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Sorry @Hyperion but I seriously didnt think it would reach this level...I had been trying to reason with him now am on the vurgue of killing someone ...How dare some bozo thinks I am his property while using the word YOUNGER BRO?!

SOLVE WHAT? You threatening to kill yourself?

You telling me I am naive and @Hyperion has OTHER agendas BECAUSE your mind TELLS YOU THAT?!

Solve what? Me stop having fun because you want to have the upper hand?

look ok! Im sorry. Solve it with me on mail!
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It ALWAYS reaches EXACTLY that level. After he wrote his FIRST post, his mental status was obvious. This technique is called Emotional Entrapment. Welcome to Subcontinent Men 101: Women need to be tasked.....

Khair hai. @Aeronaut yara, do the needful.

Sorry @Hyperion but I seriously didnt think it would reach this level...I had been trying to reason with him now am on the vurgue of killing someone ...How dare some bozo thinks I am his property while using the word YOUNGER BRO?!
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@arp2041 seriously tu mujhay ghussa bhi nai honay day ga?! :rofl:

2 days worth of chat did nothing to solve anything!!!

pls aapi! Dont be angry. Ok ill listen. Kaan pukrun ab?
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It ALWAYS reaches EXACTLY that level. After he wrote his FIRST post, his mental status was obvious. This technique is called Emotional Entrapment. Welcome to Subcontinent Men 101: Women need to be tasked.....

Khair hai. @Aeronaut yara, do the needful yara.

Damn men of sub continent! Idiots ...no respect for women as a human being!
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@Talon aapi ok i will listen but dont be angry!
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It ALWAYS reaches EXACTLY that level. After he wrote his FIRST post, his mental status was obvious. This technique is called Emotional Entrapment. Welcome to Subcontinent Men 101: Women need to be tasked.....

Khair hai. @Aeronaut yara, do the needful yara.

Spot on! But be gentle yaara, one never know how serious a person may be. Sorry for the interruption, sorry again if its unwelcome.
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@Alpha1 angry? I am upset with myself to have trusted or wasted 2days of my life listening to your rubbish!

ill listen ok? Aapi well solve it on mail ok!
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