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Tab. Novidat 500 mg...... 12 hourly

Tab. Entamezole Ds........ 12 hourly

Add a sachet of ORS into a liter of a water and drink as much as you can... Plain water would do if you don't like ORS but ORS is recommended..

Continue the regime for three days...
im taking O.R.S but i think i should take medicine after my dad comes back in an hour
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no no haha in the real sense. There is a storm there? what's going on?? lolol im so lost haha (mostly cuz im tired) explain this to me general??

"What's going on", as in with me? I am doing what I always do- making good my escape and leaving another very angry person in my wake who will join the long list of people who want to gut me alive. Alas, it cannot be helped...I asked her clearly as to whether she had any religious, caste or racial bias and she had replied in the negative and then she had the temerity to badmouth a certain race in front of me. Practice what you preach is what I follow- you break the tenets I hold dear and I am out no matter what the decibel of the protestations.

The shi# storm I was referring to is in context of the above and not in allusion to a real storm.

Otherwise the weather here is windy and pleasant, my credit card is severely depleted, my father is still mourning Hugo Chavez and pouring through his work papers. And I am giddy at the prospect of the coming bike trip. And it is heartening to know that you run, I like people who can exert themselves and engage in the oldest sport of all- running. The Greeks weren't so aesthetically pleasing because of the Mediterranean sun, it was because they ran like the devil.

Whats your scene other than the fatigue and the impending classes?
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@Hyperion it seems Alpha ran into the manifestation of the very problem you have been lamenting. Btw you would probably even congratulate RAW, if indeed it was responsible for Zia Sir's timely departure, no?
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Well, yes I would, if it were true... :D

@Hyperion it seems Alpha ran into the manifestation of the very problem you have been lamenting. Btw you would probably even congratulate RAW, if indeed it was responsible for Zia Sir's timely departure, no?
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