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NATO to closely follow Russia, China, Belarus drills near Baltic borders

There needs to be joint naval drill in Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf region involving China, Pakistan, Iran; depending on situation invite Russia and Turkey. This is and will be vital region for China; and home stretch for Pakistan and Iran. Strategic underlining is obvious.
Belarus—China military exercise United Shield 2017 launches in Minsk
11 July 2017 15:11

Today, a joint anti-terrorist training officially launched in Minsk. The drills are held with the participation of the special forces of Belarus and China (PAP; People's Armed Police).

The military exercise United Shield 2017 will go on for a week. During this time, the special forces of the two countries will hone their skills in shooting, detention of dangerous criminals, and they will exchange experience in conducting special operations.

Upon completing the training, the Chinese military will be given a tour of the historical sites of Belarus. They will visit the Brest Fortress, Khatyn, as well as the Museum of the Great Patriotic War.


I was quite surprised this exercise was bilateral without the attendance of Russia.
I don't think Russia trusts China. Russia is so isolated and has very few friends. At this point of time, it simply can't afford to push away China and Belarus. From my personal experience dealing with Russians, most of them don't trust China and are unhappy to see a prosperous and powerful China. They rather befriend Europeans than Asians.
Just a couple of weeks ago, Putin awarded Xi the highest order of the Russian Federation - the Order of St. Andrew. While it does not represent anything concrete, I do envision greater mutual trust in the decades to come.
Don't be naive. Why did Putin not award ANYTHING to President Xi before Russia was isolated? Russia under Putin's leadership wanted to sell gas to Europeans first, China second. They only sold gas to China after they started a war with Ukraine, were isolated as a result and needed money badly. China is not a kid, it doesn't need someone to look up to. I'm not saying China shouldn't cooperate or help Russia, China needs good neighbors and friends. However, China should always keep a wary eye on Russia and every country that has taken advantage of China, including the USA. Nice guys finish last, just remember that.
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I was quite surprised this exercise was bilateral without the attendance of Russia.

Belarus purchased chinese missiles for theirs "polonez" missile systems without asking permission from Russia

Belarus is wonderful country with nature and preserved ancient forests and rivers. Lukashenko didnt allow the oligarchs to take over the country as it happened in the Ukraine. Belarus is one of the rare free countries today, which dont get theirs political schedules from State Department
I don't think Russia trusts China. Russia is so isolated and has very few friends. At this point of time, it simply can't afford to push away China and Belarus. From my personal experience dealing with Russians, most of them don't trust China and are unhappy to see a prosperous and powerful China. They rather befriend Europeans than Asians.
Actually they are ambitious, most Russians don't have interests in China.

Don't be naive. Why did Putin not award ANYTHING to President Xi before Russia was isolated? Russia under Putin's leadership wanted to sell gas to Europeans first, China second. They only sold gas to China after they started a war with Ukraine, were isolated as a result and needed money badly. China is not a kid, it doesn't need someone to look up to. I'm not saying China shouldn't cooperate or help Russia, China needs good neighbors and friends. However, China should always keep a wary eye on Russia and every country that has taken advantage of China, including the USA. Nice guys finish last, just remember that.
USA can't do shit to China except some under table dirty scheme in 1989 cause we are not land connected with them. All the suffering of China in the past 50 years was somehow related to Soviet: 1962 war with India, great famine in 1960,1979 war with Vietnam. In the whole 1970 and 1980s, Soviet tied down 60% of PLA army along the China~Russia border. As long as Soviet support those small nations around China, we can't leave in peace. Russia is the biggest weapon suppliers to Vietnam and India.

The fine relationship is temporary and will go to hell when Russia recovers from recession.

Very happy to see Putin and Trump bite each other.

When it comes to national security, China only trusts Pakistan.

Belarus purchased chinese missiles for theirs "polonez" missile systems without asking permission from Russia

Belarus is wonderful country with nature and preserved ancient forests and rivers. Lukashenko didnt allow the oligarchs to take over the country as it happened in the Ukraine. Belarus is one of the rare free countries today, which dont get theirs political schedules from State Department

Actually they are ambitious, most Russians don't have interests in China.

