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Nations like India, Vietnam desperate for US leadership: Bobby Jindal

Anyone who eyes the president's office definitely vys for every vote. It will take American democracy to a new low if he says he does not need vote of Americans of Indian origin. As regards to interest of Indians in American politics is concerned, it is because America is a democracy and largest business partner of India. Unfortunately, other large business partners of India like UAE, KSA and China are not democracy.

Please stop talking if you don't have any idea about US politics and how the system works. Jindal is an American citizen and a Republican governor who is proud to be an American, he had stated categorically not to call him an Indian American, and he under no circumstances wishes to be identified as an Indian.
He is pitching to Republican voter, which mostly makes up of whites, right now he is vying for the primary's. India and Indians have no sway over the outcome of American elections, stop thinking that you guys are the center of universe.

Cenk been exposing Jindals BS since day one LOL.
People getting riled up for no reason whatsoever.

As a rule of thumb...just remember this: Do not believe a single word coming from a politician's mouth DURING their campaign for presidency or whatever.

Just a day before Hilary said somewhere that she would go to war with Iran...lol...like seriously she was probably laughing on the inside when she said that. It's all for public consumption...a politician is a good chameleon first and foremost. They will tell you what YOU or a specific group want to hear.

What do you want Bobby Jindal to do if he is running for presidency on a GoP ticket? Be a typical Indian? Extreme comb over with oily hair and an accent? Or should he carry a statue of Ganesh with him 24/7? How many votes do you think that will earn him? People accusing him for being "white"...ffs.
Maybe he needs to emphasize that given most Indians in India especially Indian media tries to hoopla anybody who is brown or even minutely connected to India as Indian which is a high possibility because every 1 in 5 humans are Indian.. But in reality most of these people are second or third generation citizens of their own countries with little to do with Indians except their names.. In the case of a politician his identity to the nation he is a citizen of is very important so does to his/her constituency

But it's rather silly, Case in point you're very post, Jindals hometown is Baton Rouge, Louisiana not some Indian village his father fled, Probably for good reason.. So why should he bother about visiting somewhere he has no connection whatsoever with ? And why would anybody need to get upset over it ?

I don't disagree with you. But he hates India, somewhat.

Ah and btw those people were his relatives.
Please stop talking if you don't have any idea about US politics and how the system works. Jindal is an American citizen and a Republican governor who is proud to be an American, he had stated categorically not to call him an Indian American, and he under no circumstances wishes to be identified as an Indian.
He is pitching to Republican voter, which mostly makes up of whites, right now he is vying for the primary's. India and Indians have no sway over the outcome of American elections, stop thinking that you guys are the center of universe.

Cenk been exposing Jindals BS since day one LOL.
If you have any idea about american people and politics then you will understand when i say it will be futile for republicans to have a non white as their prez candidate, at least this time. Jindal may paint himself white but whites are not going to accept him. He may loathe his indian roots but there is no way he can hide or negate it.
Please dont get overwhelmed by Indians. We are 1/5th of humanity and a bit loud as well.

Dafaq is wrong with his smile :lol:
If you have any idea about american people and politics then you will understand when i say it will be futile for republicans to have a non white as their prez candidate, at least this time. Jindal may paint himself white but whites are not going to accept him. He may loathe his indian roots but there is no way he can hide or negate it.
Please dont get overwhelmed by Indians. We are 1/5th of humanity and a bit loud as well.

You are making more uninformed arguments to back your initial comments and ending up contradicting yourself. What he chooses to identify himself is as his choice, no one has any right to tell him otherwise.
It is not about being overwhelmed by Indians or anyone else, the point is rather simple race is a far serious issue in current US politics than ever, and if the recent events are anything to go by the situation is getting far serious. The train wreck aka Donald Trump is leading in polls and is only behind Jeb Bush. Jindal may be denying his ancestors for political reasons, but he is pitching to a crowd which can never overlook the skin color i.e. A typical Republican voter.

Tandoori, rested and ready

Fair dinkum.. The bloke clearly has issues with his complexion :lol:

But i dont get this fixation by Indians in India over his identity.. The man clearly states it, so respect that, Without getting panties in a twist

We don't care if he is American, but when clearly he is Embarrassed and unhappy , we will make fun of him...
Feel free to have an opinion, but stating that Jindal is vying for Indian vote just exposes blatant ignorance on this matter.

I think it is the opposite which is happening...Jindal is not absolutely interested in vote from Indian community...

You are making more uninformed arguments to back your initial comments and ending up contradicting yourself. What he chooses to identify himself is as his choice, no one has any right to tell him otherwise.
It is not about being overwhelmed by Indians or anyone else, the point is rather simple race is a far serious issue in current US politics than ever, and if the recent events are anything to go by the situation is getting far serious. The train wreck aka Donald Trump is leading in polls and is only behind Jeb Bush. Jindal may be denying his ancestors for political reasons, but he is pitching to a crowd which can never overlook the skin color i.e. A typical Republican voter.

Spot on...The hardcore republican votes is sensitive to color too...Any way...Mr Bush is still leading the race from Republican side....
He is basically the Indian version of Gordon Chang. Gordon Chang also denies that he is Chinese and considers himself a white man because he was beat up by pure whites for being only half white with a Chinese father in high school. Extreme inferiority complex on display.
I think it is the opposite which is happening...Jindal is not absolutely interested in vote from Indian community...

I said the same thing, he isnt interested in any non-white votes at the moment.

Spot on...The hardcore republican votes is sensitive to color too...Any way...Mr Bush is still leading the race from Republican side....

Right now he is fighting for the primary's to get the Republican nomination, which is impossible that he ever will be elected, America is not ready for another non-white President, can you imagine what will happen to Alex Jones, Bill O'Riley, Sean Hannity and Glen Beck to name few, their heads will explode.

I am still hoping that Bernie makes it through, the US establishment will do everything with in their power to stop him from entering the Presidential race, but lets see.
You are making more uninformed arguments to back your initial comments and ending up contradicting yourself. What he chooses to identify himself is as his choice, no one has any right to tell him otherwise.
It is not about being overwhelmed by Indians or anyone else, the point is rather simple race is a far serious issue in current US politics than ever, and if the recent events are anything to go by the situation is getting far serious. The train wreck aka Donald Trump is leading in polls and is only behind Jeb Bush. Jindal may be denying his ancestors for political reasons, but he is pitching to a crowd which can never overlook the skin color i.e. A typical Republican voter.

One needs to move as far right as possible to win GOP nomination. Jindal is prepared to move to the farthest right in the solar system !!!!
Yet another comedian running for the Republican nomination. He needs to be taken about as seriously as one would take Sarah Palin. :lol:
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