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Navy to Goa: Give us island or secure flying path


Jun 4, 2010
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United Kingdom

If Goa government does not allow the Navy to take possession of St George island, off Baina beach, then the state will have to be responsible for security of aircraft flying path above the island, Navy officials have told state government representatives.

Flag officer commanding Goa, rear admiral BS Parhar told TOI that Navy wants possession of the island for security reasons as the flying path of planes using Dabolim airport passes above St George island.

Parhar said two years back intelligence bureau (IB) following a survey recommended that Navy should take possession of the island for security reasons. Navy had then submitted its request to the Goa government but it was not granted.

The issue came up for discussion again on Wednesday at a joint meeting convened by the government. Along with representatives of the Navy, the meeting was also attended by deputy chief minister Francis D’Souza, power minister Milind Naik, Dabolim MLA Mauvin Godinho, Vasco MLA Carlos Almeida and other government officials.

Sources said that when Navy officials pressed for the acquisition of the islands stating that the islands are of strategic importance, the response of the state’s representatives was that entire Goa is of strategic importance.

Sources said the three MLAs present at the meeting objected to the takeover of the island by the Navy. When contacted Godinho, said there is no question of giving possession of the island to Navy. “Two years ago people of the area organized a huge morcha to register their opposition to the move. Navy just wants to grab land citing security reasons,” Godinho said.

Almeida said the Goa coastal police could take care of the security as Navy taking possession of the island will impose restriction on the movement of civilians. Naik too was of the view that since there are objections from locals it would not be right to hand over the island to Navy but admitted that the security aspect has to be thrashed out.

There are shrines belonging to the Hindu and Christian communities on the island and many people visit it during their annual feasts. The island is also frequented by tourists and locals. Part of the 130-acre island is occupied by the Navy.

A government official who was present at Wednesday’s meeting said all activities of the people will be curtailed if Navy is given possession of the island and that the government is not in favour of handing over the island to the Navy.

Navy to Goa: Give us island or secure flying path | idrw.org
Goa should give island to navy. National security is more important than tourism!
and Goa faces threat from ???

What do you mean threat :what: ? It is IN's vital airbase which they have to share with civilian flights. Quite logical for Indian Navy to demand it's own airfield, civilian operations shud'nt interfere with military.
This is a military forum, a modicum of awareness is expected.

Since its not a part of Portugal anymore after 1961 ,Goa faces threats form the same enemies the rest of India .

Navy is holding only civilian air port in Goa , People want them out, navy should move to Karwar Base which is just few km away it is coming up with Airbase too , Goa is a small state and Goa was an union territory till 1987 and Military picked up all the prime Real estate in smallest state in the country since Goans never had any say in it , Now people want them out to better strategic located military installations .

I know this is a military forum , i want to know wht threat are you taking about ? is Pakistan or china are so interested in taking out Goa rather then bigger metros like Delhi or Mumbai ?
Navy is holding only civilian air port in Goa , People want them out, navy should move to Karwar Base which is just few km away it is coming up with Airbase too , Goa is a small state and Goa was an union territory till 1987 and Military picked up all the prime Real estate in smallest state in the country since Goans never had any say in it , Now people want them out to better strategic located military installations .

I know this is a military forum , i want to know wht threat are you taking about ? is Pakistan or china are so interested in taking out Goa rather then bigger metros like Delhi or Mumbai ?

Pakistan navy attacked port of Dwarka in 1965. Though they did'nt do much damage, still would anyone have guessed they would strike at Dwarka than, say Mumbai. You never know what the enemy plans 'coz of the fog of war. And Goa is a legitimate target 'coz it is the naval airbase where our MiG-29K's are based.
Then the logical move would be for the navy to pack up its bag and sundry belongings and head to Karwar.
Goans do not want the navy occupying large tracts of land in an overcrowded state, especially as the acquisition of the bases was accomplished unilaterally with total disregard of the Goans' views or desires.
The Goan airport is important to us, I think Navy should be stay put. Errant has already left Goa so he should not be worried about the overcrowding
Don't be so utterly pathetic in your asinine arguments. Residents in Goa would like the navy to reduce its footprint in the state, a not unreasonable expectation as the constant expansion of territory under its control by the navy is downright frightening. It is more like an occupying force, albeit, not an aggressive one. But, nevertheless, precious land is being gobbled up by this entity.
Please put a stop to this creeping encroachment and let the land be free!
Don't be so utterly pathetic in your asinine arguments. Residents in Goa would like the navy to reduce its footprint in the state, a not unreasonable expectation as the constant expansion of territory under its control by the navy is downright frightening. It is more like an occupying force, albeit, not an aggressive one. But, nevertheless, precious land is being gobbled up by this entity.
Please put a stop to this creeping encroachment and let the land be free!

One day when the external forces threaten the land..it will definetly be free if Navy leaves..and regarding asinine arguments is concerned ..better get your flags or flag changed to Indian before giving your arguments..looks like your land is stuck near the airport ..want to increase its price..by getting the Navy out of there
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