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thats counter productive in my case.... Anyways @ZYXW r u having a ghost problem?

ice cream huh...what flavor LOL??

Nah...well sort of...ever since I got back after dorming, i have trouble sleeping in my room!
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OOps sorry @Mirzay ....uhmm...I meant that i would be staying in the room bc he is...uhm....oh yeah...teaching me arabic :D

The type of Arabic from the songs i posted you :P

No funny emperor...I can't sleep at night and your laughing !! :P

I do have a solution, get.... a bf!! because he will be more scarier to be with than a ghost :omghaha:
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ummmm.....chocolate fudge with caramel on the top......it can do wonders at Times you know

@ZYXW choclate and strawbery flav works for me.

Btw ayat-ul-kursi can help u!
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How are you baby brother? :cheers:

So you do have plans to steal me from @Mirzay :omghaha:

I don't steal things that already belong to me :D LOLOL just kidding haha!

btw the bf comment you made reminded me of this LOLOL...(not sure if the word is too much for pdf...but I apologize if it is)

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Ughh this makes me hungry....personally I LOVE COOKIES AND CREAM


It means you are fat,.....but thats fine because i can slim you up with my special techniques :devil:
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