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@mastaan : So were you able to solve the problematic accounts ?

Hey mate... Yes... It was a fudge up done by the F&A guy... The bloke's gone last Tuesday and his co-hort will go on Monday... Now the search is on to figure out if the top-dogs were also involved... But, i am glad that a non-accounting brain like mine could also understand a bit of those messy things, we call IAS & GAAP & IFRS :P
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The more I get to know you the more I wonder - How the heck did he end up in a creatively dud field like Accounting ! :blink:

I have one goal brother...I will do something for the people here..my father has spent a lifetime serving this nation in his own way..30 years of tireless work to educate the people of this nation, he has driven himself with single minded determination. Hasn't watched a movie in the last 15 years (and that's no hyperbole or exaggeration), frowns upon all luxuries. His karm is his dharm. I will match him, but I've come to realize that in this world you still need money. Without it one cannot act upon one's ambition and mine is daunting enough. Its a means to an end yaara, I excel at it and so I do it- with my eyes firmly set on what I must do in life.
Indeed 'why do we have to do something with our lives' ? :lol:

Isn't it all a mere illusion, an absolute make-belief notion that we, human beings, have created to get through life ! To attach a value to something that, in all logic, has not intrinsic value of its own. And why ? Because we don't 'like' the notion of knowing that 'our lives meant nothing' that there has to be a higher purpose to them; that our very existence was nothing more than a biological blip on the evolutionary scale of things....that the Universe doesn't give a frig about us ? That we are beyond insignificant and that to weave this absolute moronic fallacy even further we associate value to things in life that, logically speaking, have no value at all or that the very notion of 'values' is absurd when there is truly nothing more to life than the very grim truth that we live, we grow old & then we die !

@Dillinger @Hyperion

I finally understand your concerns... this is very very bad guys!! LOLOLOL

for you I will extend my trip to two weeks.....actually even two years won't be enough I am beginning to realize LOLOLOL
In all seriousness it you were here, dude you'd be like my best friend. I love intelligent people (doesn't mean i agree with you) :D
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