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Oh the money thing makes sooo much sense......
yes, campaign money fron NRA and interest groups is much more here than there..... dude, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I really really appreciate it!:)
last question though before I start on this...how come no one in canada objected to the restrictions when they clearly went against the charter rules...here we would have taken it to the supreme court, why did this not happen there?

Now what I will say here may offend you my dear chez mon ami, as you are americanne but I will still say it. We did not have a rebellion and traitor leading our countrie, the loyalist always remained uttermost obedient to the monarchy and resolved our issues through the Dominion of Canada status, which we achieved through diplomatic means. Americanne already had a gun culture as exhibited by the action of traitorous states that openly rebelled against the empire and thus the seeds of culture are there. Also do not mistake me to yank hater, I am simply pointing out that gun culture is not foreign but rather indigenous.

Now my turn to ask a question :) , Why did america completely rebel against the Empire, it still puzzles me when the empire was much more soft on the north americanne colonies compare to l'asie in contrast and yet they still remained loyal until 1946 I believe.
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