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Navy Chief quits over spate of submarine mishaps


Navy Chief quits over spate of submarine mishaps - The Hindu

India’s navy chief, Admiral D.K. Joshi resigned as chief of the Indian navy, owning “moral responsibility for the accidents and incidents during the past few months”, the Defence Ministry said on Wednesday. Admiral Joshi is the first Indian military commander to have resigned since General Kodandera Subayya Thimmaiah in 1959 -- and the only to have his resignation accepted by the government.

The naval chief's resignation came hours after a fire on board the newly-refitted Sindhuratna claimed the lives of two naval officers and injured seven -- the third in a series of submarine accidents, including an explosion on the Sindhurakshak which exploded and sank in Mumbai’s naval dockyard in August, 2013, killing 18 crew. Last month, the Sindhughosh ran ground on its way to Mumbai harbour, though without loss of life.

Experts that the resignation also came against concerns within the navy on the capabilities of its fleet, and “It is highly principled of the Admiral to offer his resignation”, said Commodore C. Uday Bhaskar, a prominent naval analyst and former officer “but I suspect the real reasons have to do with frustration over successive governments failing to modernise the submarine fleet”.

Dangerous fleet

Five of, of India’s thirteen conventionally-powered submarines, naval sources have told The Hindu, have exceeded their design life. The INS Sindhughosh, Sindhudhaj, the Sindhuraj, Sindhuvir and ill-fated Sindhuratna, all Russian-manufactured Kilo-class submarines, were all inducted between 1986 and 1988. The most recent of the Kilo-class fleet, the Sindhushastra, was puchased in 2000, preceded by the Sindhurakshak in 1997, and the Sindhuvijay was inducted in 1991.

The Sindhurakshak had suffered an earlier fire accident in 2010, which claimed the life of a sailor.

“In an ideal world”, a senior submarine commander said, “you’d want to keep a submarine in active service for no more than two decades or so. The navy has refitted its submarines to keep them running, but age obviously increases the risks of material failures significantly”.

The Navy has long complained of delays in submarine fleet modernisation, at a time when regional navies, notably China, are dramatically expanding their fleets. India also does not have a full-fledged submarine rescue vessel.
We need to induct more SSKs ASAP and till they arrive should lease SSKs/ buy off the shelf from France.

On Topic> He should not quit.
What non-sense. I wonder what would happen if the IN Submarine fleet really had to go for a war.
On Topic> He should not quit.
I agree.This is a wrong decision.
Look at the politicians who ignominiously cling to their post despite the huge losses caused to the nation by their offices.
Admiral Joshi should not have resigned.He should have chaired an inquiry.And should have made sure such incidents dont happen again.
High time we STOPPED using these 2nd hand equipments anyway.

@Dem!god @kurup @Indischer @chak de INDIA
What do you think?? Was this a wise decision???
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What non-sense. I wonder what would happen if the IN Submarine fleet really had to go for a war.

Yes, I felt the same about PN assets where P3C Orions were bombed. Strangely, no one took responsibility then. Guess, not every soldier is responsible.
What non-sense. I wonder what would happen if the IN Submarine fleet really had to go for a war.

Our submarine fleet is not in good condition as of now.

They could have avoided this by buying some scorpions of the shelf years ago while signing the deal for their production in India.

Perhaps they know something we don't.
What non-sense. I wonder what would happen if the IN Submarine fleet really had to go for a war.
After this incident, 2 out of 9 available kilo submarines will go to refit again(I dont know how long it will take, may be 6 months or so) that means we have just 7 Kilos and 4 type 209 = 11 SSKs but question is how many of them are operationally available at any moment of time. May be 8-9 ssks and 1 SSN at best for now.
PS: Ins short very weak submarine fleet for a navy like ours
Do not complain Russan, complain your remodeling job!

There is no doubt that this system is outdated and obsolate. GoI must purchase some Subs immediately even it is offshelf
WTF is wrong with the IN ..... too many mishaps. BC saare swapping mein busy hai kya ?
I agree.This is a wrong decision.
Look at the politicians who ignominiously cling to their post despite the huge losses caused to the nation by their offices.
Admiral Joshi should not have resigned.He should have chaired an inquiry.And should have made sure such incidents dont happen again.
@Dem!god @kurup @Pumba @Indischer
What do you think?? Was this a wise decision???
I think..it is right decision......
men at top are the example setter....he was given a chance a in sindhurakshak case....and many more recent cases.....
but the thing did not improved......there was report of a navy vessel being damaged......and the officers being drunk...
at least his resignation will send message in the navy..if you are not performing your duty well ..you will be removed...
and he id the chief....its his responsibility to keep things tight in navy.......
I do not expect much from our corrupt netas.....but any this in my armed forces hit my conscience........and I think its a right move.....:tup::tup:

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