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the mother gives x-chromosome to the fetus --- now it depends if it unites with the father's x or y chromosome [if it unites with father's x-chromosome ,then it is a female fetus] -- thus having a female kid isnt the fall of the mother rather the father if you like to put it
Modi's Guajarat ...Solar lights.
my knees are not what they used to be [more wear and tear due to ninja/taekwondo training] and am considering to switch tennis to golf .. never played golf n my life though
Thought about it not seriously though i was busy then.
I started writing a novel once. wrote a few chapters but then i stopped. i feel that i need complete solitude if i ever want to finish the book !!!
So that thread ends at canaanites??

I am sure then u'll get more alerts because many members might again quote my entire post (which has ur username too) so every time it gets quoted you'll get an alert.
PDF luvs to play tricks on its members.:lol:

We could continue to have discussions on that thread, but I can't say much about wine because I have never drank it.

It could evolve in to a discussion about the Canaanites or other ancient Semitic people in the region.

Yeah, I hope the notification system is fixed soon. I haven't received any new alerts regarding that post so far. :lol:


What's up buddy? :)
my knees are not what they used to be [more wear and tear due to ninja/taekwondo training] and am considering to switch tennis to golf .. never played golf n my life though
You're talking taekwondo classes ???? which belt ???
I started writing a novel once. wrote a few chapters but then i stopped. i feel that i need complete solitude if i ever want to finish the book !!!

Well thats a blessing i have at least i am mostly alone here so if i feel like writing i can. And i think you should definitely finish it.
my knees are not what they used to be [more wear and tear due to ninja/taekwondo training] and am considering to switch tennis to golf .. never played golf n my life though
You should play golf in Xbox360 with kinetic ....... This is more fun than one ground of golf.
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