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Why do you hate all Saudis :cray:?

Because of Humus ! :whistle:

Nah mate I don't hate any Saudi ! :kiss3:

I just wish that the spillover of the age old Arab-Persian Rivalry stays out of my country & both the Iranian Ayatollahs & some of your compatriots behave themselves ! :)
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Because of Humus ! :whistle:

Nah mate I don't hate any Saudi ! :kiss3:

I just wish that the spillover of the age old Arab-Persian Rivalry stays out of my country & both the Iranian Ayatollahs & some of your compatriots behave themselves ! :)
I also dont hate any but ts :kiss3:
After all, you know my mission :P

Why did you send a friend invite? What part of India are you from? Why do you keep talking abour race, race mixing, cro magnons, etc?

And FYI, mtdna is passed from a mother to all her children, not just to her daughters.
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The thread has been removed and so I am posting here.

And by the way, mtdna is passed from the mother to all her children, not just daughters.

There were several thousand or tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Iranian men and women in China at some points? Can they change the DNA of tens of millions of people?

MuslimConscript opened up a very degrading thread about Iranian women which was closed and deleted, and I'm wary of everyone's intentions when they bring up things like other people's women or race mixing.

But only women can have mtDNA that is what I wanted to say.

Again I never said millions of Chinese have w mtDNA, I just said that in a friendly manner for the sake of saying. You should have read my post carefully and see how and why I used the smiley.

I am not aware of what MuslimConscript opened and and how and why it was closed and removed. I don't have the time to spend all my days looking at every thread. I have more constructive things to do in my practical life, internet is not my life and I don't think, it can be for anybody.

Or did you want to say that I deliberately intended to degrade Iranian women and I did that because Iran seized Indian ship? If you really thought that way, then you were perhaps on drug and hallucinating a lot. I tell you, I give a damn for who seizes what as long as it does not affect my personal life. Now call me a selfish guy, yes, I am.

You should have gone back to read my first post and your first post again, to see whether I ever talked about any women. It was you who mentioned the Li family and called me internet illiterate without knowing my background. Still I admired you in my second post as you gave me some reference books I asked for from you.

Listen man, I repeat, I am not here appease anyone, even not members who are Indians by flags. I don't suffer from intellectual dishonesty when I discuss history like you by falsifying historical facts or like twisting history. Who the hell are women in the history of mankind? When you read entire history of mankind, the rise of civilizations and their role, the wars, the conquests, women will appear like as insignificant as some microscopic insects. There were many such women, many such men who had come and gone as well. They don't matter let alone their feelings.

Chenghiz Khan invaded Iran and you know what his Mongol army did to the Iranians. Forget that remote past, lets talk about US invasion of Iraq. Did US marines think for a while that if they invaded Iraq, Iraqi women would feel degraded? I don't know but I think the video is still out there, on a road of Baghdad an Iraqi girl was run over by US army convoy trucks and her mutilated body parts were again run over by one after another US Humvees and trucks, nobody gave a damn or dared removing the scattered pieces as if it was some animal died there and the sweepers are on strike, though there were curious spectators. It was only the camera man who filmed it, perhaps because he cared about it for a moment.

This is after all, I hate to say, is a men's world. It is a hard reality. Though today, feminist movements are there but in the past women were, (and women of all nationalities) considered nothing more than domesticated cattle. This is a recorded history, it may sound harsh, but reality. You may live in denial as it is your wish.

This defense forum is not a social networking site. May be some women members are here, I don't know, but we are all supposedly males because when it comes to the role of military related affairs, I hate to say again, it is the realm of men and men alone. I don't know about China but in our part of civilization, defense is a masculine affair. It is a reality and you have to live with it.

The conversation was between you and me. You should have asked me directly not to discuss the issue any more as it may offend some Iranian women. That was what you were supposed to do. But you complicated the matter by asking a third person singular number and particularly a female member. It was totally uncalled for. Why did you do that? To impress a female? To project yourself as the most righteous male member of this forum? Did you think for a second how insulting it would appear to me as it was me who engaged you in a healthy debate.

I was in conversation with you, why the hell did you ask for another member's opinion? You should have asked me in the first place to see whether I stop or not.

Think again what you did.


Why did you send a friend invite? What part of India are you from? Did you ask your self this question? Why do you keep talking abour race, race mixing, cro magnons, etc?

And FYI, mtdna is passed from a mother to all her children, not just to her daughters.

Why did I admire you when I replied to you in my second post of that deleted thread?

Did you ask yourself this question?

I sent you a friend's invite because:

1. I was impressed by your knowledge and I repeat, knowledge only and no nationality.

2. I was also impressed by your prompt reply to mentioning reference books/sources.

3. I wanted to PM you but could not as my post count is not that big.

4. I only respect people with knowledge. I also liked WhiteMan'sBurden while debating with him. I like posters with excellent writing skills and logical presentations.

