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NATO, US, Pakistan Should Attack Uzbekistan


May 21, 2006
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No other country is as much infested by the terrorism as the Uzbekistan. Its the breeding ground for the terrorism, and the terrorists from this land are exported to the Afghanistan and the Pakistan and beyond. The main target of these terrorists is the Pakistan.

The Uzbek terrorists regularly come from their homeland to Pakistan crossing all the way through Afghanistan. They get training in the terrorists camps run by Baitullah Mehsud and then they do what they are told by the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan terrorists. These people also operate in the Swat and Balochistan, but their main resting area is the mountains of Waziristan.

NATO and US should also block those corridors from where these terrorists pass through Afghanistan. Secondly, they should also attack Uzbekistan with the drones. Pakistani forces should warn the Uzbek government of these attacks. There are proofs of Uzbek terrorists involvement in the attack on Sri Lankan team, in Islamabad and Rawalpindi suicide attacks and now in this Lahore Police training school shootdown. One Ghauri Missile into the Uzbekistan would do lots of good to bring back the lost senses of Uzbeks.
NATO, US, Pakistan Should Attack Uzbekistan | The Pakistani Spectator
No other country is as much infested by the terrorism as the Uzbekistan. Its the breeding ground for the terrorism, and the terrorists from this land are exported to the Afghanistan and the Pakistan and beyond. The main target of these terrorists is the Pakistan.

The Uzbek terrorists regularly come from their homeland to Pakistan crossing all the way through Afghanistan. They get training in the terrorists camps run by Baitullah Mehsud and then they do what they are told by the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan terrorists. These people also operate in the Swat and Balochistan, but their main resting area is the mountains of Waziristan.

NATO and US should also block those corridors from where these terrorists pass through Afghanistan. Secondly, they should also attack Uzbekistan with the drones. Pakistani forces should warn the Uzbek government of these attacks. There are proofs of Uzbek terrorists involvement in the attack on Sri Lankan team, in Islamabad and Rawalpindi suicide attacks and now in this Lahore Police training school shootdown. One Ghauri Missile into the Uzbekistan would do lots of good to bring back the lost senses of Uzbeks.

These same arguments are made by Indians when they talk about surgical strikes in Pakistan. It is a rediculous idea. It is true that Uzbeks are involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan, but so are many Arabs, Afghanis and Pakistanis. Should we start by "Ghauri Missile"-ing our own country?

Haider, due to your posts thus far on this forum, I have developed a lot of respect for you. Please don't ruin that by making such arguments.
I respect your opinion but i have to respect my other countrymen opinion too. Uzbekistan is point of origin and Pakistan is transit point. We have 1300 miles of pours border along Afghanistan. Even we deploy millions of army,still we can't do anything. If US and Nato can't control these corridor then let Pak army take control these entry point of Uzbek-Afghan border. And don't worry about India, 90% of Indian statement has political motives.
After Lahore incident, its an extreme. Every Pakistani is furious.Plus Pakistan govt take notice of Indian spy agency in Uzbekistan and Afghanistan both. These consulate are involve more in terrorism and against the sovereignty of Pakistan. Again what 18 consulate has do along Pak afghan border, trade? tourism?......for what
Why would you attack a sovereign country for such a reason? Your repeating the samething that the West says, "Lets attack Pakistan because it is the root cause of terrorism and can't manage it". Double standards here...
sovereign country ????...So, if Uzbek or Afghan can't control this influx of extremism then....what left for Pakistan. Let Pakistan burnt and next week WEST pass resolution in UN council and ask Pakistan to surrender all its nuclear strategic asset, because deteriorating condition of this country on DAILY bases.
One more thing, anyone respect Pakistan sovereignty ? ..tell " US" who ?
I respect your opinion but i have to respect my other countrymen opinion too. Uzbekistan is point of origin and Pakistan is transit point. We have 1300 miles of pours border along Afghanistan. Even we deploy millions of army,still we can't do anything. If US and Nato can't control these corridor then let Pak army take control these entry point of Uzbek-Afghan border. And don't worry about India, 90% of Indian statement has political motives.
After Lahore incident, its an extreme. Every Pakistani is furious.Plus Pakistan govt take notice of Indian spy agency in Uzbekistan and Afghanistan both. These consulate are involve more in terrorism and against the sovereignty of Pakistan. Again what 18 consulate has do along Pak afghan border, trade? tourism?......for what

I am a Pakistani too and am more than furious but I am not advocating attacking Uzbekistan. Have you taken a countrywide poll to support your claim?

