ZYXW, the question you have asked is a lengthy one to be precise and one thing that Canada in my opinion has done right as far as constitutional rights and freedoms are defined by charter of rights and freedom.(Hon Pm.Pierre trudeau administration passed the legislation to be precise). Automatic weapons are prohibited in the Canadienne federation as well restricted weapons are allowed to be purchased via a license plus a lengthy background check. The magazines that are purchased for the weapons are low capacity to make sure that civilians cannot own military grade weaponry and for public safety reasons. Before you criticize our laws as americanne usually do, i am already admitting in advance that we are socialist
and proud of it.
Also let me be clear, this applies to rest of Canada and to most extent Quebec though there might be differentiations slightly as we follow the Napoleonic civil code, which is somewhat different in certain aspects not all.
Hopefully that clarifies everything, your always welcome to switch allegiance
anytime and join our socialist union eh!