USA can't do shit to China except some under table dirty scheme in 1989 cause we are not land connected with them. All the suffering of China in the past 50 years was somehow related to Soviet: 1962 war with India, great famine in 1960,1979 war with Vietnam. In the whole 1970 and 1980s, Soviet tied down 60% of PLA army along the China~Russia border. As long as Soviet support those small nations around China, we can't leave in peace. Russia is the biggest weapon suppliers to Vietnam and India.

The fine relationship is temporary and will go to hell when Russia recovers from recession.

Very happy to see Putin and Trump bite each other.

When it comes to national security, China only trusts Pakistan.

They may be ambitious but they aren't making or selling products to make ends meet. They rely heavily on selling natural resources and weapons. That alone is not enough to build them back up. They may not be interested in China but they certainly don't want a strong China.

Don't under estimate the US, it's a very resilient country, China on the other hand is not. The US has a working system and it's surprisingly working fine so far. As long as that system works it doesn't matter who is in charge of the US, the US will continue to move ahead. However, I do think the US is slowly declining but it's still going to be a strong country for the foreseeable future. No country can do anything to China from outside, the danger is always from within.

Yes, I studied Chinese history so I know very well what happened to China. India and Vietnam can't compete with China. Vietnam shot themselves in their foot by allowing wages rising too high & too fast. They had the chance to be the next world factory for cheap and low quality products. Now they shut the door on themselves. India has no good infrastructures, and just relying solely on IT outsourcing ain't gonna help them build a sound and balanced economy. Lee Kuan Yew had a high hope for India and wanted to use India to balance China's raising power. In the end, he was greatly disappointed and understood clearly that his wish would never be realized. Think about it, a country has billions of people but has no one national language to bridge its people together. How can India implement policies successfully across the country if the gov can't even communicate with its citizens. Let them buy more weapons, that will only hurt their economy and people even more.

It'll take Russia a long long time to recover. My Russian co-workers showed me pictures of their cities, absolutely dilapidated. High inflation and low wages in their main cities. Corruptions everywhere & gangsters extort money from businesses rampantly. Men drink themselves to death; their population is also dying fast. The whole country is held together by one strong man, Putin. What will happen to Russia if Putin is gone? Russians themselves ask that question.

Sure, Russia could back-stab China when they recover. China could return the favor by leveraging Ukraine and surrounding countries against Russia. If Russia wants to play that kind of games, China can definitely go toe-to-toe with Russia.
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Whilst I'm sure the animosity of *some* Russians towards China and vice versa is limited to anecdotes, discord between Russia and China, the most powerful countries that are actually sovereign, is exactly what the AngloZionists want. It is saddening indeed that even a certain section of pro-China people (for lack of a better word) buy into the Russophobic half-truths and outright lies propagated by the AngloZionist puppets.

Russia has NOTHING to gain from backstabbing China and/or Iran. It has learnt its lesson in the 1990s, albeit in a painful manner, that the AngloZionists will NEVER regard it as an equal. Remember, the pro-West Atlantic Integrationists, who shouldn't be underestimated as they are still holding important government positions and they make up much of the financial elite, are in a minority position and currently being pushed out by Putin.

@Pangu @Sinopakfriend
People living in European countries, which have active sanctions against Russia, are telling Chinese people not to be wary of Russia. HA! These people are ignorant of history and divorced from reality.

The most ridiculous thing is that people actually believe white Jews in the West are a separate entity, think differently than rest of whites, and are in great control of the West. When China was invaded by foreign powers. Was the decision made or influenced by white Jews to invade China then? HA! Are we sure whites Jews are different than white Catholics, Christians, Mormons, and Atheists? HA!

Ah..... They all learned and changed...... When murderers are asked by prison guards: What are you in for? Murderers reply: Every body is innocent in here, Don't you know that? It was my white Jew lawyers who fxxked me! Got my drift? Are we sure murderers can really change? Who is innocent? Who is the real propaganda machine? LOL!

Don't be naive. I said it before and I am going to say it again. China needs to be wary of all countries that have taken advantages of it and be ready to retaliate if they dare to try again, period.
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