Attacking a foreign country for terrorism inside your own country is not the answer; it can only be a pretext for destroying the other country. Yes the border is porous, and we cannot stop it. But did you ask yourself that how are you going to attack Uzbekistan in the first place? Do you suggest we bomb them by cruise missiles, why not nuke them? You can be sure that any attack on the motherland will not go un answered. If there are 10 Uzbeks infiltrating every day now, the same are going to increase by at least a factor of ten. Also have you forgotten that war requires lots of money? If US find it hard to sustain war in Afghanistan, how a cash starved Pakistan going to finance it?

Finally, by using terrorism as a pretext for attack on Uzbekistan, you are providing justification to India to attack Muridke and Ahmedpur East. Your suggestion, if acted upon by the GOP, would mean a war with Uzbekistan, with India and within Pakistan. Are we ready for it?

Only way to solve the problem is to eliminate the root cause of all this. To begin with:

- Send all Afghan refuges back to wherever they came from and to hell with all the hue & cry that follows.
- Close down all the madrassas, whether in NWFP, in FATA or in Punjab or Karachi.
- Weed out all Taliban sympathizers from the civil services, form the security agencies and from the media.
- Get all the mullahs together, at the point of gun force if necessary, and force them to denounce such actions on the media, day in and day out. At this moment even JI has declined to come out against Taliban openly. Hope is that the message seeps thru to the public at large and they stop providing succor to these savages.
- Freeze bank accounts of all organizations even vaguely suspected of aiding anti sate forces.

This may sound drastic but it is far less drastic and damaging than attacking a country without common borders. Do you (we) or our polity have the strength of will to carry the above actions thru?
Pakistan cant afford a war with Uzbekistan and no country will support Pakistan.

Best thing is to control our western borders, give the Pak-Afghan border as much attention as the Pak-India border, and also try to track down the foreign central asian terrorists in the country and make their lives a living hell in prison for life.
it would be a better option to attack mesud.... he provides the training- hit the roots the tree would fall by itself

Yes he must be captured too but much of the terrorists come from Central Asian countries, Pakistan can't afford to have an open border with Afghanistan anymore. That border is just as threatening as the border with India...maybe even more threatening.
No other country is as much infested by the terrorism as the Uzbekistan. Its the breeding ground for the terrorism, and the terrorists from this land are exported to the Afghanistan and the Pakistan and beyond. The main target of these terrorists is the Pakistan.

The Uzbek terrorists regularly come from their homeland to Pakistan crossing all the way through Afghanistan. They get training in the terrorists camps run by Baitullah Mehsud and then they do what they are told by the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan terrorists. These people also operate in the Swat and Balochistan, but their main resting area is the mountains of Waziristan.

NATO and US should also block those corridors from where these terrorists pass through Afghanistan. Secondly, they should also attack Uzbekistan with the drones. Pakistani forces should warn the Uzbek government of these attacks. There are proofs of Uzbek terrorists involvement in the attack on Sri Lankan team, in Islamabad and Rawalpindi suicide attacks and now in this Lahore Police training school shootdown. One Ghauri Missile into the Uzbekistan would do lots of good to bring back the lost senses of Uzbeks.
NATO, US, Pakistan Should Attack Uzbekistan | The Pakistani Spectator

its an illogical & funny post to say the least geo-politically speaking :rofl:
I respect your opinion but i have to respect my other countrymen opinion too. Uzbekistan is point of origin and Pakistan is transit point. We have 1300 miles of pours border along Afghanistan. Even we deploy millions of army,still we can't do anything. If US and Nato can't control these corridor then let Pak army take control these entry point of Uzbek-Afghan border. And don't worry about India, 90% of Indian statement has political motives.
After Lahore incident, its an extreme. Every Pakistani is furious.Plus Pakistan govt take notice of Indian spy agency in Uzbekistan and Afghanistan both. These consulate are involve more in terrorism and against the sovereignty of Pakistan. Again what 18 consulate has do along Pak afghan border, trade? tourism?......for what

