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Navy fans flock to Dalian on news of Varyag launch..!


May 11, 2010
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United Arab Emirates
Staff Reporter 2011-08-10 08:49 (GMT+8)

Rumors that China's first aircraft carrier, constructed on the hull of the partially-built Soviet Union aircraft carrier Varyag, will soon begin its first sea-trial, attracted many Chinese military enthusiasts to the port-city of Dalian, in Liaoning Province, where final work on the aircraft continues.

The arrival of these enthusiasts crowded the quiet port-city, according to the Peninsular Metropolis Daily of Qingdao, Shandong Province.

Thanks to the inflow of these tourists, local hotels, especially those with a view of Dalian Shipyard where the Varyag is moored, have been full since August.

A reporter of the Peninsular Metropolis Daily, who arrived in Dalian on August 5, said he was not able to find any room in the city's waterfront hotels for the next three days, except for one luxurious one available at an exorbitant price.

Many tourists brought their family members along to explore the port-city while waiting for the sea-trial.

A man from Ganshu Province in western China said he took four family members on the trip. "My wife had to ask her employer for leave of absence," he said.

Two high-school students from Guangxi said they arrived the previous day and had to join a local tourist group, because they had no other way of getting a room at a hotel.

An Internet user suggested some sites in the city which commanded the best views of the carrier, in case a sea trial did take place.

One site was the city's light track train, which runs through the Dalian Shipyard on an elevated track about four stories high, affording a clear view of the carrier.

The reporter from Peninsular Metropolis Daily quoted a light track train worker as saying many tourists rode the train dozens of times, daily, just to shoot clear photographs of Varyag.

A high-rise apartment building along the seaside had to be closed to visitors after too many tourists climbed onto its roof to see the carrier.

For those who cannot find a vantage point to view the Varyag, binocular glasses are available from local vendors, who provide demonstrations on how best to view the ship.

As tourists milled around the city attempting to catch a glimpse of the Varyag, the city was abuzz with talk about the carrier. The questions most asked of local people were where to go for a good view of Varyag, and when the vessel would go on trial.

To engage customers, many local taxi-drivers have learnt enough about aircraft carriers to dismiss rumors about the imminent sea-trial, pointing out that the weather was unfavorable, and that the carrier was not yet equipped with jet fighters.

Whether the sea trial begins soon or not, it is all grist to the city's mill.
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