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Navy Inducts Second Batch Of Z9EC Helicopters

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Jun 2, 2010
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Navy Inducts Second Batch Of Z9EC Helicopters

KARACHI, Nov 4 (APP): The second batch of four Z9EC Anti Submarine helicopters and the first Information and Electronic Warfare Jet aircraft were formally inducted in Pakistan Navy Aviation Fleet on Thursday.

The induction ceremony was held at the PN Base Mehran. The chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Noman Bashir, was the chief guest on the occasion, says an ISPR (Navy) press release.

It said that the Z9EC helicopters have been acquired from China under the contract with China National Aero Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATlC). The first batch was inducted last year which has been successfully taking part in Naval Air Operations.

These helicopters operate from F-22P Frigates which now make an important part of PN Fleet. The helicopters are equipped with advanced sensors and torpedoes for undertaking designed role of Anti Submarine Warfare.

The acquisition of IW/EW jet aircraft would add a new dimension In Pakistan Navy's intelligence gathering capabilities. The aircraft, equipped with modern and sophisticated equipment, is capable of covering larger areas in short time span and would significantly enhance maritime domain awareness of our area of operations, the Navy press release added.

Speaking on the occasion, Chief of the Naval Staff said that while the Indian Ocean holds maximum stakes in terms of vital resources and strategically important sea lines of communication, it has also witnessed rise in maritime crimes, posing challenges to regional and extra regional players.

Considering the threat in the shape of trans-national terrorist networks, security is no longer an isolated affair and navies are today resorting to the concept of 'collaborative and collective security', the Naval Chief added.

He said that Pakistan Navy is also playing an important role in these collaborative efforts towards peace and security. Induction of new platforms would provide PN with the means to meet these challenges more efficiently and effectively.

Admiral Noman Bashir further said that Pakistan enjoys time-tested, multi dimensional and deep rooted relations with China. These relations have grown deeper and stronger in all spheres of defence and economic cooperation. F-22P and Z9EC projects are clear manifestations of these bonds of friendship. Earlier in his welcome address, Commander Pakistan Fleet Vice Admiral Tanveer Faiz gave an account of acquisition programme of these aircraft and their role in PN Aviation Fleet.

The ceremony concluded with an impressive fly past of newly acquired Z9EC helicopters. Among others, the ceremony was also attended by Mr. Liu Jian, Ambassador of China, Mr. Yang Ying, Vice President M/s CATIC, senior naval officers and aviators of Pakistan Navy.
Which "first Information and Electronic Warfare Jet aircraft" are we talking here?

Above are the first batch.. please post if somebody has got recent pics of new batch.
Glad to see our navy developing steadily and constantly! :pakistan:
Is there any enhance capability on this 2nd batch ?
Good news for the PN hope it keeps upgrading its self .
Good news

but which news channel have repotered this news ???
thnx china for their best friendship ......:cheesy::woot::china::pakistan:

The Hawker 850XP is a mid-size twin-engine corporate aircraft. It is a development of the British Aerospace BAe 125, and is currently assembled by Hawker Beechcraft. The military version used for tactical reconnaissance, surveillance and SIGINT (SIGnals INTelligence) tasks.

China operates it too:
Deer Jet, Hainan Airlines - 4 Hawker 800XP, 2 Hawker 850XP and 1 Hawker 900XP are in service in Deerjet based at Beijing.Deerjet is a branch of Hainan Airlines(HNA)
Shanghai Airlines - 1 Hawker 800XP is in service in Shanghai Airlines based at Shanghai

Induction ceremony of second batch of Z9EC helicopters at PNS Mehran



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