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That's a game played by all, after all Pakistan was more than happy to continue cultivating these assets after the US was done with Af and the soviets. Pakistan too treats organisations and individuals recognized by the UN as terrorists as assets. The difference lies in the fact that different countries have different a quantum of resilience and strength when it comes to dealing with such threats, otherwise Pakistan faces a situation no different than what Af or India or even SL has faced and continue to face. No matter what we say at the end of the day the administration and the army of Pakistan is loathe to break its relations with the US or even significantly change the dynamics of said relation all statements and pronouncements to the contrary being set aside (and having proven hollow so far).

Well i am not taking about what they have been doing ever since but what they shouldn't have or even if we leave the past just there still pursuing the same course with no apparent changes is not bound to get us out of this mess. And i said we should pick a side the only difference would be that we wouldn't be picking the side you might think we should.
Well i am not taking about what they have been doing ever since but what they shouldn't have or even if we leave the past just there still pursuing the same course with no apparent changes is not bound to get us out of this mess.

In that there is truth, Pakistan will have to pick a path for itself or the continued erosion of state authority (and even military authority at this point) will lead to devastation.
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Family meets Mollah for the last time!

Security around Dhaka Central Jail tightened!
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Erdogan calls Hasina and asks to stop execution!
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