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Let's just say "IT related"... ;)

Sure. Always up for a cup of coffee ... or tea ;)

Is it related to robotics?

I don't know much about robotics, but I think MIT (Cambridge, MA) and CMU (Pittsburgh, PA) are fairly active in robotics.

Well it does have applications in the robotics field. See I'm trying to come up with a more elegant and more important, less GPU-intensive computational solution for re-assembly robotics. All those unis are in the States, I don't doubt they have far more resources than here.

I had scanned through this book a few months ago.

Mathematics for Physicists (Dover Books on Physics): Philippe Dennery, André Krzywicki, Physics: 9780486691930: Amazon.com: Books

I was in the shower when it came to me that I could apply Cliffords algebraic conventions, something which the above glossed over. But for the life of me I can't find anything in the UWA library on the subject. Since then I've been scouring the web, all WA libraries. Fml.


In 22 days your post count is 0, Thanks count 7 : dude carry this on you can make a unique record.

Pah Chemistry is applied physics, which in turn is applied mathematics :p:
dont worry, the scheming scumbags forget the demographics.. how would a less than 2% of Murri and Bughtis of the total Baloch Population which is 30% of the Balochistan and about 10% of entire Pakistan mke an independent state? where would they accommodate Baloch Pashtons, Berahvis, Hazaras and those Baloch who have no hand in the foreign assisted bullshite?

Irfan Bhai I fear that another Bangladesh maybe in the making !

Back then we were told - That everything is under control & how this is just a minority who is stirring trouble for us & the sort & then suddenly one day we woke up to the Fall of Dhaka !

The few Baluch I've met aren't Anti-Pakistan by even a long shot but they're not too happy with how Baluchistan has been treated by the Federal Government & they're sitting this one out i.e they neither support the Government nor do they support the Militants !

They're angry, hurt & understanding of why the Militants maybe this angry !
Irfan Bhai I fear that another Bangladesh maybe in the making !

Ok fine, cant help with that. by the way, there are almost same number of Baloch living in rest of Pakistan as in Balochistan. looks like the entire country will get another independence from itself going by that standard. being anti- Pakistani is a fashion statement these days .. it makes you interesting

some are like Najam Shethi who mock the idea of 2 nation theory
some are like taliban sack suckers who believe in Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan & Pakistan
some are like expats who just hate everything about their country of origin
and some seem to act like African Americans & are upset that they have been wronged & the world owes them an apology.

just because you mentioned Bangladesh I will like to remind you who it was that let Mojeeb go after Agar talla conspiracy? politicians... and who it is who has named trains named after a terrorist? the politicians... who is pressing charges of treason who fought the enemies of Pakistan? politicians again

so yea.. cry like a bimbo now because we are doomed and ignore the stern warning that "despair is a sin"
Ok fine, cant help with that. by the way, there are almost same number of Baloch living in rest of Pakistan as in Balochistan. looks like the entire country will get another independence from itself going by that standard. being anti- Pakistani is a fashion statement these days .. it makes you interesting

some are like Najam Shethi who mock the idea of 2 nation theory
some are like taliban sack suckers who believe in Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan & Pakistan
some are like expats who just hate everything about their country of origin
and some seem to act like African Americans & are upset that they have been wronged & the world owes them an apology.

just because you mentioned Bangladesh I will like to remind you who it was that let Mojeeb go after Agar talla conspiracy? politicians... and who it is who has named trains named after a terrorist? the politicians... who is pressing charges of treason who fought the enemies of Pakistan? politicians again

so yea.. cry like a bimbo now because we are doomed and ignore the stern warning that "despair is a sin"

Saraaa fire mujhee par hii khoool diyaaa ! :cray:

Irfan Bhai, I'm just sharing my experience - I've never been to Quetta so I dunno whats happening there on the ground & the Baluch from the other provinces especially here in Southern Parts of Punjab are indeed very Pro-Pakistan but then again they like (say!) Hindko speaking Pukhtoons are different than their Baluchi speaking Baluch Brethren in Baluchistan which means maybe they're not a very good barometer to judge what is or isn't happening in Baluchistan !

So all I'm left with are three sources :

(i) my Baluch friends - They don't hate Pakistan or anything like it but they do feel they've been wronged by us & they might not be wrong in saying that !

The people of Baluchistan have been for too long exempt from economic & social development that they deserved !

Even in '48, Quaid-e-Azam recognized this & made Baluchistan - the Governor's Province to speed up development work but after he died just as we destroyed the rest of the country we forgot about Baluchistan too !

(ii) my family members who live in Quetta (Punjabi Settlers of Kashmiri Descent, if you will) - Some of them have left Baluchistan altogether because of life-threats & what not !

Almost all of them have sent their children to either Karachi or Lahore or Islamabad or abroad because they don't see things improving in either the short or the long term there !

Some have even lost their dear loved ones to the difficult conditions therein.

Even some of the Pukhtoon - I have as family members - are not too sure about things getting better in Baluchistan soon !

Certainly their Hazara friends are leaving as soon as an opportunity presents itself - Some are here in Lahore studying with me too !

(iii) the Media - All of it can't be a lie if its true like it was being reported in different media outlets that even during the Earthquake many people, in Awaran, refused to take supplies from the Army & other such incidents then the mistrust & the dislike must be real !

I just don't know what to make of it !
Waisee @Secur - Yaraa eik cheeez tou bataaa ! :)

If East-Pakistan had been created as Bangladesh on the 14th of August, 1947 instead - Would Uncle have wanted to be there or would he have wanted to come here to Pakistan instead ? :unsure:
Waisee @Secur - Yaraa eik cheeez tou bataaa ! :)

If East-Pakistan had been created as Bangladesh on the 14th of August, 1947 instead - Would Uncle have wanted to be there or would he have wanted to come here to Pakistan instead ? :unsure:

Mate , why did people migrate to East Pakistan ? Its common sense , because it was easy to get there , that Bangladesh would have been more or less same like us .
Waisee @Secur - Yaraa eik cheeez tou bataaa ! :)

If East-Pakistan had been created as Bangladesh on the 14th of August, 1947 instead - Would Uncle have wanted to be there or would he have wanted to come here to Pakistan instead ? :unsure:

we are ignoring the elephant in the room, the sectarian fiend which is bread ad butter of TTP Wahabist ideology which likes speak the language of threats, hatred and reprisal like a Pharaoh.. thats what is far more dangerous than what India can throw at us in the shape of BLM, BLA and Sindhu dais shiite..

our middle class is mentally accepting the extremist mindset of ASWJ and is busy justifying the beheading and executions of our minority Pakistanis and soldiers. youtube is flooded with repeated uploaded videos of our mainstream affulent Pakistanis who title their videos as "Taliban executing shia kafirs, Taliban killing Murtad Pakistan army, Pakistan army killing Muslims" and so on

so Baloch anger is very puny and easier to address than what we have at the national level.
honestly , its like wearing a Che Guevara or Malcam X shirt and having a fck all clue what they stood for. I dismiss the web mongrels because they far outclass the entire Baloch Population with or without internet access in reality.
thats what is far more dangerous than what India can throw at us in the shape of BLM, BLA and Sindhu dais shiite..


We are witnessing time , in which the enemy - within is far more powerful and dangerous than the external one . Believe it or not , act again to no avail when you are neck deep , like you did when things went out of control in East Pakistan , but it will not make any difference to the ground realities .


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Because of the flash ... But they are toooo cute ... :)
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