But I think it was my blunder to send a friend's invite to a Chinese. I have learnt a hard lesson and I will never do that. To be honest, bro, I will never send a friend's request to a member who does not belong to my race. It was me who stood by your side when another member was issuing constant threats to you. Now I feel how stupid I was betraying my own race.

And why I care about race or race mixing as you asked is because, you may have failed to read my posts carefully, that I am a Social Darwinist as I claimed everywhere. Yes, I became interested in race after reading Darwin. My life revolves around Darwin. This is why I am obsessed with race.
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The thread has been removed and so I am posting here.

But only women can have mtDNA that is what I wanted to say.

Again I never said millions of Chinese have w mtDNA, I just said that in a friendly manner for the sake of saying. You should have read my post carefully and see how and why I used the smiley.

I am not aware of what MuslimConscript opened and and how and why it was closed and removed. I don't have the time to spend all my days looking at every thread. I have more constructive things to do in my practical life, internet is not my life and I don't think, it can be for anybody.

Or did you want to say that I deliberately intended to degrade Iranian women and I did that because Iran seized Indian ship? If you really thought that way, then you were perhaps on drug and hallucinating a lot. I tell you, I give a damn for who seizes what as long as it does not affect my personal life. Now call me a selfish guy, yes, I am.

You should have gone back to read my first post and your first post again, to see whether I ever talked about any women. It was you who mentioned the Li family and called me internet illiterate without knowing my background. Still I admired you in my second post as you gave me some reference books I asked for from you.

Listen man, I repeat, I am not here appease anyone, even not members who are Indians by flags. I don't suffer from intellectual dishonesty when I discuss history like you by falsifying historical facts or like twisting history. Who the hell are women in the history of mankind? When you read entire history of mankind, the rise of civilizations and their role, the wars, the conquests, women will appear like as insignificant as some microscopic insects. There were many such women, many such men who had come and gone as well. They don't matter let alone their feelings.

Chenghiz Khan invaded Iran and you know what his Mongol army did to the Iranians. Forget that remote past, lets talk about US invasion of Iraq. Did US marines think for a while that if they invaded Iraq, Iraqi women would feel degraded? I don't know but I think the video is still out there, on a road of Baghdad an Iraqi girl was run over by US army convoy trucks and her mutilated body parts were again run over by one after another US Humvees and trucks, nobody gave a damn or dared removing the scattered pieces as if it was some animal died there and the sweepers are on strike, though there were curious spectators. It was only the camera man who filmed it, perhaps because he cared about it for a moment.

This is after all, I hate to say, is a men's world. It is a hard reality. Though today, feminist movements are there but in the past women were, (and women of all nationalities) considered nothing more than domesticated cattle. This is a recorded history, it may sound harsh, but reality. You may live in denial as it is your wish.

This defense forum is not a social networking site. May be some women members are here, I don't know, but we are all supposedly males because when it comes to the role of military related affairs, I hate to say again, it is the realm of men and men alone. I don't know about China but in our part of civilization, defense is a masculine affair. It is a reality and you have to live with it.

The conversation was between you and me. You should have asked me directly not to discuss the issue any more as it may offend some Iranian women. That was what you were supposed to do. But you complicated the matter by asking a third person singular number and particularly a female member. It was totally uncalled for. Why did you do that? To impress a female? To project yourself as the most righteous male member of this forum? Did you think for a second how insulting it would appear to me as it was me who engaged you in a healthy debate.

I was in conversation with you, why the hell did you ask for another member's opinion? You should have asked me in the first place to see whether I stop or not.

Think again what you did.

Why did I admire you when I replied to you in my second post of that deleted thread?

Did you ask yourself this question?

I sent you a friend's invite because:

1. I was impressed by your knowledge and I repeat, knowledge only and no nationality.

2. I was also impressed by your prompt reply to mentioning reference books/sources.

3. I wanted to PM you but could not as my post count is not that big.

4. I only respect people with knowledge. I also liked WhiteMan'sBurden while debating with him. I like posters with excellent writing skills and logical presentations.

But I think it was my blunder to send a friend's invite to a Chinese. I have learnt a hard lesson and I will never do that. To be honest, bro, I will never send a friend's request to a member who does not belong to my race. It was me who stood by your side when another member was issuing constant threats to you. Now I feel how stupid I was betraying my own race.

And why I care about race or race mixing as you asked is because, you may have failed to read my posts carefully, that I am a Social Darwinist as I claimed everywhere. Yes, I became interested in race after reading Darwin. My life revolves around Darwin. This is why I am obsessed with race.

