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Uçak motorumuz yolda

29 Ekim 2012 13:57 (Son güncelleme 29 Ekim 2012 14:06)
TEI Genel Müdürü Akın Duman, İHA'lara güç veren motorlar kapsamında yeni bir turbo jet motor geliştirme projesini başlattıklarını açıkladı.

ESKİŞEHİR - Deniz Açık

TUSAŞ Motor Sanayii AŞ (TEI) Genel Müdürü Akın Duman, ''İnsansız hava araçlarına (İHA) güç veren motorlar kapmasında yeni bir turbo jet motor geliştirme projesinin faaliyetlerini de 4 ay önce başlattık. Önümüzdeki dönemde ülkemizin ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda gerek eğitim uçaklarına gerek özgün helikopterlere güç verecek bir motorun da tasarımını başlattık'' dedi.

Duman, AA muhabirine yaptığı açıklamada, TUSAŞ Motor Sanayii AŞ'nin havacılık alanında uçak motorları ve gaz türbinleri konusunda faaliyet gösterdiğini belirtti.

TEI'nin bugün geldiği noktada dünya tarafından tanınan bir marka olduğunu ifade eden Duman, şunları kaydetti:

''Uçak motorlarının montaj, test, bakım ve onarımında, ülkemizde özellikle silahlı kuvvetlerdeki sistemler konusunda faaliyetler sürdürdüğümüz gibi, bölge ülkelerine de hizmet veriyoruz. TEI'de, Bahreyn F-16'larını F-110 motorlarının depo seviyesi bakımları yapılıyor. NATO AWACS uçaklarına ait TF33 motorlarının depo seviyesi bakımlarını TEI'de gerçekleştiriyoruz. NATO AWACS uçaklarına ait TF33 motoru depo seviyesi bakım projesinde, gösterdiğimiz başarıdan dolayı NATO Destek Teşkilatı (NSPA) ve Uluslararası Havacılık ve Uzay Yönetim Şirketi (IAMCO) tarafından 2011 yılının 'En İyi Motor Bakım Firması' seçildik. Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerimizin envanterindeki cougar genel maksat helikopterlerinin depo seviyesi bakımlarını da yapıyoruz.''


Aircraft engine on the road

October 29, 2012 13:57 (Last update October 29, 2012 14:06)
TEI General Manager Ali duman, İHA'lara engines that power was launched to explain the scope of the project to develop a new turbo-jet engine.

Engine Industries Inc (TEI) General Manager Ali duman,'' Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) engines that power look at certain aspects of a turbo jet engine development project of new activities started 4 months ago. Need training to meet the needs of our country in the coming period will power an engine in the design of aircraft, helicopters, engaged in both the original'' he said.

duman, AA correspondent, said in a statement Engine Industries, Inc. was engaged in the field of aviation aircraft engines and gas turbines that it demonstrates.

TEI's role in today's world is an expression that is a brand recognized by the duman, said:

'' Special motors assembly, testing, maintenance and repair activities on the other systems we carry in our country, such as the armed forces, especially the countries of the region we serve as well. TEI, Bahrain F-16'larını F-110 engines, depot-level maintenance is done. NATO AWACS aircraft depot-level maintenance of the TEI TF33 engines are done. TF33 engine depot level maintenance of the NATO AWACS aircraft project, in which due to the success of NATO Support Agency (NSPA) and the International Aviation and Space Management Company (IAMCO) of 2011 by the 'Best Engine Maintenance Company' chosen. The inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces cougar depot level maintenance of general purpose helicopters in the making.''

A better summary, TEI Started developing Turbofan Engines For UAVs 4 Months ago, Its started with developing Engines for a helicopter (Probably TAI Arikopter) And for Training Aircraft (Gues TAI Hurkus or Perhaps by a long shot for the Advance Trainer Jet)...
i want to this as well and hit to france and english targets :cheesy: anymore greece is small morsel for us ha ha

A better summary, TEI Started developing Turbofan Engines For UAVs 4 Months ago, Its started with developing Engines for a helicopter (Probably TAI Arikopter) And for Training Aircraft (Gues TAI Hurkus or Perhaps by a long shot for the Advance Trainer Jet)...
Arıkopter is dead. It was not a TAI Project btw.
Arıkopter is dead. It was not a TAI Project btw.

Indigenous Helicopter Design and Manufacture

Its alive and well, You must be confusing the Expermental demontrator with the real thing...
Experimental Demontrator...

The final concept...

Designed by ITU, Built by TUSAS (TAI) funded by DPT. Subcontractors are ASELSAN, 5ABM, DEMETEK and PETEKSAN, Foreign partners are Turbomeca, Triumph, MVEN and AVIA.
BordoEnes, you have jusy corrected my point. Helicopters in the two photos you posted have different designs. It seems TAI decided to go with much different design.
guess the first picture was a experimental prototype...

İTU( İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi), TAI/TUSAŞ, ASELSAN, 5ABM, DEMETEK, PETEKSAN & Turbomeca, Triumph, MVEN and AVIA

ciddi mi , o motoru biz mi yaptik? o bile heyecanlandiriyor
BordoEnes, you have jusy corrected my point. Helicopters in the two photos you posted have different designs. It seems TAI decided to go with much different design.

Its was a testbed for Avionic and such, Ofcourse the design itself will be much different. Its was called a technological demontrator for a reason because the technology developed from this will be installed in the real deal... But perhaps it will receive another name or something, I dont really wanna make a fuzz about what its called... Either way we will have a sweet looking LUH...
Its was a testbed for Avionic and such, Ofcourse the design itself will be much different. Its was called a technological demontrator for a reason because the technology developed from this will be installed in the real deal... But perhaps it will receive another name or something, I dont really wanna make a fuzz about what its called... Either way we will have a sweet looking LUH...
No, not at all. Arikopter was not a avionics testbed, probably it has no avionics at all. Tai's heli project and Arikopter has no connections.
I have some serious sources about this btw.
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