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Fcuk the government.................... Still youtube is banned..
I,ve to open hotspot shield for youtube videos:pissed::pissed:
ZeeeeeZuuuuuu, consorting with the rebel? :pissed:

Aero, no more use of private jet for them shopping trips overseas for the Empress..... :angry:

But Razzzy if we do that then we would have to make you emperor instead :rofl: jk jk jkjk <3
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But Razzzy if we do that then we would have to make you emperor instead :rofl: jk jk jkjk <3

That wouldn't make sense as the people that acting as kanjars are..ahem....ahem.. on this thread 24/7.

Fcuk the government.................... Still youtube is banned..
I,ve to open hotshot shield just to open you tube videos:pissed::pissed:

Join the TTP, overthrow the government, take command, declare that all that tomfoolery about strict sharia was a sham and that from now on its going to be like you're living in the Bahamas. Kill Butty on the way, trust me you need to get rid of the disco maulvis.:tup:
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