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well i am the eldest son of the eldest son ; infact yes I am the crowned prince.
every member of the family keeps an eye on me and they expect a lot from me :)

Damn ... u must be really special... :lol:

@Aplha1 dude u didnt get it did ya?
Its not that difficult, for both men or women, when I feel like shredding I tone down to 2000 cals a day, 40-30-30 (PCF split) with at least a 3rd of the protein coming from pre-digested (peptide bonds broken) hydro-whey isolate along with 3g of HMB (along with creatine will cause extreme leucine metabolization) and 9g of BCAAs (Leucine is god's gift) in a 2-1-1 split.
Are you American??caucasian European??
Then 40/30/30 is just wrong go for 40/40/20.

3gm of HMB??? Ufff instead go and eat catfish and grapefruit.

9gms of branched chain amino acids???
5-6gm would have done.One study showed that a large amount of BCAA supplementation caused changes in blood levels of tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine. Alterations in these blood levels could ultimately cause depression in susceptible individual:lol: (Your name is definitely in the list)

Dillinger said:
Natural protein derived from Surmai, basa and chicken breast, complex carbs (broccoli, spinach, brown rice) except for before and after workout (quick release carbs for said two occasions, specially after a workout when your insulin receptors are functioning at their best, sometimes when I really need to shred and thus cut out on simple carbs I might even indulge in 10mg glucogel oral release med pre workout for targeted energy availability during the exact duration of said workout). Add a good portion of heavy lower body exercises (large muscle group, even the the slightest anabolic response will lead to a large surge in RMR and the muscle groups tend to do well even under catabolic diet conditions) and HIT, after all that you're good to go. But this applies to me since I have a natural predisposition towards being chubby thanks to my bong genes ergo the extreme measures. You can retain lean body mass on this, add some lean mass on the larger muscle groups (hips, thighs, back, chest) with compound movements (isolation exercises will not serve you well in this regime, in fact even with the BCAAs DOMS will still set in and due to the calorie restriction unlike in other circumstances you will not adapt out of the DOMS phase, so no isolation execises), no big biceps or shoulders for the guys either under this regime but expect a strength gain (appreciable gain) in leg extensions/leg presses/pull-ups.
Thats boring.....
@Dillinger Why do u need 6 packs???
Now listen very carefully...
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach...and the way to a man's abs is through the kitchen.
Carbs arent evil,but avoid white ones.
Whole grains (aka "slow carbs") are rich in fiber and go through your system much more slowly (hence the name) than simple, refined carbs (the white ones). So don't shy away from the browns like brown rice, whole wheat and oats.
Pack on protein early in the morning.That doesnt mean you eat steak and eggs,instead take just the egg whites.
Getting six pack abs isn't necessarily about counting calories. But you do need to get rid of the fat on top of your abs to expose the muscles underneath them and eating a bit less will get you on track.
Drinking lots of water will also help you in toning down.Simultaneously cut down on canned & processed food.
Eat good amount of healthy fats.Dietary fat that comes from primarily monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as olive oils, fish oils, a mix of nuts, natural peanut butter and avocado is actually good for you. While it's true that eating fat ups your caloric intake like none other but as long as you keep it between 20-30%, it can help you get results fast. That's because it helps stabilize your insulin levels which, if they get too high, can cause fat retention.
And eating just protein or carbs leaves you traveling back to the fridge. And the more fat you loose the slower will be your metabolism .
Instead of hitting the gym thrice a week join a health club,go swimming...learn martial arts and you would develop 6 packs naturally.No supplements or count of gms is required.You'll develop it over a period of time but your "6 packs" will last longer.
And hey you wont look like a beefed up lemur....:)

(Kidding...just kidding....my sole aim was to bug you and I hope I've achieved it:enjoy:)
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Its so fluffy fluffy, I am gonna die !!


jus came to pass on som info on admissions etc

sorry 4 bein late cuz i was very busi:cry::sad::rolleyes:

I quoted your post just to complain regarding the notifications. :D


I discovered this post after skimming through the thread. I received no notification, & this issue seems to occur every once in a while.

You quoted my post #36381 right? Where did your post go? Did you delete your post, or are you planning to complain on another thread regarding the notification system? :lol:

You quoted my post #36381 right? Where did your post go? Did you delete your post, or are you planning to complain on another thread regarding the notification system? :lol:

Yes I did.:)
Later I deleted it from this thread and took it to suggestions & discussions.
The new PDF look! issues and discussion! | Page 70

But then I guess you didnt get the notification the 2nd time.
Unlike you guys I am getting multiple notifications for the same posts at times.And god knows why???:hitwall:
Yes I did.:)
Later I deleted it from this thread and took it to suggestions & discussions.
The new PDF look! issues and discussion! | Page 70

But then I guess you didnt get the notification the 2nd time.
Unlike you guys I am getting multiple notifications for the same posts at times.And god knows why???:hitwall:

Yeah, I received no notification the second time. I tried to "thank" the original post (the deleted one) & it gave me some sort of an error message (I didn't bother reading it), that was because you had already deleted the post by then.

That's how I knew something was wrong. :lol:

Anyway, I haven't really received multiple notifications for the same post, but in the past I have received notifications every time a post I was mentioned in had been quoted.
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