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@A.Rafay whats the cost of a GMC Yukon in KSA!
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@Alpha1 good luck wth ur exam also wth ur love life ;) im going to sleep now islamabad mai kafi raat ho gai hai
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Such crimes are endemic in the UK from what little I know about that country. I hope that those in the UK will enlighten us here.

Press TV is not a proper new channel its a propaganda machine. There has always been racism toward immigrants in britain, so muslim do not face anything more or less.
The prevalence of racist attack is lot less than you think..
Press TV is not a proper new channel its a propaganda machine. There has always been racism toward immigrants in britain, so muslim do not face anything more or less.
The prevalence of racist attack is lot less than you think..

Very less.. unless you go looking for it...
If YOU know that there is an area where gang members hang out.. urmm.. DONT go there??

Central, east london.. South is a little dodgy.. and riding the London overground after dark is usually not recommended.
Here in Glasgow which once had the worst crime rate in the UK, everyone knows not to go towards the East or North after dark.. and I mean around 11 or 12 when the pub goers start coming out..

other than that.. I feel waaay waaayyyy waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy(emphasis required) safer in the UK than I ever did in my own country. I feel more comfortable praying , offering supplications in PUBLIC..etc etc..
I also hold the dubious record of NEVER being questioned or asked for my ID or whatever when going into Clubs, Pubs or otherwise.:P

Back in my own country, I have to encounter idiots trying to pull my trouser ends up WHILE I am in prayer.. putting a cap on my head.. haggling me with preaching EVEN after I have told them I am in a hurry and would rather decide my own fate in the grave.:angry:

So NO thank you.. the UK is really really tolerant as compared to anything else.
Id look to the middle east as the center of Racism.
@Oscar: There is a always hidden undercurrent or racism towards all immigrants in Uk, but its lot less than people outside imagine. Muslims are not the only target, so are romanian, bulgarians, polish etc (who are racist people themselves) as well as rest of asians.

Till now due to economic growth everything was good, but things are slowly changing for worse. This is europe wide phenomena, not only UK I think.
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Yea its like Tottenham and St.Albans in Melbourne. Go there alone and your nigga *** may get smashed by, a baseball bat.
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Yesh yesh.... we know about the dragon.... she has invaded Naswarville.... damn, even the name of our kingdom suits her....

Elmo the red dragon of Naswarville. :D

Notice: Who will be the brave warrior who will slay the dragon? Send all applications to @Aeronaut. :devil:

The prize:

A) @Mirzay's hand in marriage :cheesy:


B) You get to adopt Alpha. :omghaha:

No babes, i think you should give away your wifeys to the brave soul that can complete the task :azn: now thats more like it, I think @Aeronaut will agree :whistle:
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Alpha's been banned from Nawaristan or vill or Naswarland... Ek toh naam badalta rehta hai iss mulk ka.

Anyone else crosses our annoyance limit will join him in the Timeout.
Press TV is not a proper new channel its a propaganda machine. There has always been racism toward immigrants in britain, so muslim do not face anything more or less.
The prevalence of racist attack is lot less than you think..

All of the TV channels are propaganda machines ...

CNN , BBC , RT , FRANCE 24 , ...
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