The problem needs to be thought out logically. You have to understand that it is not Uzbekistan state which is sponsoring these terrorists. These are misguided INDIVIDUALS from a country who areo out to wage a "HOLY WAR". Simply attacking Uzbekistan is not going to achieve anything more than asking more and more people to come in and attack you. I undersatand what the country and you are thinking but it is a thought which is an emoti0nal one and not a rational one.
The solution really is many fold. Some may be achievable while others are not. The unachievable ones for us are to wipe out the root causes of this chain of violence. This includes removal of foci of incitement (Palestine,Kashmir, Chechnia,Afghanistan, Iraq to name a few). If oyu look at it these are the very things which are at the root of all of this problem. However these problems require a concerted international approach and a lot of give and take from a host of countries and will take years to achieve. The second is provision of a means of living to these people who have no income and no life and therefore they get frustrated and it is this frustration which causes them to docommit such heinous acts.
As to what is achievable____, we need to look at the places where these terrorists are trained and control them and eliminate the very leaders who incite people to violence. There is a need to reeducate the masses and make them understand what the teachings of islam are in this regards. Secondly if we induce them by providinfg them a means of income, we eliminate one of the major causes of violence. Thirdly justice and fair dealings at all times inspite of opposition from inside and outside. Only after this we can catch and then try and punish the culprits. For this we need adequate information and forewarning. To be honest there has been warning from the intelligence agencies in this regards. Effective policing and checks are required as well.
I would value members comments in this regards.
sovereign country ????...So, if Uzbek or Afghan can't control this influx of extremism then....what left for Pakistan. Let Pakistan burnt and next week WEST pass resolution in UN council and ask Pakistan to surrender all its nuclear strategic asset, because deteriorating condition of this country on DAILY bases.?

This is typical baseless conspiracy theory caused by lack of tin hat wearing and drinking too much Kool Aid.

Nice throwaway line and that is what you need to do throw it away from you collection of utterances.

One more thing, anyone respect Pakistan sovereignty ? ..tell " US" who ?

Who cares, or respects it: Well few in Pakistan and defiantly not your government else you would not have the Afghan Taliban in there and you would NOT have let Swat collapse into a state within a state.

You brought that lack of respect on yourself.
Pakistan cant afford a war with Uzbekistan and no country will support Pakistan.

Best thing is to control our western borders, give the Pak-Afghan border as much attention as the Pak-India border, and also try to track down the foreign central asian terrorists in the country and make their lives a living hell in prison for life.

I have said many times here that though you can not fence the Pak-Afg border you can lock it down.
You have the resources but hell, don’t use them.

The simplest way is to PATROL, PATROL and PATROL no placing people in little hill top boxes and pretend. Company sized patrols constantly moving and in a random pattern.
Patrol all passes and all passes that are not passes.

Yes FOOT patrols and if you can use any other form of movement, horses, vehicles but patrol everything, turn over every stone.
Make their life a misery.

lets assume that we attack uzbek. then wat?? do you think they ll stop comin?? to me it seems then they ll be only comin to pakistan. we need to start thinkin about packin this so called war on terror and not expand it. to them we are a partner in crime which US committed. they will keep on attackin us unless we stop supportin US or US leaves afghanistan. its upto us
I am a Pakistani too and am more than furious but I am not advocating attacking Uzbekistan. Have you taken a countrywide poll to support your claim?

This may sound drastic but it is far less drastic and damaging than attacking a country without common borders. Do you (we) or our polity have the strength of will to carry the above actions thru?

I fully agree.....

But the point is you want to keep LET for Kashmir so you have to pick and choose which to keep and which to disband.

You are a sovereign country and have a right to have your own foreign policy so am not questioning your policy on Kashmir. All I am trying to say is fight it politically and diplomatically. The present lot that you are fighting is the result of Afghan policy under Zia. Ten years down the line you will be fighting LET. Covert or overt army and war is no solution look what happened to Russians.

First priority for Pakistan should be security and economic well being of its own people presently the limited resources that you have you are trying to stretch it too thin by getting involved in issues across your border
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