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Hello fellows... How's everyone doing. I said hello yesterday, but it seems no one was online except alpha1 and hinduguy.... Where are you lost? @Marshmallow @Armstrong @Talon @Hyperion @KRAIT @arp2041 and our angry mod and so many other fellow naswaris...

And... Eid Mubarak to everyone!

thnx....n to u too :wave:

@Secur @Armstrong @balixd @HRK @Hyperion @mastaan @Oscar @AhaseebA @KingMamba93 @ZYXW @acetophenol @Marshmallow @Yzd Khalifa

Eid Mubaarak yaaron! :)- its today here in India-

Don't know what the traditional or acceptable salutations are. So- may the remainder of your year be prosperous and fruitful.:agree:


@hinduguy @balixd @Marshmallow @RAMPAGE @Slav Defence

I adopted another one!

alpha ye kia bili ko bi fastin karai ti apny sat?:undecided::angry:

*5 cats!
*2 rabits!
*12 pigeons!
*A colony of Ants!
*2 turtles!
*a parrot
@Marshmallow @RAMPAGE @hinduguy @Slav Defence how many pets do you have?

adopt one hippo also like @Armstrong :tongue:

wht do u feed them?:what:
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What would those "mooo-la-las" know? I'll give you a fatwa.... as long as you have any grey matter and don't consider anyone or anything next to Allah, it's OK. It's no longer the 2nd century, where I could fart golden fumes, and make you believe that it's something divine, and you start worshipping me.

Think logically..... if you somehow took an iPhone from today, back to the days of nascent Islam, wouldn't people start worshipping you? And you'd have a bunch of moron bedouins, who'd tattoo the "iPhone" on their arms.... NOW THAT WOULD BE SHIRK....

Do you want me to further elaborate on simple logic???? You guys take religion word for word as a static object, where in reality it is highly dynamic and twists and turns with time...... you just keep the best of humanity, no matter what time-frame you exist in....

Tattoos are not haram because it might lead to idol worship though, that was never the thought process behind the banning. That being said I am not going to go all Mullah on you (nor do I have a right too), if you think tattoos are okay we can leave the rest between you and Allah. :smokin:
Another reason was desecration of ones body, which is an "amanat".... I didn't want to get into that because it's a lengthy topic...... :D

Many reasons, many logics.... follow the one you think is right.... now go smoke a joint..... :D

Tattoos are not haram because it might lead to idol worship though, that was never the thought process behind the banning. That being said I am not going to go all Mullah on you (nor do I have a right too), if you think tattoos are okay we can leave the rest between you and Allah. :smokin:
Another reason was desecration of ones body, which is an "amanat".... I didn't want to get into that because it's a lengthy topic...... :D

Many reasons, many logics.... follow the one you think is right.... now go smoke a joint..... :D

I don't smoke anymore. Clean for 3 years. :victory:

I am just waiting for my gym to open then I will be outta here gots a long day today. :coffee:
Stay happy mate! :D

Btw, I never got around asking.... (if not a problem), what do you do? @ School????

I don't smoke anymore. Clean for 3 years. :victory:

I am just waiting for my gym to open then I will be outta here gots a long day today. :coffee:
Another reason was desecration of ones body, which is an "amanat".... I didn't want to get into that because it's a lengthy topic...... :D

Many reasons, many logics.... follow the one you think is right.... now go smoke a joint..... :D

So are breast implants haraam? What about plastic surgery, a nose job etc.?
Stay happy mate! :D

Btw, I never got around asking.... (if not a problem), what do you do? @ School????

Criminal Justice major and I will be adding political science minor along with it soon. I am not working right now though. :coffee:

So are breast implants haraam? What about plastic surgery, a nose job etc.?

Plastic surgery depends on the reason if you were in an accident then no but for vain reasons yeah, nose jobs are in the same boat.
So your long term plans, I bet also include a law degree?? Good going Mamba my boy...... make us all proud! :tup:

Criminal Justice major and I will be adding political science minor along with it soon. I am not working right now though. :coffee:

Well, I can't comment on that..... actually, it is forbidden to do anything to the body that may affect it adversely.

Breast implants??? Hmm....... I think not haram as there aren't any harmful affects that I can think of, other than the partner being horny all the time... :P

Nose job? Why not.... unless it is some "******" surgeon who botches it up.... again..... it's a plus I think.......... etc etc etc.....

So are breast implants haraam? What about plastic surgery, a nose job etc.?
So your long term plans, I bet also include a law degree?? Good going Mamba my boy...... make us all proud! :tup:

Well I was going to finish up to a Bachelors and go into the marines but my moms been making a fuss ever since she found out. So yeah I might go for one since I want to be POTUS one day I might need one you know. ;)
Yara, they have that "study while you fight" program in the marines.... why not join that? Not a bad option..... serve the mandatory 10 years after graduation and pay for your education at Uncle Sam's dime!!! Why not????

Well I was going to finish up to a Bachelors and go into the marines but my moms been making a fuss ever since she found out. So yeah I might go for one since I want to be POTUS one day I might need one you know. ;)
Yara, they have that "study while you fight" program in the marines.... why not join that? Not a bad option..... serve the mandatory 10 years after graduation and pay for your education at Uncle Sam's dime!!! Why not????

Yeah I know but I do not want to just join. If I join with at least a bachelors I will be a commissioned officer off the bat. I mean I will still get that benefit if I want pursue further studies but along with it I will get many other benefits plus I get to boss people around. :lol:

@Dillinger breat implants are halal of course. :cheesy:
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