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Couldn't watch any....But i'll for sure...you know...:D

You had exams , i had some work lingering on for some time.

Get over with your exams and find some good grades.

The we both will kill the time down.
doc how much of da junk food as in burger meals can we have in a month ?:undecided: wht number of meals in a month wud be healthy?:undecided: i hear lot of stupid things abt it:angry:
Doc its not me.....its pdf.
You had made a post here in naswarville in the afternoon,i tried giving it a "thank".....mmhhmmm pdf didnt allow me.
I tried to reply back to that post....mmmhhhmm pdf didnt let me do that either.
So i logged out in utter frustration....and by the time i logged back in you had deleted your post.:angry:

And where were you all these days???
"the doc" went well.
Whats next???


I knew it never went futile.

Thank you....!

So, are you in a mood to watch another flick?
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