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NATO copter downed; Navy SEALs among the 30 U.S. dead

Why does this thread have bunch of stars on it? Because Americans got killed? Something to "celebrate" on pakdef?
Yes. I get a kick out of reading these loony conspiracy theories as much as reading on how people who can barely balance their checkbooks, still living in an apartment or with their parents, still going to school, never had a real job, but are so adamant about global economics in general and US in particular. Somehow the failed history of predictions about the collapse of America does not faze them one bit.
Yes. I get a kick out of reading these loony conspiracy theories as much as reading on how people who can barely balance their checkbooks, still living in an apartment or with their parents, still going to school, never had a real job, but are so adamant about global economics in general and US in particular. Somehow the failed history of predictions about the collapse of America does not faze them one bit.

Perhaps its time to be nicer people then for a change...
Are you saying that America is not 'nice'? Which country is the most generous in terms of charity?

Sir giving money to attend strategic objectif is not charity !
Or is it to ensure that the SEALs are not traceable as they retire? ;)

There is a possibility for this scenario.I heard that most of the members of the Mossad hit squad who took part in Operation Wrath of God is now 'dead'.
RIP the dead! They died in the line of duty, but they played their part in ensuring there have been no more terrorist attacks in their motherland and the war is now limited to countries local / complicit in terrorism.

RIP soldiers. You were used as the mercenaries of a mafia regime, and they played you like chess pawns. The mafia regime does not care about your lives, only about the Godfathers strategic interest.

Get well soon!
RIP soldiers. You were used as the mercenaries of a mafia regime, and they played you like chess pawns. The mafia regime does not care about your lives, only about the Godfathers strategic interest.
We are nowhere as much a 'mafia' a regime as the thugocracy in China.

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