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NATO copter downed; Navy SEALs among the 30 U.S. dead

RIP soldiers. You were used as the mercenaries of a mafia regime, and they played you like chess pawns. The mafia regime does not care about your lives, only about the Godfathers strategic interest.

War is the pursuit of foreign policy by other means.
We are nowhere as much a 'mafia' a regime as the thugocracy in China.

Please stay on topic. The topic at hand is how hired mercenaries of the US regime were betrayed by their employers who failed to protect them from freedom fighters.
War is the pursuit of foreign policy by other means.

Not necessarily. What about civil wars? They are not about pursuit of foreign policy but domestic and/or national policy or control.
Please stay on topic. The topic at hand is how hired mercenaries of the US regime were betrayed by their employers who failed to protect them from freedom fighters.
There is your problem. Mercs are supposed to protect themselves. I guess this lack of understanding due to your being a conscript reject mean that if there is a conflict between American mercs and Chinese mercs, the American mercs will RIP the Chinese mercs all to hell.
Navy seals that got Bin Ladin??????????? So now even people with first hand experience and knowledge of the situation are also dead?
Reminds me where the heck is raymond.:lol:

Negotiations with taliban for face saving exit aren't fruitful.

The striking fact is the locals who are eye witness to the Ops in Abbotabad the guy tells 3 choppers of which 2 never landed and went oposite directions and never came back and last one came in with 10-12 people make it a few more and was downed or destroyed. So the question is where are those Navy SEALS and OBL...how the hell did they end up in afghanistan alive. Wait someone will come up with conspiracy theory over here that the guy who gave interview is ISI agent trying to confuse situation.
Navy seals that got Bin Ladin??????????? So now even people with first hand experience and knowledge of the situation are also dead?

Or are they? My conspiracy senses are tingling.
Good news. I dont know why people are said when terrorising occupational forces are dead?
Navy seals that got Bin Ladin??????????? So now even people with first hand experience and knowledge of the situation are also dead?

now they have changed statement.
on ITV they are saying " 22 navy seals were killed in the invident. some of them were part of the legendary navy seal 6 team that killed obl....none of them is thought to have took part in the obl operation"

now thats what i call ...creating confusion.
and for dog lovers.there was one dog onboard too.
@Harpoon and a yank: A valid question raised (not conspiracy). Needs reply by a sane person. Labeling everything as a conspiracy is an old trick to hush up things. Not effective anymore.
The Seals were mere part of team 6.

A different part of team 6 carried out the OBL operation.

The Seals that carried OBL operation are supposed to be deployed elsewhere now.

All those still believing the dead are the same Seals who carried OBL attacks, please put your head to use and read some news.
@Harpoon and a yank: A valid question raised (not conspiracy). Needs reply by a sane person. Labeling everything as a conspiracy is an old trick to hush up things. Not effective anymore.

yank is not a good word i guess..
we should treat fellow members with respect....
there can be difference of opinion but that doesnt mean we resort to calling names to each other.

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