her service to the Navy.”

Navy to let ousted captain of Yokosuka-based ship to get 'honorable' retirement - Stripes - Independent U.S. military news from Iraq, Afghanistan and bases worldwide


After the recent Naval Event happened on board the USS Cowpens, i have dig up this news which happened over a year ago, and i found that there are many injustice happened in this particular case. And i can't stop and wonder, did she got the special treatment because she is a woman? Or because her sister is a Rear Admiral??

This woman is unfit to be an officer in the United States Navy, she intentionally ran over a dolphine, she insult foreign naval officer, did not file report nor provide proper caring to a sailor almost died resulting from an accident happened onbaord her ship, even a board of query said so, yet she was "Honarably Discharged" and retain her rank of Captain for retirment.

You be the judge
Really shameful behavior by a Naval Officer and a stain on Naval Discipline.
Wouldn't be new if it weren't a woman.

6th Fleet command ship firing remains a mystery | Army Times | armytimes.com

Coast Guard cutter CO removed after reports of poor command climate | Navy Times | navytimes.com
Maple commander removed for “poor command climate” | KCAW

Navy Captain Removed From Command
Frigate captain removed from command | UK news | theguardian.com

Note how it is inappropriate to discuss case details and compare to above.

What is interesting is how Cmdr Graf got command first of DDG Churchill and the again of CG Cowpens. Someone promoted her, put her in those command positions. What happens to that person or person (who's obviously not been a good judge of character)?

While many denounced Graf, even greater anger seems directed at the Navy brass for promoting such an officer to positions of ever-increasing responsibility.
Holly Graf: Navy Relieves Harsh Commander of USS Cowpens - TIME

“Ultimately, Capt. Graf’s conduct fell short of that expected of our commanding officers,” Garcia stated. “As a result, her nonjudicial punishment, early transfer from command and early retirement are warranted.

“However, I have also determined that her conduct did not rise to a level sufficient to warrant the characterization of her service as less than honorable, especially when weighed against the totality of her service to the Navy.”
storm in a bowl of soup.
Navy to let ousted captain of Yokosuka-based ship to get 'honorable' retirement - Stripes - Independent U.S. military news from Iraq, Afghanistan and bases worldwide

Mind you, this happend in january 2010...
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well, the fact that she got the boot yet retired with full benefit bump me out...

When i got my own commission, you were told to treat your subordinate wellband with respect, to look after people who were under your command. this satan ofba woman did not do any of that, instead she went on a power trip and treat the people under her command like dirt, of the 273 communique during the hearing, not one say anything good about her

in my eyes, she betray the trust ofbher own man and disgrace the uniform she was wearing. I considered her original punishment was already light, yet even that was overturned and she gotbfull benefit early retirement? LOL have the world gone insane?
well, that is a long standing problembin the US military

for someone to promote, the only thing you need to do is to convince the higher up you are doing a good job, that come in a way of performance review and evalution. In captain Graf case, she is doing a good job, but instead of shaping her crew into standard, she whip her crew into standard.

If i recall, one sailor served under her testified that she ran her ship in an iron fist, if you disagree orbfelt behind you will get punished severely for it

the brass that promote her and get her the command of USS cowpen cannot literally see how she run her ship, he/she would have been onbthe ship Graf previously commanded for a day or 2 anyway to evaluate her performance. the oficer promoted her would have nobidea how her character was and would only know about her performance, if shebis fit enough, she would have promoted

The incident may have happen in 2010 but she was just appealeled and have her admin discharge revoked and were honorable discharged i think this or last year, that is the stuff that pissedbme off
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