Open a biology textbook. Both males and females have mtdna and inherit it from their mothers. You don't know basic facts of world history like how Buddhism spread in asia or why Balinese are Hindu. Hinduism and Buddhism spread to southeast asia after Ashoka's time, not because of the Cro Magnons. I am unsure whether to take you seriously given the massive errors you keep making with genetics and history.

Also, you might now know this but iranigirl2 has been accused of being a male. (go look at al-hasani's posts) I was curious in trying to find out and gauge her/his reaction.


I haven't forgotten the first time we encountered, you tried hijacking the thread with troll posts.

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Oh my God do mine eyes deceive me ! Is the esteemed Sir @pshamim really online ? :D

Sir, I've never talked to you ! :ashamed:

But I've heard so much about you ! There isn't a single PAF related thread on PDF without your naming being mentioned in it so many times - Its an honor to finally say 'Assallam Alaikum' to you ! :)
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Why do you hate all Saudis :cray:?

Maybe because in this Ramzan just like dozens of Ramzan before- On the 29th ramzan "Qayam ul layl" "khatm al quran" night the "imam of kabaa" did not ask for Allahs help and blessings for the oppressed people in Kashmir and Rohingya in his supplication- while he did not forget to mention syria- libya and egypt- two times in one Dua-

Maybe them not being Arab has some thing to do with it- or he / you does not consider these poor oppressed south asians also struggling and dying in the hands of "kaffirs" as muslims or worthy of Dua or mention specially on one of the greatest blessed nights of the Muslims year-

Maybe isnt it?-
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Wow :woot: you took my flippings so far

He did made a supplication on that night, every Friday, like most Masjids in here.
Maybe because in this Ramzan just like dozens of Ramzan before- On the 29th ramzan "Qayam ul layl" "khatm al quran" night the "imam of kabaa" did not ask for Allahs help and blessings for the oppressed people in Kashmir and Rohingya in his supplication- while he did not forget to mention syria- libya and egypt- two times in one Dua-

Maybe them not being Arab has some thing to do with it- or he / you does not consider these poor oppressed south asians also struggling and dying in the hands of "kaffirs" as muslims or worthy of Dua or mention specially on one of the greatest blessed nights of the Muslims year-

Maybe isnt it?-
Open a biology textbook. Both males and females have mtdna and inherit it from their mothers. You don't know basic facts of world history like how Buddhism spread in asia or why Balinese are Hindu. Hinduism and Buddhism spread to southeast asia after Ashoka's time, not because of the Cro Magnons. I am unsure whether to take you seriously given the massive errors you keep making with genetics and history.

Sorry for this late reply, I was out for dinner. OK now I am back.

I may have made errors saying mtDNA is a passed from mother to her daughters only, but hey, it also traces the maternal line of descent!

This is what I actually wanted to emphasize but I just unintentionally made an error saying mtDNA is what only daughters receive from mothers.

Here is the biography of the author from whose book I am going to quote now, lest you could assume I am quoting some Tom Dick or Harry.

Biography & Contact

Now see what Madhusree says in her book: The Land of Naked People

Page 75


"The DNA found in mitochondria, tiny bodies within a cell, is transmitted by mother into her children (here I went wrong that I admit), it traces the maternal line of descent."

Actually I should have said W mtDNA traces the maternal line of descent among those Chinese.

But again... the story does not end here. Actually where I confused the mtDNA with Y DNA is there: as in the case of India Y DNA is stagnant while mtDNA has been diffused.

Page 75



note this in particular


Now, you may understand why I mistook the role of Y DNA as mtDNA in case of China. It was unintentional and I apologize to readers for making such confusion.

Also, you might now know this but iranigirl2 has been accused of being a male. (go look at al-hasani's posts) I was curious in trying to find out and gauge her/his reaction.


To be honest, I for the first time, came to know that we have member with the username Iranigirl in that thread only, now deleted.

Let me tell you about that situation. It is not that I only discuss on PDF but I also discuss (of course with different usernames) on other forums as well at a time. When in the morning, I was replying to you, I swear, I was only replying to you. Meanwhile, I was busy doing other stuff. So I never noticed where some Iranigirl doing what and only after you typed her name in your post, I noticed her or him whatever.

These days, I am not under heavy pressure, so I visit this forum and post. Usually I can't come here on a regular basis. Would you believe... I even don't know what Naswarville means and why this thread was started by whom? I even don't know what was posted in the previous page of this thread. Heck even a few days ago, I was unaware that there is a feature called notification. I only come directly to live posts feature and browse. I am still learning.

I haven't forgotten the first time we encountered, you tried hijacking the thread with troll posts.


Answered above.

Of course, I am not the Google or Wikipedia that I know everything. I spend time reading books on net. I learn from people and I try to share what I learn. That is it.
i say close this thread coz this has become a biology thread from a naswarville :undecided:
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