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Nato massacres dozens of Pakistani soldiers in an unprovoked attack

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And u honestly think america cannot achieve that ,air superiority over PAF that is, this is desperate we r talking here
I think you are kinda desperate for trolling , no one else ...
I doubt that there will be ww3 if US and Pak go to war. China will not interfere in a meaningful way for they are not YET capable.
Also routes will shut temporarily , then there will be pressure on Pak from US to open it and also the trucking industry will force the govt. So in a month or two after some work around and giving strong messages it will be bussiness as usual. Pak still needs the $$. i think thats most likely.

Exactlly , PA wont resist for long this matter for some time1-2 weeks will be in media then something sensational will come & all the media & public opinion will divert, its an old trick-tried 7 tested many times(last time america was going to attack &APC,politico-Army sessions and what not) happened but the result????????? so its jusy a hic-up 7 things will be normal pretty soon so relax no need to be hyper here jist chill!!!!!!!!

NATO supply route should be stopped immediately and permanently. Hold early elections because we know Zardari is guilty of passing the memo and PPP just care about their seats, power, and wealth and not the country's interests or the well-being of the people.

Then hopefully Imran Khan will be elected, he will get Pakistan out of this war OF terror. U.S. might treat Pakistan like Iran, but Pakistan should enhance relations with Russia, China, and Iran. And also tap our natural resources, pay taxes. Imran Khan will try to stop corruption so good days should return to Pakistan.

And somehow, get all the extremists and jihadis to cross the Pak-Afghan border and let them have their battle in Afghanistan against NATO.

And also, Pakistan can communicate better with the world than other countries in the region, so use the seat in UN to our advantage. Let our voices be heard why we are leaving this war OF terror and why we can not be America's ally anymore in this war OF terror.

But first we need early elections. Getting rid of PPP government is #1 priority.
Then you should be ashamed of your activity today of targeting the Pakistani soldiers.

I have already said, I respect a soldier, irrespective of his nationality, even if he is a Pakistani. And Pakistani soldiers have been our worth foes in all the wars we fought.

This coming from one, whose many relatives are currently in service.

Then your Army should be ashamed of killing 100 of its men by giving them faulty mines too?
Assalam alaikum

atom bomb rakkh ker bhi buzdil hain hum


where can you drop an atom bomb.. in afghanistan? or in pakistan border areas? either ways Pak will be more impacted + you will face heavy retaliation. there is still no delivery mechanism to hit US soil.
so atom bomb doesnt matter, its useless now
Why do you people go to war at every point?
Keep things simple! One who crosses the limits should then face consequences!
Another thing to watch - whether NATO apologizes this time or not.

If this doesn't happen then this is a very very frightening development, hinting things are much worse than we think.
Bl[i]tZ;2326323 said:
What's your source for 49%, mine is the Lt. Gen. Mitchell Stevenson - deputy chief of staff for logistics. He told this to the Senate Armed Services readiness subcommittee on May 18, 2011. U.S. Explores Pakistan Supply Route Alternatives - Defense News

It still stand by 40% unless corrected.

Pakistan is a vital land route for 49 per cent of NATO's supplies to its troops in Afghanistan, a NATO spokesman said

Pakistan halts NATO supply route after attack - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English
Start again from primary grade and learn some basic geography kiddo ... You have no idea of what you are talking about !

Leave him , he's trolling as usual with no idea of what he's talking about ...

U cannot CHANGE the reality by denying it, the truth is if America want supplies they will get it one way or the other . Remember Pakistan was forced to be a part of WOT as mussharraf has explained in various interviews in reference to stone age
Pakistan stops Nato supplies after raid kills “up to 25” troops
YAKKAGHUND: Nato helicopters attacked a military checkpoint in northwest Pakistan on Saturday, killing up to 25 troops and prompting Pakistan to shut the vital supply route for Nato troops fighting in Afghanistan, Pakistani officials said.

A Pakistani military spokesman confirmed Saturday’s pre-dawn cross-border attack in the tribal region of Mohmand and said casualties had been reported, but gave no details.

“Nato helicopters carried out an unprovoked and indiscriminate firing on a Pakistani check post in Mohmand agency, casualties have been reported and details are awaited,” the spokesman told Reuters.

Two military officials said that up to 25 Pakistani troops had been killed and 14 wounded in the attack on the Salala check post, about 2.5 kilometres from the Afghan border.

“We have heard about heavy casualties but can’t provide you with the exact number of casualties of our troops as the post is far away, located in the mountains and is difficult to reach at the moment,” a military spokesman in Peshawar said.

The attack took place around 2 a.m. in the Baizai area of Mohmand, where Pakistani troops are fighting Taliban militants.

Another senior Pakistani military officer said efforts were under way to bring the bodies of the slain soldiers to Ghalanai, the headquarters of Mohmand tribal region.

“The latest attack by Nato forces on our post will have serious repercussions as they without any reasons attacked on our post and killed soldiers asleep,” he said, requesting anonymity because he was not authorised to talk to the media.

About 40 Pakistani army troops were stationed at the outpost, military sources said.

Two officers were reported among the dead.

Nato supply trucks and fuel tankers bound for Afghanistan were stopped at Jamrud town in the Khyber tribal region near the city of Peshawar hours after the raid, officials said.

“We have halted the supplies and some 40 tankers and trucks have been returned from the check post in Jamrud,” Mutahir Zeb, a senior government official, told Reuters.

Another official said the supplies had been stopped for security reasons.

Meanwhile in Washington, Pakistan’s acting ambassador to the United States, Iffat Gardezi, registered a protest against the incident with officials of the US State Department.

Gardezi termed the incident as a violation of Pakistan’s border and sovereignty and said that it could hurt ties between the two countries.

Pakistan is a vital land route for 49 per cent of Nato’s supplies to its troops in Afghanistan, a Nato spokesman said.

A spokesman for the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force in Kabul said the coalition there was aware of “an incident” and was gathering more information.

The incident occurred a day after US General John Allen met Pakistani Army Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani to discuss border control and enhanced cooperation.

The Afghanistan-Pakistan border is often poorly marked, and differs between maps by up to five miles in some places.

A similar incident on September 30, 2010, which killed two Pakistani troops, led to the closure of one of Nato’s supply routes through Pakistan for 10 days.

Nato apologised for that incident, which it said happened when Nato gunships mistook warning shots by the Pakistani forces for a militant attack.
And u honestly think america cannot achieve that ,air superiority over PAF that is, this is desperate we r talking here

You're stupid if you think it'd go through all that trouble just to send its supplies.
What flame war? The Indians posting here want to start a real war between NATO and PA! Not one post has tried analyse whether this incident of friendly fire was delibrate and if yes why? Last time I checked this is a defence forum and not a Bollywood forum.
Offcoarse the Indians are going to take advantage of this US/NATO game going on around our borders....:smokin:
And the person I answered to and you are so thankful is neither American or Chinese.

You Indians enjoy this moment.....as they say, tomorrow is another day.
I am certainly not enjoying , nor is any other indian. its a fight you are having with US.
If you want to see how pakistanis are happy at indian misfortune, please read the thread titled "Remembering Martyrs of 26/11"
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