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None of the modern day indian films come close to mahabharatha in terms of nuanced characters, study of action reaction correlation, moral conflicts and personal foibles.

But what an 'epic' Epic it is though :D
@Armstrong see @Oscar gave me a hugsy, he didn't fidget like a closet case.:taz:

Btw any idea where Hypezu is hiding, did bhabi find out about his misdeeds, is that it, is he buried somewhere with a bullet in his head?

Where is my yaar @jaibi? Where is @Secur? Damn it!

We have some newcomers here like @Ravi Nair and @levina but no welcoming party.:angry:
Early in the morning????
@Dillinger you want to plan a welcoming party early in the morning???

No, generally. Naswar is losing its edge with the actual denizens of Naswar being absent. We are after all the caucus with the max no. of mods, TTs and Jr.TTs involved in it. Sort of like the deep state within PDF that actually wields influence. You're new here so you haven't seen that in action but mostly one Naswarite senior can single handedly muck up things or set an agenda that pervades through PDF. But in the last one month our members are off on some sort of extended vacation.
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